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Everything posted by SkyTuneRein

  1. Fine, enjoy your victory while it lasts. 🍰
  2. I generally feel similar to when I'm insulted and thus tend to ignore them, but undue pet-names in formal situations can be even more cringe. Otherwise the general rule is: If we ain't even close, don't pet-name me, otherwise I may use thou as something to sharpen my claws on. 😾 I think it's more due to those around me being Chuck-awful at it, as opposed to my tolerance.
  3. Death Note? πŸ‘±β€β™€οΈπŸ”₯πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘¦πŸ‘¦πŸš—πŸ”πŸ‘¨βš”πŸ’€πŸ‘»πŸ§›β€β™‚οΈπŸΊ
  4. I haven't won since last year!
  5. I'm offended you didn't share your findings...
  6. Story of my life, being left behind. I think that others think others, like themselves, will find their dedicated partners and all and even be happy, not least if they think it'll be as easy as it was for them. Yet for many of us aromantics and even demiromantics, this is much less the case as so many of our what-were-for-life-friends become almost unavailable as they sail off with their spouses. Or is the pluralistic spice? I dunno...the alc is messing with my cognition. I hope that makes sense.
  7. Very, very wrong, I read that, at first.
  8. Sure thing. If you can cross out romantic and sexual desires or inclinations then I would call it a squish, no matter how strong. Be careful though, as I had strong squishes ruining friendships after I mistakenly lead others into thinking I was really open to a romantic partnership...and this is coming from somebody who tends not to care much, if at all, about "people things" or how people feel about me.
  9. Excellent, I can finally test my spam filter... The next person wins a politician, specifically a minister of the UK government. 😾
  10. Pan (My deadpan humour got me in trouble online before. Jokes on them though, I didn't care to stick around anyway. Their sense of humour was dead and you could say my jokes were...panned.) ( β€’_β€’)>βŒβ– -β–  (βŒβ– _β– )
  11. Green (Light), as is matches Urahara's so much. 😺
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