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Everything posted by Whirl

  1. That's true! For now I'm taking it slow and coming out to a couple of close friends at the time. It's so silly, but I'm scared that by coming out I'll be "missing out" on ever having a romantic relationship, even though I don't even want one in the first place. The good thing is that there's no rush
  2. I wanted to share something that happened to me yesterday and makes me really happy to think about. I don't know if y'all remember several months ago that there was this guy that asked me out & thought I was flirting with him cause of this emoji ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Well, he's back. And this time he asked another friend of mine out while making her very uncomfortable. With such great pick-up lines like "I used to think you were pretty" and "I thought you were a lesbian, you dress like one". Then for some reason he low-key started talking shit about me? Just a bunch of weird comments trying to put me down because I study a lot? And don't date? My friend defended me and I just love her so much for it. She literally told him "Whirl is a bichota (popular latam term for an empowered woman, like boss bitch) that's focusing on her studies and her career. She doesn't need anybody and certainly doesn't need you." I'm not out to her yet, but when she told me about the situation I just felt so supported and loved as I am. There's nothing to fix, I'm great this way! Yes, I am a bichota ๐Ÿ˜Œ Has this happened to anyone else? Is this a sign that I should come out to her/the rest of my friends?
  3. Whirl

    teen corner

    Glad to see we're doing good! I'm working on some uni stuff. Plus I'm reporting on an important international tennis game this weekend and know nothing about tennis so im low key freaking out, but also very excited that I get this oportunity. And if we're talking about teachers, shout out to my second semester teacher that loved shooting the shit with us and talking about her cats and dog.
  4. Whirl

    teen corner

    I'm only a teen for two more months but how do you do, fellow kids?
  5. "is it really a folk tradition if its not horny as hell"
  6. Well, I don't know if I have a proper "type", but confidence is very attractive to me.
  7. Hola Alice! Que bien que haya mรกs gente hispanoablante en arocalypse!!! Cuando quieras hablar espaรฑol con alguien aqui estoy. I also love d&d! Maybe we should all play one of these days :)
  8. Type: Nonhuman (yesss) Representation: Appearance headcannon fodder Tarot: Cups (the description was very accurate ๐Ÿ˜Œ) Flag: Aromantic!
  9. Like a lot of things related to romance, in theory I love it but when it actually happens I feel repulsed and terrified. But after the negative feelings have passed I do feel a lot more confident. Exactly, to have someone think highly of you is great! I just wished it was more normalized in a platonic way :/ A lot of my "crushes" were just people I deeply respected and admired, but back then I didn't even know that you could feel those things without romantic attraction, so I mislabeled my feelings.

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    2. Whirl


      Thanks y'all! I had a great time! One of the best days of my life :D

  11. I have some characters of my own (I don't have any art of them, but I have to say that I love y'all's art!) A couple are aspec and, oddly, only one is arospec, but he's one of my favorites hehehe
  12. Mine is from a comic! (The Transformers Holiday Special) The character's name is Whirl, which is also where I got my username :D He's very aromantic coded and I love him and his character arc so, so much! Also I just love his design and his cute eye-smile
  13. So a guy texted me after class one day something along the lines of "I liked what you said in the debate today. You looked very cute." And I was figuring out a way of expressing that I didn't want to be called cute without sounding like an asshole. So I went with something that I thought was casual and funny "Thanks, but I really just want to inspire fear in the hearts of my enemies ๐Ÿ˜ˆ " The guy kept complimenting me and eventually asked me out. I declined. I had no clue where he'd gotten the idea that I was interested in any way. I talked about it with my friends. And they said that it was because I'd used this ๐Ÿ˜ˆ emoji. Apparently using the smiling devil emoji means you're flirting?! Like what?? I knew that some emojis had double meanings like that but this one seemed so weird, because I loved using that emoji. I was just left wondering how many other people thought I was flirting because of that emoji. I just wanted to be funny and text in peace ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  14. Exactly! Me and my bff call each other increasingly corny pet names all the time because we both know we're not into each other like that. And it's much more fun to call someone the love of my life than it is to call them by their name
  15. There was a book fair in my city today so I bought some books! Good Omens (that I've been meaning to read for years), a book on writing, and an indie new weird anthology of (mostly) colombian authors.
  16. I came out as arospec for the first time to two of my closest friends today and it went well! It was very casual, they asked me about whether I had any crushes atm and I seized the opportunity to tell them. They were very supportive :D But I don't have any plans of coming out to anyone else soon. And I think that's fine. There's no rush or need to come out. Plus, it's none of their business, y'know? Maybe if there's an opportunity were it feels right to come out I will, but rn I'm good like this!
  17. I've always loved the idea of love, but it just- never really happened for me? I've never really had a crush or felt that romantic love that everyone talked about and when I was young no one actually had feelings for me or anything. So I didn't really question my feelings or relationship to love? I was just like "It'll happen eventually! I just need to find the right person :D" I actually thought I was bi/panro for the longest time, cause the difference between everything and nothing is pretty hard to tell when you've never felt anything. That all changed when people actually started being romantically interested in me. I had waited for so long for this to happen and when it finally did I wasn't excited. I didn't feel anything. In fact, whenever someone showed romantic interest in me I just recoiled away? And it kind of peaked with my first kiss. A kiss that I initiated because... well, I thought I had to. She had shown interest in me and I thought I had to be interested back. I convinced myself that I had to want it, because who didn't want love right? (I was, and kind of am, struggling a lot with amatonormativity). Let's just say it wasn't a very enjoyable experience. I later told my friends about the whole ordeal and concluded with the idea that "I was so carried away with the thought that someone loved me, that I never thought about whether I loved them back" And that was the first time that I questioned if I was aromantic!
  18. Hi! Thank you so much for welcoming me :) And I'd love to be friends!!
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