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Everything posted by Whirl

  1. Haven't watched the movie, but we had to view this scene for a class and we were all laughing!
  2. I'm going to one of the biggest fandom/geek cons in my country (kind of like comic con) for the first time and I'm very excited!! One of my main goals is to find some aro stuff 👀, I'll keep y'all updated

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. queer_kaleidoscope


      Cool, hope you enjoy it! 

    3. Whirl


      Thanks!! Couldn't find any aro stuff, but I had a blast and got some really cool art and comics :D

    4. Whirl


      OMG I totally forgot but I actually got aro thing!! I got the Spanish version of Loveless by Alice Oseman. I read it in English early on when I was figuring myself out and it helped a lot, so I really wanted to have a physical copy. Hopefully it will also be a good resource to share with others :D

  3. omg that's genius! wish younger me would've thought of that 😂
  4. That just reminded me of a similar experience I had in elementary school. All the other kids kept insisting that me and my best friend were a couple. And I absolutely hated that. Once, I got so fed up with the teasing that I just made up a crush right on the spot. I shouted "I don't like x, I like y!" in front of the whole classroom. Right after I realized with horror that I'd just announced I had a crush in front of everyone. Crap, crap, crap
  5. I'd love to read your analisis!!! I love discussing art 🥰
  6. I'm glad you liked it! @Holmbo And yes I also love how they use lists in the story, it was one of the things that stayed in my mind long after I read it for the first time.
  7. Whirl

    teen corner

    Oh it's very silly!!! That's one of the reasons why I love it so much. And also the music is so fun too! A lot of banjo I'm totally down for a watch party, if anyone's interested. It's been too long since I've rewatched it! It's one of my comfort shows :)
  8. Thank you!! 💕 I think I'm going to do some research into libido vs attraction and desire. My brain has those all jumbled up together (probably cause of allonormativity). Anyone know any good resources to start?
  9. Whirl

    teen corner

    Wander over Yonder! It's an animated show by Craig McCraken, the same dude behind the powerpuff girls and fosters home for imaginary friends. Very good! I highly recommend it
  10. Whirl

    teen corner

    No but WOY is literally so good for stylized and fluid poses! And also gesture! And also just understanding shape language! Argh it's so good asdjjskkja Besides, realism is over rated!!
  11. There's this short story by aroace writer Merc Fenn Wolfmoor that I absolutely love and, as someone with a complicated relationship to their own humanity, relate to very much. The main character, Tesla is ace and also heavily implied to be aro! It's called How to Become a Robot in 12 Easy Steps and you can read it here: https://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/how-to-become-a-robot-in-12-easy-steps/ But!! Massive TW for discussion and depictions of depression and thoughts of self-harm and suicide. It left me pretty shaken and emotionally drained at some points, so, if you do read it, remember to practice self care!
  12. Sorry for not responding earlier, midterms have been kicking my butt these past few weeks. Thanks! Also, it's a really good song, been stuck in my head all week JAJAJA I've also got some specific bastards, but mainly celebs and fictional characters. With real, IRL people not so much. I often get told that I have low standards 😂 I like to say I find everyone attractive in their own way. But that was also the line of thinking I used to deny my aromanticism, so who knows! I wasn't aware there was controversy! Very interesting. I relate a lot to your definition of sexual attraction, but I also think I'd be perfectly happy with a completely sexless relationship/life. Don't know what that means for me jajaja Thanks y'all! You've given me lots to think about :D
  13. Hi! So, I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I enjoy doing sexual stuff with people (as long as there's no strings attached) and do enjoy and seek out sexually explicit stuff when I'm by myself. But, as I've come to realize, I almost never think about those things as motivated by attraction to a person, especially IRL. Sure, I have an image in my head of the type(s) of people I'm attracted to, but when it comes down to it I guess my type is "you've got a pulse and you're breathing". I mostly do it for the fun of it? If that makes sense. Idk if anyone can relate, but I wanted to learn more about how sexuality is experienced by both allosexual and sex-favourable ace folk to kind of help myself figure this out. How did y'all figure out your identities? How can you tell the difference between being sex-favourable and being allosexual? What is it like being sex-favourable? What is it like being allosexual? What does sexual attraction feel like to you? Was it harder to figure out you were ace cause of being sex-favourable? And if anyone just has any insights or stories they'd like to share I'd be more than happy to read them :D Any and all help is appreaciated!
  14. Derby provides an example of how women transport pariah femininity discourses to local settings, dramatically altering them in the process and using them as resources in service of gender maneuvering. The symbolic discourse of pariahs is appropriated and reconfigured into an “alternative” femininity that is not seen as contaminating but rather is honored in that setting
  15. I also love my friends very much. And I love love love when that love is reciprocated. Recently my bff introduced me to his new group of friends as his best friend and it was just the best feeling in the world. His b-day is this week and we're gonna go get ramen :)
  16. Hi!! That's a really cool flag! Is it okay to ask about the meaning?
  17. Whenever we'd play fuck, marry, kill (or kiss, marry, kill when we were younger) I'd always think about my answers very logically and seriously. I thought about income and temperament when choosing who to marry and about how much the person I'd kill would be missed or if the world would be any better with them gone. My friends, who just wanted to know who I had a crush on, were dissapointed, but in my mind I was winning the game.
  18. This is really looking into the future now, but I'd want my queer platonic partner to be someone who'd be willing to raise a family/co-parent with me! I really want to have kids someday, but I'm willing to settle for a couple of cats 😅
  19. Pretending you have a partner 'cause people think being single = wanting a relationship. Happened to me today :(
  20. Whirl

    teen corner

    I love love love woy, so it always makes me very happy to see your profile pic! Wander and Commander Peepers are some of the few characters I can draw from memory :)
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