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Everything posted by Whirl

  1. We can have joint custody, but I get the merch on weekends lol! (also I've got no clue where to put the frog sticker 😭 any suggestions?)
  2. Hi!! I just wanted to show y'all some of the aro pride stuff I've been collecting over the past months and also talk a bit about how I got each piece. I'm actually shocked I've found ANY aro stuff in my country, but I'm very happy about that I did! So the first thing is the pride flag on the bottom right, I got it from a stand run by my uni's independent LGBTQ+ group. When I chose it out of a bunch of pride flags they were offering (for free!), I realized it was actually my first time admitting to myself that I was aromantic. Then comes the pin. There was a fair for women enterprenours happening in Bogota and one of the stands was this like feminist queer one and it had this pin in its collection! It was the only aro one and it was kind of banged up (you can't really tell in the pic, but its a bit scratched and smudged), but I bought it anyway cause I was like "When am I going to get this chance again?". And this time I was with my brother and a friend of mine, so I kind of also came out to them! Another first! And finally, the frog sticker!!! I got this one on sunday at an independent artist fair in Bogota's planetarium (along with some other stickers, pins, indie comics and zines). I was actually wearing my pin on my backpack (first time wearing the pin in public) and the person running the stand looked at me... then my pin... then at the sticker... then back at me. I think we both knew I was going to buy it lol So, yeah, that's all! Do you guys have any pride stuff? Is it related to important moments in your journey, like mine? And, did y'all like the frog sticker? Cause I felt this was the ideal demographic for it jajaja
  3. Hi! So nice to meet you!!! I also like martial arts. I used to practice taekwondo (planning on picking it back up soon)! And I also like reading, writting and drawing, even though I don't do them as much as I'd like lol I'm not spanish, but I'm hispanic. So if you ever want to talk in spanish with someone hmu!
  4. Riz Gukgak (from the d&d actual play show Dimension 20: Fantasy High) is cannonically asexual + heavily hinted to be aromantic, too! His character arc is very relateable to me and I just love his character so much! This video is like really long, but I think it does a great job compiling a lot of his aro and ace moments! Also, watch out for spoilers for s1 and s2 of Fantasy High I've been lowkey thinking about making a post just about aro & ace rep in Dimension 20 'cause there is a pleasantly surprising amount of cannon (+ heavily hinted at) aro and ace spectrum representation!
  5. Whirl

    teen corner

    Thank you both!! These are my two new favorite ways of saying happy bithday jajaja
  6. Whirl

    teen corner

    My birthday is next week! I'm thinking of inviting some friends to play paintball! Also I'm turning 20 and am terrified lol I'll miss being a teen (ToT)
  7. Well, I celebrated halloween a little bit early this year (went out partying yesterday lol). So I think I'm just going to stay home and give out candy to trick or treaters (and eat a lot of candy jajaja)! Also, I've got a LOT of work to catch up on 💀
  8. Whirl

    teen corner

    Happy ace week! And happy Halloween! I'm dressing up as an angel, cause it was the cheapest and easiest thing I could come up with in a week jajaja Also, wings 😍
  9. I definitely relate more to the 'we getting fucked up tonight' part lol
  10. Whirl

    Pokemon Go!

    So I've been getting really into pokemon go again right now jajaja And I wanted to know if anyone else played. I want to have more friends in game and maybe exchange some pokemon 👀
  11. Oh don't worry about it jajaja There's no due date! Hope your schedule clears up soon :)
  12. omg I remember that movie! For some reason our music teacher would play it to us in class (instead of, y'know, teaching music). And I agree, it's pretty good. The music is really nice True!! I want to have that flea's style jajaja
  13. I don't know if I have asd, but this bit also hit very, very hard. Wolfmoor, the author, does have asd tho! I think that's part of what makes their works so powerful
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