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    somewhere in the depths of Canada

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  1. Here are the aro pride dragons I did! Gonna post this now before I lose the nerve!! The small black one with the flag background I did like a day or two ago and I made it really quickly because I felt like it, while the others are from a while back and took way longer to make.. Anyways, looking at it now, two of them have the same expression and I don't know what to think about that..
  2. My school's library just put up a valentine's day display. I was really surprised (in a good way!) by what was on it.

    It was talking about the different kinds of loves, and how romantic love is not the only one! I was so excited to see it acknowledge this, instead of continuing to push an amatonormative message.

    1. NotHeartless


      Wow! I'm impressed. There's hope :arolove:

    2. Anything_but_allo


      Ah that’s awesome! Someone on insta I follow also posted on their story that for Valentine’s Day that actually made a “best friends forever” candy mold! 

    3. Apathetic Echidna

      Apathetic Echidna

      That is so great! It is very important not to exclude all the people not dating and that is a great way to spread all the loves :) 

  3. @NotHeartless Thanks! If I do end up posting something I'll do that! It's less that I'm concerned about what other people think, it's just that I have a weird paranoia that someone will track the picture back to me in real life, despite the fact that the pictures I want to show I have not posted anywhere else.
  4. I made a couple of aro dragons a while back but I'm too scared and paranoid of the internet to post them right now. other than that I have some other dragons that I'm also too paranoid to post. I also can't figure out how to put images on here so there's that.
  5. I'm going to be 17 in a month. To me, that's super old because that's older than I've ever been and it's a year away from legal adulthood. In comparison to the average human lifespan, I am but a tiny little young child still learning about the world. In comparison to how long the universe has been around, I am just a fraction of a tiny little spec of dust in the timeline. It's really interesting to see the ages. 15-20 seems to be the most common age range so far. So many of us are so young. I mean, our community is so young, it makes sense that a lot of the younger generations, especially the younglings who live on the internet, would be the ones most likely to discover this place and who we are. But it feels really weird to have most of us be so young.
  6. Good to know. With the hand thing, I think my touch aversion is mostly with hands and faces and everything else is almost an afterthought really. Huh. That's an interesting thought. I can't think of any circumstances that would lead to my touch aversion, but what do I know. Yeah, that's what I want to know too.
  7. Touch aversion is just a thing that sometimes shows up in the aro and ace communities, and I haven't really seen any discussion (that I remember or know of) about why it exists. I guess touch aversion has connections with romantic stuff/sexual stuff, but I'm touch averse to a lot of things that are entirely platonic, that I do not at all associate with romance or anything. Is touch aversion just a thing that shows up in the aspec communities? (not counting touch aversion or whatever as a result of trauma. that's a whole different thing, as there is a logical explanation and all) Why are some of us (such as me) touch averse, and especially why are some of us (me) touch averse to entirely platonic gestures? I feel like these questions have a super obvious answer that I haven't understood yet, but if there is an obvious answer I would like to hear it anyways.
  8. I was like 13 or 14 when I first heard the term aroace, and I sort of was like, "okay sure, sounds like me" and mostly forgot about it until later, when I was uncertain about it again and questioned it, leading me to do some research, and eventually to deciding I'm definitely aro (and ace, but I didn't really debate that). I kind of knew that I didn't get crushes when I was a young child and all my friends (well, one in particular) were ranting about all of their million different crushes that I could never keep track of. I'm 16 now, so it hasn't really been that long, but I am fully convinced I'm aro (and ace too I guess) now and I will personally fight the world if anyone says I'm too young to be that. My advice? Try it out. Try thinking of yourself as that, see if you like it after a while, and see if it fits you. This is all I can really say, as you know your thoughts and feelings the best, and only you can decide who you are. There's no harm in changing it if you realize new things and decide it doesn't fit anymore.
  9. For me it was mostly just not ever thinking about romantic relationships or getting married or whatever. All my friends had this plan of getting married, having x amount of kids, the usual, while I just never thought about that. Somewhere in the back of my mind I had decided that was something I would think about in the future, and that was that. I somehow understood almost exactly what a crush would be, and so I knew enough to know I didn't have any crushes, and I boasted that whenever the topic came up. Thankfully the other kids were just deeply surprised, and never questioned me further (and they never said that I have to have a crush).
  10. Presented on Aro Spec Awarenss Week at school today! It was terrifying. BUT, my teacher is amazing! Kept saying how we should stop assuming things, and then when I showed her the aro spectrum identities she said she thought she might be demiromantic! I thought that was cool. So it was terrifying but 100% worth it.

