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    Any (most commonly she/her)
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    Behind you.
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  1. P4R4D0X

    teen corner

    Technically a day has passed. QOTD: If you could bring any fictional character or creature to life, what would it be? And why?
  2. Never had one TPBM has poked a dead animal before
  3. I haven't seen so many of my friends in so long... 4 in Italy, 5 in China, 7 scattered around the U.S., 13 (at least) who I don't know where they've gone, 3 who have graduated highschool and are attending college, 1 I've confirmed as dead, 4 I suspect of being dead. RIP Sophia.
  4. No, but how very random of you. TPBM knows of Dave & his crimes against aromanticity
  5. fine then. Banned by the authority of BEEZLEBUFO
  6. Happy birthday! 🥳 Your one year older- and closer to death.
  7. You turned someone into a puff of glitter.
  8. Welcome! If demiromantic doesn't fit, maybe consider recipromantic? (I feel like a salesperson lol) Recipromantic is when you only feel romantic attraction after knowing that the other person is attracted to you.
  9. tres mil setecientos setenta y nueve
  10. Dave. (If you know you know)
  12. I have a list of 13 people who's skulls I would like to bash in with a brick (I can't tell what that's a picture of so I'ma say it's a black hole) You spaghettified someone.
  13. P4R4D0X

    teen corner

    Same. What if it's not my choice that I can't eat breakfast? New QOTD! If there was one random item that you would like to have a collection of, what would it be? (Based off of my one teacher who collects ketchup)
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