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Do allo people get squishes?


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I was just thinking. Do alloromantic people get squishes too? I don't see why some of them wouldn't. Have you ever heard of it?
Is it just cause we don't get crushes that we need a word to not confuse it with a romantic crush?

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I would say yes, but as far as I know there is only one easily found example. I forgot the link, or the name of the vlogger.....but on youtube the 'ABC of LGBT' Asexual/Aromantic 3 part info videos, the host, who doesn't identify as aromantic, found the word squish helpful in describing experiences. 

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@Apathetic Echidna ash hardell?


and i've seen a post somewhere by a woman who identifies as queer and polyamorous but not aro-spec--while she has mostly casual romantic/sexual relationships, she lives with her longtime qpp.  she did use that term, but not 'squish,' but you know, it was clear she experiences queerplatonic attraction.  

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24 minutes ago, aro_elise said:

ash hardell?

Did a bit of searching after you gave the name and yes. And I'm pretty sure the squish reveal is in part 2 of the trilogy of vids 

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This is anecdotal, but a couple of allo friends of mine, when they heard me use the term 'squish' and understood its definition, really liked the idea and said they have those feelings too. So some allos definitely do experience squishes. :) 

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