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Relate? Most definitely. I don't know if I actually have it though, at least, not to the point where it's a serious thing that's really affecting my life. But, yes, I can definitely relate to the list of symptoms that Google gives me.

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It's hard to distinguish it from AS'D' (specifically, Asperger's) as they're mutually exclusive by current definition. I fully fit into the lists of symptoms of both conditions.


I thought I was schizoid before I learned what Asperger's is. Then I started identifying with the latter, especially because it's less stigmatic. Now I might go back in my assessment if I'm found not to be on the autistic spectrum, but it will be hard to do as it would imply that I'm guilty for not letting the oppressive local psychiatric system medicate me, whereas I prefer to think that my personality is consistent and not dangerous. Autistic spectrum is officially incurable and I'll be comfortable if I'm let alone (i.e. everyone gets their hands off me - I don't want drugs to render me non compos mentis at any time).


However, I've been displaying more and more schizoid traits (isolating myself more and more) since the mid-20s.


I've taken a few body language tests today frantically, e.g. this famous one (23/36* excl. the practice that I got right; I gave in to a bit of paranoia, though - wouldn't have scored that low if I didn't suspect a high frequency of hostile faces), this (7/8 in Faces), this (85%). So maybe I'm not that impaired in terms of nonverbal cue reading. I have 'intense hobbies' and interest in structures typical of Asperger's though.


* The end page of this shortened copy of the test (lacking the self-assessment part) tells that the average score is 26.2, while aspies/HFAs score 21.9 on average.



My excessive secretiveness may be regarded as a SPD symptom, but I really have to hide what exactly I'm doing nowadays because it's somewhat stigmatized in my RL environment. I was less secretive when I was going to pursue a math research career.

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I hadn't heard about that before, but a lot of that does sound like me. I am fairly confidant I have Asperger's instead of SPD (or maybe as well as if you use a definition allowing for both), since I have some distinctly Aspie attributes like stimming habits, sensory filtration issues and a weird voice. Some of the things in descriptions of SPD really resonate with me though, particularly the parts about being very isolated and not minding that aside from the practical downsides of not having connections.

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On 6/30/2016 at 5:54 PM, The singleton said:

Moved to off topic? A personality type that doesn't seek to make romantic or sexual connections with others is off topic?


Mod Note: This thread was moved to Off-Topic as it appeared to be a general discussion of Schizoid PD (similar to the Aros with disabilities thread) rather than a discussion explicitly centered around aromanticism.  

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Someone could put "schizoid" in the thread title please ? When I clicked on the title, I believed that the thread was talking about sensory processing disorders as they're abbreviated SPD too.

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