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Everything posted by Rackson

  1. Some early signs of aromanticism for me were. Being blind to obvious relationships around me Telling myself that I had to have a crush on a girl Not really wanting to act romantic for people that I "had a crush on" Not being able to tell the distinct difference between romance and friendship. Those and smaller more personal things are much more obvious now. That and Jaiden animations's video really put things into perspective for me.
  2. I think that the title of this post is pretty self explanatory. A good pun can welcome others and show that this forum can have fun but still be focused on Aromanticism. I thought that it was pretty funny. What do you think?
  3. The magic you tube genie grants your wish, but the next time you sit down to draw you realize that you can ONLY draw things that Jaiden has drawn publicly before. You can copy her art and style perfectly, but can only draw frames of animation that she has made. New wish: I wish that I didn't have to go to work in an hour :(
  4. Guys, big update. Turns out the reason I haven't been able to find love is because I am in love with Michael's arts and crafts store. I got some Tombow markers there today and I love them🤎

    1. SwiftySpeedy


      In love with material possessions, the closest thing to romantic love we can feel lol./////

  5. Your outfit generator goes off in public and people are shocked and scared of this magic. Word spreads like wildfire and soon the government gets involved. They kidnap you and take you and your device to a secret underground headquarter where they try to unravel the secret of your fashionable outfit machine. You spend the rest of your life underground trapped, right next to the ufo room. I wish that I didn't have ADHD anymore.
  6. Lol, true. That is the best answer of all.
  7. This picture represents how cold and cruel the love is, but still organized and in the same specific shape. But every time you try and make love (ice cubes) it doesn't look quite like the picture at all, its deformed, its a different color, and its melting. Even though we are all using the same mold to make our love (ice) it doesn't quite work. New picture:
  8. I would rather get divorced than get married
  9. Q: what goes well in a salad? new A: barely functioning
  10. Rackson

    How do I know

    Like @HelloThere said, its a good idea to look back on your past and present feelings and see if they match the description of being aro, it is common to not know if you are aromantic, and it took me months to settle on a yes or no answer to the question.
  11. Yeah, sadly I have had a similar experience where when I hang around people that are homophobic and their thoughts seep into my brain. I wonder "Am i just and a$$hole doing this for attention" or "it seems people are just making up new genders to feel special". I don't really think those things deep down in my heart, but I can't help be scared how quickly those thoughts can be planted into my brain. To answer your question, yes, it is normal to sometimes have those thoughts sneak their way into your brain. I don't know how to get rid of them, but I know that as long as they don't deep root themselves into your beliefs, then you will be okay.
  12. I have such a hard time identifying feelings as well.
  13. AJR is kinda corny pop music, but I still listen to them and love them :)

    1. CanadianBird


      Dude I love AJR. If that the standard for corny pop then I'm in trouble :,)

    2. cynthia


      "turning out" hits hard af

    3. Rackson


      @cynthia Omg, turning out and Finale. Also I wont slaps.

  14. (sorry to necro-post but I need to bring this topic back up) I am 16 years old right now (junior in HS) and I have been raised heavily christian my entire life. I recently learned about aromanticism and realized that it fit the bill and was exactly what I have felt my entire life. When I learned about this I felt as tho I had to tell someone. First I told my non-christian supportive friend and then told my youth pastor that I am close with, his response was "You might not feel the same way later, and you might be in your head a bit too much. Also there are many examples in the bible about being single" His response kinda made me feel bad but also made me realize that the bible (at least the Presbyterian view of it) doesn't have any stated problems with being aromatic. I know that If I tell my parents that I don't really feel romantic love for anyone that they will be completely fine with that, but if I tell them that it is related with lgbtqia+ then they would freak the f*ck out. That is how I believe most of them church would react, its the stigma against not being straight that keeps me from being honest with others and myself.
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