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Hi guysies :D


In a recent welcome topic by @Treehugger it was mentioned that allot of us seem to be hippes/yogies/nature-lovers and we should start a thread all about it :)


Let us know what you do to lower your negative footprint, connect with nature, and generally hippie it up! :arolove:

  • I wear barefoot shoes (xero shoes) most of the time so I can feel the earth
  • I travel light so as to save the petrol/engine fuel it takes to transport extra weight
  • I eat veggy/vegan to reduce my carbon emmissions (and for the animals)
  • I eat mostly whole foods so to eliminate the production/packaging process
  • I only use natural products, e.g plant based washing liquid/dish soap/soap
  • I shave my head so save water that I would have to use to wash my hair (among other reasons)
  • I sleep without a pillow and when staying places, often on the floor (more natural for your body/spine)
  • I hug trees

Eyyyy wazzup


I started birdwatching when I was seven, and now have a life list of almost 300 species, mostly from Southeast USA and California.


I've been vegetarian since senior year of high school.


I volunteered as an interpreter at the Los Angeles Zoo for three years in high school. I was a reptile guy, mostly talking about the Malayan gharials (Tomistoma schlegelii). I have short lectures prepared for just about any animal in your average zoo. 


I now volunteer at the tide pool exhibit for the Birch Aquarium in San Diego. Here I talk about coastal marine ecology, and encourage visitors to touch our sea cucumbers, urchins, and anemones (among other things).


I'm studying to get a bachelor's degree in ecology and evolutionary biology, and my goal is to teach it professionally. I'm also getting a single-subject teaching credential in biology.


Sir David Attenborough is my king, even if he doesn't know me.



If anyone is thinking about going to a zoo, aquarium, or park in California, hit me up. Even If I can't come along, I can at least make some recommendations.


I never ever kill bugs on purpose, and I feel really bad if I hurt one by accident. I even feel bad hitting mosquitos. :rofl: 

I go to great lengths to rescue bugs drowing in pools of water and putting them someplace they'll dry out safely.


People think I'm weird for this, but I have 2 other friends who also do similar stuff.


If this is something we tend to have in common... hey it's no wonder I like this place. :arolove:I love kind & gentle people.


I tried being vegetarian once... lasted about a week. I like meat too much. Please don't hurt me... :/:rofl:

14 hours ago, James said:

I started birdwatching when I was seven, and now have a life list of almost 300 species, mostly from Southeast USA and California.


I've been vegetarian since senior year of high school.


I volunteered as an interpreter at the Los Angeles Zoo for three years in high school. I was a reptile guy, mostly talking about the Malayan gharials (Tomistoma schlegelii). I have short lectures prepared for just about any animal in your average zoo. 


I now volunteer at the tide pool exhibit for the Birch Aquarium in San Diego. Here I talk about coastal marine ecology, and encourage visitors to touch our sea cucumbers, urchins, and anemones (among other things).


I'm studying to get a bachelor's degree in ecology and evolutionary biology, and my goal is to teach it professionally. I'm also getting a single-subject teaching credential in biology.


Sir David Attenborough is my king, even if he doesn't know me.

:o All of these sound amazing, you Sir are a cool dude



13 hours ago, SoulWolf said:

I never ever kill bugs on purpose, and I feel really bad if I hurt one by accident. I even feel bad hitting mosquitos. :rofl: 

I go to great lengths to rescue bugs drowing in pools of water and putting them someplace they'll dry out safely.

Same :D empathetic high five


I love going barefoot and probably would all the time if practical, although Crocs are my second choice... except for winter, I'm far too sensitive to cold and Massachusetts winters tend to be very cold.


I adopt any plant that I can... I have 11-- no, 12-- (just adopted a clover) that I brought home from college and four or so more that I couldn't take so my friend is keeping them for me...


I would like to try being vegetarian, but not while I'm still living with my parents, because my dad likes meat too much and would not be understanding.

On 2017-6-27 at 8:34 PM, SoulWolf said:

I never ever kill bugs on purpose, and I feel really bad if I hurt one by accident. I even feel bad hitting mosquitos. :rofl: 

I go to great lengths to rescue bugs drowing in pools of water and putting them someplace they'll dry out safely.


Hah, you just reminded me of something from school. So, at my primary school there was this old brick wall that lots of bugs would live inside. At lunch time, some of the other boys would try to find the bugs in that wall and kill them (yeah, boys can be horrible like that!) So, I would sometimes spend my lunch breaks ferrying the bugs across our playground to a place where they'd be safe :D 




One time in high school, I got a squish on someone just because she picked up a daddy long-legs to move it out of the gym. I was awestruck, because most of the people where I used to live still believed that "most venomous spider" nonsense. It was totally foreign for me to see anyone else with sympathy for arachnids.

16 hours ago, NullVector said:

So, I would sometimes spend my lunch breaks ferrying the bugs across our playground to a place where they'd be safe :D 

I love it when people do stuff like that... you are awesome! :arolove:


12 hours ago, James said:

One time in high school, I got a squish on someone just because she picked up a daddy long-legs to move it out of the gym.

That's a good reason to develop a squish on someone. :D


I made a friend yesterday :D 

This is a ten-lined June beetle that showed up at a UV light I had set up outside my house. 