    1. Naegleria fowleri
    2. The Angel of Eternity

      The Angel of Eternity

      This is how I see society in the far future!

  11. (is this too long for a status update? I don't know where else to put my rant) Reallllly annoyed today because in one of my classes, we were told to do a project about a specific date related to social justice issues (it is a social justice class, after all) and so I was saying how I was thinking about doing either Asexuality Awareness Week or Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week  (major step out of my comfort zone, literally the first time in my life I ever said the words "asexual" and "aromantic" out loud, very proud of myself). So the teacher listens in to my conversation, obviously means well, but then starts talking about asexuality as a mental illness (and aromanticism, too, I guess, but she obviously doesn't know much). And then some other dude in the class agreed (though I'm not convinced he heard right), and then my sort-of friend, (who is openly gay) says it's a mental illness too, and I was very upset. And then I mentioned that it's not considered a mental illness, I forget how they reacted to that, but it wasn't enough of a response that I was placated. Later I mentioned aromanticism to my sort-of friend, who was like, "Don't worry, you'll find someone," (seriously, dude, do you not understand what I'm saying?)  to which I of course replied, "Screw you" (though in a sort of joking voice because I do that automatically so as to not horribly offend people; I honestly wish I had said that more offendedly so he would get the point). But I'm still annoyed, because everyone was 20 miles deep into misconceptions and misunderstandings, and it upsets me so much that people know so little.

    1. Neir


      Being pathologized is something I have dealt with too and I really strongly identify with your feelings here! (As well as your Screw You attitude!) I remember finding scientific studies online that debunked the whole ace/aro=mentally ill thing and that helped me feel better, so know that science is on your side. You're right to be mad about your teacher's and peers' reactions though; I'm so annoyed on your behalf. Sending good vibes your way. You're in the right.

    2. The Angel of Eternity

      The Angel of Eternity

      In April, I did a report on asexuality and romanticism in my English class, though, thankfully, I didn't get any reactions of invalidation. However, if I'd gone through the reactions of invalidation, I could see myself getting into warrior mode. Their reactions kind of remind me of cult mentality, to be honest.....

  12. Hugs- it depends. I guess I'll hug my mom, because I'm expected to hug her, and it doesn't make me that uncomfortable. I love hugging my little brother, and hugs with young children is perfectly fine, because they're adorable and innocent and such. But everyone else, even friends? No. I'm uncomfortable with that. The idea of kisses mildly grosses me out. I'm the one looking away and occasionally loudly saying, "Ew!" when kissing scenes come up on tv or movies. What is cuddling anyways?? I mean, if a little kid wants to sit on my lap, sure, go ahead. I'll rest my feet on my dad occasionally when we're both sitting on the couch, but that's it. Anything beyond that scares me. I'm just scared of/uncomfortable with touch, I suppose. I have a big personal space bubble. Even at school, if I can sit anywhere, I'll always make sure to have at least one desk between me and anyone else. (I'm sorry, other people; it's not that I don't like you, I'm just uncomfortable sitting so close to you) With friends it's different, and I can sit beside them, as long as there's enough space between us to keep me comfortable. High fives scare me, but I can do them alright, although it's a better idea to never initiate them with me. I dread handshakes. I can shake hands with people if I'm socially expected to do that, but I'd rather not. I once had a friend who I told about me not liking touch, but being okay with handshakes and highfives, and so when she gave my other friend a hug, she offered a handshake to me. It was in that moment I knew that I should have specified that I'd rather not do any touch if I can help it. Suffice it to say that it felt way more awkward in that scenario to shake hands than it is normally. (I mean, handshakes are so formal!)
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