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Everything posted by lovecook

  1. living in nichijous universe will def hit hard bc chaotic shit happens everyday and i get to witness all of em. saikis world is also neat since it censors nudity due to his powers. overall slice of life & comedy worlds would all be decent choices
  2. i love the loveless flags sm. 1st is loveless aro & the 2nd being loveless apl. as a dude whos on both spectrums seeing cool flags regarding aro/aplspec labels makes me happy
  3. ill drop my fav too. its called pixel 出席簿 and the options it had represents me perfectly; tho i have a darker skin tone. it only has 1 option 4 skin which sucks ass
  4. settled on these labels 4 now. i wish there was an anattractional flag tho
  5. my 2 playlists p much
  6. me fr. i dont really ship. its kind of just what i say even 4 qprs. i just go 'oh theyre gay' and move on. i feel alienated from the shipping community cuz i hc most charas as strictly aspec & nonpartnering; so when i see the same charas getting shipped i think 'k ig'. never related when ppl ship charas romantically
  7. i personally have corvids; esp ravens as my symbol bc they also display homosexual behavior and r v smart; meaning that they know damn well theyre gay. which is the funniest bit
  8. its elitism. ppl really dislike seeing variations in a label. same thing happens in the ace community; except everything really gets worse when allos step in on the discourse bc oh boy; they have no fucking idea what kinda shit theyre spitting. [life story incoming] i was just in an argument w a rando hrs ago abt the validity of sognaresexuality and the dude thought its invalid bc it cant be a sexual orientation when he doesnt know asexuality isnt a sexual orientation bc it describes the lack thereof; it makes me think abt the treatment of the aspec community in gen god forbid we have any nuances and unconventional ways of exp attraction; bc some random ass will pull up and say 'umm actually ure not aspec/valid'. its so fucking annoying. just stop talking
  9. it can be a lot of things tbf. all 3 romantic; alterous & qp attraction has this description. u just have to put them into each context to see how u feel abt it. for instance; try to think of it in a romantic context. u want to do this w some1 romantically. how do u feel? or when u want to do this w some1 in a qpr. how do u feel? if u dont have any specific relationship goals in mind; like ur answer is 'idk how id feel'; then its prob alterous 1 way to differentiate alterous attraction from the rest is its lack of goal. it doesnt have a correlating relationship type. its an attraction of simply wanting emotional closeness/intimacy wo any of the romantic/platonic/qp context
  10. yes it is. but itll be harder to get the wider community to listen other than this cozy lil site. ppl have been knowing aro as lil to no romantic attraction for so long and orchidspec also being part of the arospec will def confuse a shit load of em. awakening even more exclus along the way. itll suck. but inevitable
  11. idt many ppl r ready for the orchidspec conversation yet. we just got to work on the exclus 1st be4 allat
  12. i feel like this is going to become a thread where aros talk abt liking romance and im going to be 1 of em
  13. its def a thing. ive seen ppl matching pfps w themselves in a romantic way or ppl desperately craving for romantic relationships & activities. but there isnt a word for it afaik
  14. 1] im anattractional. meaning that i exp no types of attraction including romantic attraction 2] i enjoy queer & unconventional hetero romance. only when its well written
  15. i dont post art anymore and im in artblock rn lol. i only show these to my friends atp
  16. tbh vocabs for attraction does help out loads of aspec folks but i can see how it may seem forceful as well. since im anattractional idrc abt the concept of attraction v much bc i dont exp any of them; but i understand how it can become frustrating for lots of folks. the convo is kind of weird tho? the other person isnt making much sense esp w the last msg; so i wont give it too much thought
  17. holy shit i relate to this sm. i also struggle to exp emotions and the only 1s ik i feel r rage; sorrow and other neg emotions. pos emotions such as happiness excitement etc r rarely felt. ik im capable of feeling these things when im young but somehow i no longer understand how to describe them in order for my feelings to count as a certain emotion its hard to describe but im def some level of emotionless. my orientation got nothing to do w it tho. so ive just been chilling
  18. i dont feel anything since im anattractional. but i do exp emotional attachment [i think]
  19. grayro folks occasionally exp romantic attraction; but the attraction felt is too rare/weak for it to be considered alloro exp. while aro as an umbrella term stands for some1 who exp lil to no romantic attraction. but it can also be a label on its own; usually means 1 exp strictly no romantic attraction
  20. lovecook


    this kid ridiculing a harmless hobby is cringeworthy. but tf did u expect us to do? sit down and laugh w u?
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