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Everything posted by TrueEvergreen

  1. "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"
  2. Just wanted to know some pet peeves that people have relating to being aro. My main one is just the pure amount of people who ask if i'm dating someone, and I have to explain that i'm aro and what that means, it just happens way too often
  3. This was pretty much me for a long time after finding out I was aroace, and I only recently stopped obsessing over it as much
  4. Good for you for figuring it out!
  5. I am way too tired rn to do anything in school
  6. I'm running out of things to say in here
  7. Yeah maybe. Im usually more active during school cause this site is one of the few that isn't blocked
  8. TrueEvergreen


    Mines kinda scuffed bc the card generator is blocked by my school, but i just used a random wheel. green 9 6
  9. I'd have to say cats even though i have two dogs, it's pretty close though
  10. I dislike the argument as well, as the idea of being any sort of exclusion for not feeling a type of attraction seems kind of dumb in an aro community, where we experience the same thing in the outside world
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