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Aromanticism + A/sexual Identity - How does everyone here identify?


Aromanticism + A/sexual Identity - How does everyone here identify?  

66 members have voted

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I didn't see any other polls like this (at least in the last couple months I looked at), so I'm curious - how does everyone here on arocalypse identify? 

It's nearly impossible to find formal research on the demographics of various aro communities, or even informal community forum polls like this, so I'm curious to see how common various labels are here. (I'd also be curious how it compares to the demographics of other aro spaces at some point, but that's another project for another time).

Also, I'm sure I forgot some labels, so if there's something not listed in the poll feel free to comment below! This is a very informal half-assed poll but it's a question that definitely deserves more thorough research in the future, and commentary now could help lead design in the future.


[Edit: also, I apparently can't edit the poll, so let's just pretend I spelled quoiromantic correctly]

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Hmm I would've wanted to add more options for things...on one hand, stuff like non-SAM aro and also like....aplatonic-spectrum or nonamorous or partnering or oriented/angled aroace, etc.  But yeah, polls are good! Would be nice to find out more regarding demographics and stuff.  It would be nice to do a "census" at some point, but that requires....time, energy, and organization.

I have a discord server for aro survey stuff.....which isn't particularly active, but it does generally have people who have interest in doing aro surveys and stuff.  I don't want to post link publicly per ce, but if you're interested in joining you can PM me and I can invite you. (this is general/plural "you" btw).

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11 hours ago, Magni said:

Hmm I would've wanted to add more options for things...on one hand, stuff like non-SAM aro


For any aros without a sexual orientation reading this -- I think "Something not listed here" could work in the meantime, but also, are there suggestions of what people would like? Maybe an option like "none" or "I don't have a sexual orientation"? Those parallel what I would say for romantic orientation when quoiro isn't given as an option.


11 hours ago, Magni said:

It would be nice to do a "census" at some point, but that requires....time, energy, and organization.


True that. For anyone else who's thought about it -- I also would recommend contacting the Ace Census team for guidance in getting the ball rolling. As their guide to the data [pdf] indicates, they've had a lot little of hiccups over the years in survey design that I think an aro census team could learn from.

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  • 1 month later...

Interesting poll! I always thought it was sad that there is no way to know how many aro are ou are not ace, as we know that 20% of aces are aros. Even if this is not official it can give an idea.

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On 4/27/2019 at 1:21 AM, Magni said:

Hmm I would've wanted to add more options for things...on one hand, stuff like non-SAM aro and also like....aplatonic-spectrum or nonamorous or partnering or oriented/angled aroace, etc.  But yeah, polls are good! Would be nice to find out more regarding demographics and stuff.  It would be nice to do a "census" at some point, but that requires....time, energy, and organization.

I have a discord server for aro survey stuff.....which isn't particularly active, but it does generally have people who have interest in doing aro surveys and stuff.  I don't want to post link publicly per ce, but if you're interested in joining you can PM me and I can invite you. (this is general/plural "you" btw).


Yeah, I think the options need to be more thought out for future polls (I just winged this one based on responses from the ace census), but there is no foundational research to work from so...hopefully this thread can help whoever makes the next, not so half-assed, survey!


Also, I would be interested in joining the discord server! - I'll probably send you a PM later today. I don't know if I'll be able to contribute to actually getting anything going (I just recently stepped down from the ace survey team because I have way too many projects and I am really really not supposed to be picking up more right now...even if I want to...) but I'm happy to give advice or just chatter and do some casual brainstorming.


On 4/27/2019 at 12:50 PM, Coyote said:

For anyone else who's thought about it -- I also would recommend contacting the Ace Census team for guidance in getting the ball rolling. As their guide to the data [pdf] indicates, they've had a lot little of hiccups over the years in survey design that I think an aro census team could learn from.

I'm mostly a former member of the team now, but I'm happy to share advice from the sections I worked on :). In addition, on a more practical matter, the ace census has at least a little data on aro labels and how frequently they are used (at least in our target userbase) which could be useful as background info when building any aro specific surveys. 

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