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Everything posted by Maryland

  2. Maryland

    teen corner

    Lads, Lasses and Lassos how do you do?
  3. Maryland

    teen corner

    That sucks, hopefully its better now :D
  4. WOO! I have finally reached the highest rank achievable here! aside from that, very much happy :D

  5. YUM YUM YUM!!! Crabs (Specifically Blue crabs)
  6. Maryland

    teen corner

    Awe, that sucks. I am doing my best. Good, Good. Homework is good to do.
  7. Maryland

    teen corner

    Ello ello, how is everyone today
  8. ive never done it, I wanted to for a bit with the person I was squishing over for a while, but idk how it would go.
  9. Maryland

    teen corner

    howdy im in govt. class
  10. for me its gonna be more chaotic getting through the halls. the couples and stuff will do that ugly mushing of faces all the time, last year was just unbearable, this time it probably will be worse. I might get some chocolates tbh. I'll freak out if im someones "valentine". idk much about the holiday. so i mean..
  11. I am touch starved imo, i seriously want hugs and stuff. I just don't receive them often enough.
  12. Maryland

    teen corner

    howdie i am in crippling debt, cause I bought some new camera stuff
  13. I have doggo,it's cute. Also Ello, I really don't fully qualify as newly came out, but.. Here I am :)
  14. For me, I was outed. I didn't have any bit of knowing. I hated it. This was roughly a month or two ago, I still feel the repercussions of saying I was Aro, I didn't say I was yes. But the way I said it, my parents assumed. They searched up what Aro was, found this site. Read around, they sorta mocked me in a sense. But we're supportive a bit. They really don't like labels, saying I should focus on grades instead of myself.
  15. Honestly, this has happened several times for me also. Normally, I try to cover the area or put my hoodie or jacket on my lap. To get comfortable, I would suggest to try and cross your legs and not try to move. Hope this helps.
  16. Made my Apple Watch the Aroace flag :) happy moment, wish I could upload the photo, sucks it’s too big.
  17. Maryland

    teen corner

    i have has no tests in last 2 months...? Should I be concerned..? None are upcoming.
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