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Everything posted by DannyFenton123

  1. Well I'm going to bed now, so that entirely hinges on the rest of the Arocracy Stahp.
  2. I feel really guilty I haven't been as active. I've been helping somebody move, then I've started working at my dad's company for the past two days and it's exhausting! :(

    1. brsajo


      No need to feel guilty! Ya gotta do whatcha gotta do!

    2. paporomantic


      NP, the real life is always a priority, especially when you help people! :)


      Also, I've just noticed XJ-9 on your cover photo! She's my favorite fembot, I'd love to own her IRL :arolove: 

      And she has my favorite Anglo-Saxon female name - Jenny :arolove:

    3. DeMorgan


      Trust me, you've been far more active than I have. I've just been lurking.

  3. I when I realised we didn't have these emotes. I reallythe new ones and I want to everyone involved. Also... Insert here.
  4. Tried to show my oldest sister Town of Salem today. She got the Jester, playing on a server with people who don't know how to do their roles and keep throwing slurs around. And then they died really early on.


    1. Dodgypotato


      Eugh, I hate it when you try to introduce ToS to someone and everyone is being shitty or your luck is just all of a sudden 0. xD

    2. RedNeko


      I feel fortunate that when I was introducing people to the game people still knew how to play

    3. DannyFenton123


      Yeah, there isn't really a lot you can do when people are being jerks. And the Jester is fun, but really not a great first choice xD

  5. I'm so tired. I spent the better part if the last two days looking after a 3-year old and it's only made me ever more certain I will NEVER be a parent xD

  6. Just got into Town of Salem ranked :D 

    1. owl


      Yay! I played my first few ranked games last night, didn't do so good though haha :P 

    2. DannyFenton123


      Won 1 and lost 2 so far xD we should go in a group again sometime

    3. Spud


      I sent you a friend request. My name is SEDML :)

  7. That point when you research nitroglycerin but it doesn't work in your current story :(

    1. Spud


      It's so cool that you're writing a story. *is very interested*

  8. Schooooool's out for Summer! This means I get to play Town of Salem way more than should be allowed xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DannyFenton123
    3. peridotty


      freedom friends!!! todays my last day :D

    4. Spud


      I have school for another month lol

  9. Today I got a message from another forum, requesting I change my username. Reason? 'DannyFenton123 is not allowed as it breaks the forum rules of no full names'


    I am now Danny Fenton xD

    1. Bee


      Yaaassss! I knew it.

  10. *Assignment to find songs that describe Romeo from Romeo and Juliet* *Scratches head* *Looks up romantic songs* I am not ready for this madness.
  11. I think I had a fair few early aro signs, but I remember when I was a young kid and my sisters were talking about how I'd be kissing people (no idea what context this , is in) and I said 'No, I'll only kiss my Mum!' I had no idea why everyone was laughing so much
  12. What I love about Arizona: after the sun goes down, it's the perfect temperature to sit outside and write :)

    1. DeMorgan


      Any fun writing to share?

    2. DannyFenton123


      It's all on my fanfiction page :) 

    3. DeMorgan


      Ah, okay. Thanks!

  13. Just about to watch another new Steven Universe episode! :D

  14. Fun - Carry On is another one that means a lot to me. To me it's about moving on and accepting the past
  15. Listening to it, I can definitely see where you're coming from. Melody is awesome but not so much the lyrics Somebody That I Used to Know is another one with a cool melody. The lyrics aren't bad (what would I know about a bad love song) but they're completely unrelatable to me
  16. Yeah, Evie is an awful robot. She absorbs everything everyone's been saying to her.
  17. What am I doing today? Not much, just messing with extremely arophobic robots.
  18. Ever had a song that sounded really good, but once you heard the actual lyrics you felt you couldn't really relate to it anymore? I'm not saying that this happens to all aro/ace people, but at least to me as soon as there's a lot of romantic or sexual stuff I really can't enjoy a song anymore. It's not even that there's something wrong with the song Here's one I really like if not for the lyrics: I really like screaming 'Tonight, we are young' and 'So let's set the world on fire' and the cool drum beat, but it was considerably less appealing after I heard it was about some complicated breaking up (?) romantic stuff
  19. I have many talents; opening a really badly shaken coke bottle so it doesn't spray all over me is not among them -_-

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