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Trying new styles


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So I’ve never been super into clothes or fashion but in the last year/year and a half I’ve gotten pretty interested and enjoy looking at outfits and clothes online. I’m interested in vintage/old style clothes, androgynous, cozy, Tom boy, and kawaii styles. I’m a bit all over the place but everything looks so cool! I’d like to add new stuff to my wardrobe and try new things, which I have a bit, but 2020 wasn’t the year to start haha. I don’t really go anywhere besides work and I can’t try things on in stores which isn’t always necessary but nice to do, especially with pants. I’ve started sewing some clothes as well. I’ve made two dresses so far and they’re not bad considering. 

Anyone else interested in clothes or changed their style before? 

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I used to be more interested in clothes, but my style and interest has toned down because life. My thing was (and still is a bit) boots. My favorite pair was a lace-up victorian-esque pair of boots, which I had to part with because they got so worn (from loving them so much ?). I also used to be a fan of blouses with fun sleeves and wearing over-the-top earrings. A thing that changed in my style is wearing more patterns, which I didn't do much before, although my style in general has become more business casual because of work, so not very exciting. 

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my big style changes were between skirts and pants. I think I spent a solid 5 years only wearing skirts and dresses, then I decided pants were the way, and wore pants (even during heatwaves) for about 3 years. People tended to have mini freak out when I made the switch, so now I am more like 'normal' females who decide between pants and skirts every day, so I guess I can say I am in a equal opportunity stage of style?

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Yeah, during quarantine my gender identity came to say hello, so I've been experimenting with different styles and buying stuff from thrift stores. 

I really like the way I look in jean shorts and a button up, but that's kind of a hard look to pull off in the winter when it's snowing outside, so if anyone can lmk if there's a cool way to show off my legs and still be warm?

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10 minutes ago, ScarfOfSexualPreference said:

I really like the way I look in jean shorts and a button up, but that's kind of a hard look to pull off in the winter when it's snowing outside,

Save it to revel in in summer! I'm pretty sure frostbite is a universally bad look. 

Sadly I live in a place that has more heatwaves than coldwaves, but I love the lapel-type jacket that comes mid-thigh over a pair of tights/skinny pants, and ankle height boots. I think almost everyone looks good this way. (the only way to look bad is to try it when the weather is too warm so that you top the outfit with red-sweaty-face)

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8 hours ago, Apathetic Echidna said:

I love the lapel-type jacket that comes mid-thigh over a pair of tights/skinny pants, and ankle height boots. I think almost everyone looks good this way. (the only way to look bad is to try it when the weather is too warm so that you top the outfit with red-sweaty-face)

Oooh I have a jacket that might look really cool with something like that... Thanks!

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