I too have a history of being cinderella, as seen here. 




This is from when I was twelve.




  • 2 weeks later...
On 17/07/2017 at 8:37 AM, James said:

Where did everyone go 


I miss you



I'M HERE IT'S OKAY **comforting hug**


On 08/07/2017 at 9:17 PM, James said:

I made a friend yesterday :D 

This is a ten-lined June beetle that showed up at a UV light I had set up outside my house. 

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I too have a history of being cinderella, as seen here. 

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This is from when I was twelve.




That beetle is somehow both Beetlejuice (lol punny) and Edward scizzor-hands (or maybe they're flippers?)


I'm here too! :aroicecream:

(I think we need a hug emoticon) :)


So... I had 3 of the neighbour's cats on my lap last night, keeping me warm at my computer. Does that count for something? And yes, all 3 were on my lap at the same time. It was a bit crowded...


Cats always count towards one's tree-hugging status.


Unless you are a small animal. Then the cats hug you. With their mouth.

13 hours ago, SoulWolf said:

I'm here too! :aroicecream:

(I think we need a hug emoticon) :)


So... I had 3 of the neighbour's cats on my lap last night, keeping me warm at my computer. Does that count for something? And yes, all 3 were on my lap at the same time. It was a bit crowded...


9 hours ago, SamwiseLovesLife said:


I've got 2 on my lap right now, and you're invited (not to my lap though, that would be weird). :P

On 20/07/2017 at 8:32 PM, SoulWolf said:

I've got 2 on my lap right now, and you're invited (not to my lap though, that would be weird). :P

:rofl: **Putting on cat ears**


Another tree-hugger here! :P Some things I do:


  • I eat mostly vegan, and never use my own money for non-vegan food (I still live with my dad so sometimes I'm more flexible with my diet. Although never meat)
  • Try to live a minimalist lifestyle, and only buy things I really need. I also like to check out flea markets etc before buying new.
  • Walk and cycle to places as much as I can.
  • Also a bug-rescuer :D though mosquitoes don't really get my sympathies...
20 hours ago, QuirkyGeek said:

I'm a cat, could I come to the cuddle party?

Hmm, I think I'm going to need a bigger chair... but sure! :P


1 hour ago, hippiecat said:

Also a bug-rescuer :D though mosquitoes don't really get my sympathies...

Yay! Bug-rescuers unite! I have actually rescued mosquitos on occasion as well... and then I felt dumb knowing that the same mozzie is probably going to try and suck my blood sometime soon. Sigh.


Ooh now this thread is my jam!


-I eat gluten free/ Paleo (basically whole foods, all vegetables and meat, no dairy), which I know isn't vegetarian or vegan, but I do it to eat whole foods and not the processed stuff. I try to eat organic, sustainable sourced good quality meats and I eat very little dairy, and although it's a little contradictory to eat meat but not dairy, I think the dairy industry is horrible so I refuse to give them business

-I'm all about functional medicine, the current medical system with all antibiotics isn't working!

-I use natural products (people think I'm a bit weird when they learn I use coconut oil for deodorant haha)

-I'm studying to become a computer engineer but I'm the field of environmental engineering so I can help on things in the future like electric cars (Tesla is so cool!!) and solar panels

-Don't mind bugs as long as they aren't mosquitos. They eat me alive :(

-I love biking and running places when I can

-Also cats are amazing (I have 2)

On 26/07/2017 at 11:05 AM, hippiecat said:

Another tree-hugger here! :P Some things I do:


  • I eat mostly vegan, and never use my own money for non-vegan food (I still live with my dad so sometimes I'm more flexible with my diet. Although never meat)
  • Try to live a minimalist lifestyle, and only buy things I really need. I also like to check out flea markets etc before buying new.
  • Walk and cycle to places as much as I can.
  • Also a bug-rescuer :D though mosquitoes don't really get my sympathies...

^ I concur with all of this (mosquito splatting is my only non-passifist passtime..)

  • I usually end up eating meat if it's served to me and I don't want to cause drama. But I never buy it for myself.
  • I don't own a car and use car sharing.
  • I cycle to any place to which it is sanely possible.
  • My parents are antique hoarders. At some point even the attic was full of furniture. When I moved out, I took some of the pieces, for which they didn't even have a decent place, with me. Yeah, having a strange mix from art nouveau to rococo revival isn't really my style at all. I like it modern, sleek and minimalist. But I thought it would be such a waste of resources to buy new furniture (and the material quality of the antique furniture is quite good, all hardwood like mahogany and cherry). People get a very wrong impression from me if they enter my place. “Highbrow gentleman”, lol... :$
  • 2 months later...

You guys are so cool, you are all doing so much to help the earth. Bees and corals are my favourite things on this beautiful earth. Corals are the most fascinating animals and I would love to study marine biology if my parents weren't so set on me studying optometry.

On Saturday, July 08, 2017 at 9:17 PM, James said:

I made a friend yesterday :D 

This is a ten-lined June beetle that showed up at a UV light I had set up outside my house. 

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I too have a history of being cinderella, as seen here. 

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This is from when I was twelve.



This is so cool as well those beetles are actually gorgeous. 



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