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Helloo fellow aros! :))


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Hello fellow aros!! :))

My name is Sofia and im a acearo person from Sweden. For a long time I have struggled with my own self identity, both when it comes too gender and sexuality, and it was only quite recently that I found comfort in labeling myself ace and aro. The reason it took so long to figure it out was because I actually do feel sensual attractions towards people, pretty intense also when it happens, and I had a hard time decipher if what I was feeling was romantic attraction or u now, sensual. Maybe a lot of u can relate to not really understanding what romantic attractions is and feels like lmao. Currently in the closet which is not really fun and I wish had the courage to come out to my friends and family... Anywho I hope to make some friends because right now I know 0 other ace or aro people and it doesnt help that sweden is a small country lol. 

Heavily into drag and doing creative stuff like drawing, makeup and photography. I also like videogames :^))



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5 hours ago, Holmbo said:

I'm also Sofia from Sweden!

Seriöst heter du oxå Sofia o är aro?? fan vilket sammanträffade isåfall haha. Men asså roligt ändå att veta att det finns andra i landet som ja :')

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On 7/12/2021 at 8:20 PM, Sofia said:

Seriöst heter du oxå Sofia o är aro?? fan vilket sammanträffade isåfall haha. Men asså roligt ändå att veta att det finns andra i landet som ja :')

We can make a Swedish Sofia Aro club ?

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