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Untamed Heart

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Everything posted by Untamed Heart

  1. I think it was middle school, but I remember saying out loud to nobody in particular (that I remember) that I was never going to have another boyfriend. Another girl said, "don't worry, you'll find someone!" thanks, but that's not actually what I meant. Also, around the same time in general, pushing boys away without even realising when they tried to randomly kiss or hug me, cos I never asked for any of it.
  2. I agree - I used to believe it was possible, but now I've learned more, I think people who claim that were initially very attracted and they both just happened to also be compatible enough to make love(?) possible. As for stuff that repulses me, noisy kissing I guess? I don't actually go out enough to encounter much romantic behaviour, or when I am out I'm mostly in my own personal bubble anyway.
  3. I think I'd like a T shirt with a Koi carp on it, for... akoiromancy *bdum-tish* it can have all the lith flag colours, too, since Koi carps are usually pretty colourful anyway. But it probably would be a bit too obscure for others to recognise, unless the design had very obvious elements worked in. I think it would look nice on a lot of different coloured shirts (black, purple etc)
  4. I'm only out to about 4 people - my ex, two friends and my sister in law. My best friend accepted it, but don't think she really gets it. I kind of want to tell my mum, but I probably won't. She does know about a few of my boyfriends, including my ex, but when I was with him and I tried to discuss my 'off' feelings with her she said the stuff I'd been looking at online was making me think I didn't like him, or that my best friend (who is friends with both of us and she knew that) was trying to influence me. When really, the stuff I'd been looking at was actually me trying to find out why I felt so bad being with him. Finding out I was lith wouldn't have helped us anyway, but the stuff I was finding was giving me false hope that it would work out. I do love my mum but she would totally get the wrong idea. "Why did you get/stay with him?" "You can't dislike romance, you've had boyfriends!" (I could be wrong about her reaction, but I don't think she would understand).
  5. (unrelated - love that show!) Price reduction
  6. Spongebob Squarepants - A mad sponge who has no sense of personal boundaries or impending doom, forces his friendship onto everyone, works for a slave driver crab, but doesn't seem to care. The most relatable character is bitter and depressed.
  7. Nooo, I love animals more than people A million dollars, but you have to spend each week for the next year living in a different post-apocalyptic novel's world.
  8. I'll pass. It's annoying enough now when I sneeze (like, everyone asks if you have a cold or hayfever every time. No!) A million dollars, but you must dress and speak like a pirate for the next year.
  9. Your art block goes away, but you're left not being able to keep up with all your great new ideas and you end up forgetting a few you really wanted to do when you came up with them (speaking from experience). I wish you could tell quiet, but insistent inner voices to go suck a lemon (specifically, the voice that tries to say "you wouldn't mind having another go at dating...").
  10. I kept putting my discomfort with being in relationships down to a few different things - lack of experience, wrong guy, Asperger's, etc. I'm fine with unrequited infatuations or crushes, even if I feel I really want to be with the other person (I have tried to make it happen a few times), but when I have got with someone it's always felt the same. Crippling anxiety, depression, panic attacks, berating myself for feeling so awful and confused about being with such a nice person (well, this most recent relationship at least). For some reason I just thought this was "normal for some" as people didn't think it was odd for me to feel this way, but I think they misunderstood me entirely. Yes, romance and crush feelings fade, but shouldn't that be gradual as you adjust over months or years, rather than being on some roller coaster and the brakes get slammed on after the first hill?
  11. I feel the same way about most celebs I like in general (but I also happen to quite like HIM), especially Johnny Depp. Also sorry this quote thing got somewhat messed up. DX
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