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Everything posted by Whirl

  1. My go-to, especially when I know I'm not gonna see this person much outside of a specific context, is just to tell them that I already have a boyfriend/partner back in my hometown (or just wherever I'm at, depends on who's bothering me). People tend to back off after that, but idk if it works in your case cuz it's a lot of people. Good luck! Hope this shity situation gets better :( And, as others are saying, please tell a teacher, if you can/want. They can help intervene, mediate and defend you in a situation like this where it's several students practically ganging up on you, pressuring you into something and making you feel uncomfortable.
  2. In my case, when I first come out reactions are positive, if confused. It's later that's the problem. I've had a couple of people show through their words and actions that they either forgot my identity (even though we've talked about it multiple times) or don't believe me. They'll say stuff like "Everyone has somebody" and ship me with people. My favorite one though was when I came out to a friend and then he came out to me as demisexual, which was very nice.
  3. True!! TPBM knows how to play an instrument
  4. I'm not sure. I think I was born with it, but environmental factors definitely played a role in me realizing that I was aro. Maybe if I lead a different life I never would've known I was aromantic. I'm glad I know I'm aro, cause it made me stop trying to conform to allocentric standards of life, which caused me a lot of pain and made me uncomfortable in my own skin.
  5. Riz Gukgak, Liam Wilhelmina and Prince Andhera from dimension 20 are all canonically ace! Andhera is also canonically on the aro spectrum and riz is heavily implied to be aro as well :)
  6. Cousin (My cousin's nickname is Pipe, pronounced Pee-peh. It's a common nickname for Felipes here!)
  7. I don't think everyone feels happy and fullfiled all the time, not even allo people with their romantic partners! Some days are better than others and I also feel lonely a lot of the time. I've found that what works for me best is actually chasing that feeling of platonic love or of wholeness. And that for me means reaching out and making extra time for my friends or spending some time with my hobbies and interests (so watching series, drawing, devoting time to a special interest, stuff like that). Also, learning to spend time with myself and being kind to myself (something I'm still working on) has helped a lot. It's a journey! And as much as I want it to be a straight line, going from plotline to plotline... life is much much messier than that. And it's part of what makes it worth living!
  8. I'm starting a degree in digital animation on monday! I'm very excited!!

    1. A User

      A User


      I wanna do that some day!

    2. Whirl


      I hope you get to! I feel really lucky to have such an opportunity!

    3. queer_kaleidoscope


      Congrats!! I hope it goes well :)

  9. It definitely does! This forum has been really helpful in my journey. It's really nice to be in a space where you and your struugles are understood, cause in the rest of the amatonormativite world we're not taken seriously, I think. Like, people have been supportive of me when I've come out, but later comments tell me that some of them think my identity is just a phase. And sometimes it can be pretty isolating, when all everyone does is talk about romance and treat it as it was a. the best thing ever and b.innevitable.
  10. Hey! Welcome! Also omg I relate so much to all of the things you said. Especially this bit. I've been told to give a relationship a chance (and tried to, with dating apps and stuff), but the result is always the same. I feel uncomfortable and like I'm manipulating people. The second that like any romantic (or sexual most of the time tbh) attraction is shown towards me I also feel so violated and almost shut down. Y'know? And also if someone else tells me that I'll meet the right person some day I'm gonna loose it. Dude, I think I know myself better than you.
  11. Aroace kitty!! So cute! I always love seeing your art 💕I have a collage piece art up on my wall with like posters, photos and tickets for events and stuff, but I'm living in a rental rn and I'd hate to part with the sticker if I move soon jajja It feels like finding a shiny pokemon tbh! Also, I think I prefer buying them in these spaces, cause it feels like I'm supporting local artists and my local community I think that's what I'm leaning more towards. I have this notebook I use for doodling and I think it'll look very nice on the cover!
  12. Is it still a squish if you're already friends with that person? If so then I've got a squish on my bff. I love spending time with him and will drop everything to hang out with him. Like, some weeks ago I was very, very sick. Like 40 C fever sick. But I didn't know it yet, so I was just trying to survive my lectures, feeling like a zombie. And I asked him to go get some icecream with me. And like the second we met up I felt so much better. Not only like happier, but actually physically better! Anyway I love him a lot and am very lucky to have him :) As for squishes that I don't know well yet, I pretty much get a squish on all the cool queer and alt people in my uni.
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