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Jot-Aro Kujo

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Posts posted by Jot-Aro Kujo

  1. 10 minutes ago, SwiftySpeedy said:

    Well I don't play or even know what the rules of Yugioh but it is also a cool mentality although not nearly as efficient as brushing everything off and moving on.

    Nah, it's pretty efficient, at least for me personally. If I just brush things off, in the end they're gonna come back to bite me in the ass, and it would also require detaching from my emotions and experiences to an unhealthy degree. It's better for me to tackle them head on and know that I have the support necessary to do so (from my friends and from Stardust Dragon, who is also my friend)

  2. Nah, I get the Yugioh mentality. When things get tough I just remember that my friends and my trading cards believe in me, so I can do it if I just believe in the heart of the cards.

    • Like 1
  3. 32 minutes ago, Ted guy said:

    I don't know if you're indicating you don't believe in homeopathy.

    But there is a toddler with autism in my family and she changes drastically when we give her causticum. She doesn't know we are giving her anything.

    It was by seeing this i decided to try it, but I understand if you don't believe it.


  4. Does he, um, have an actual doctorate in anything or is he just handing shit out willy nilly? Lmao. If you think you're having some hormonal problems with sexual arousal and would like medical assistance (because that's what staphisagria does), that's something you can talk to your primary physician about, but probably not best to leave it to weird scam artists.

    And before anyone comes at me about something something colonialism or whatever, I'm pagan and latina. I very much believe in folk medicine, I just think you should always be aware and careful with what you put into your body, and "homeopathy" is usually code for "pyramid scheme where some unlicensed fuck tells you that rubbing essential oils on your skin (NEVER DO THIS) will cure your cancer". Take care.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, HelloThere said:

    I just personally am still at the point where I'm very sure that I'm aegosexual and aro for now, but I just want it to stay that way. I don't want to experience sexual attraction simply because I would love to go through life without it, without being focused on romance, sex, or even dating. I want to live and focus on my family, my close friends, and my career. Those three things are all I really want. I just want to live life without obsessing over someone romantically. I never want to be that way. I mean I'm not disgusted by that in society very much, I'm just really not interested, and I don't want my lack of interest to change because even with how society portrays that, I just don't want it. It's all on a very personal level what I want, I hate even being turned on because it just makes me worry and doubt. I'm well aware that I don't have to be the black stripe ace to be ace, but this stupid part of me is thinking that not being that kind will make me far more likely to not be ace at all and that I'll have to deal with sexual attraction, something I just really don't want any part in.

    As someone who does experience sexual attraction, it’s… Really not that big a deal. I experience sexual attraction, and here I am, a recent college graduate about to start my career, with plenty of close friends and thriving hobbies. I’m not “obsessed” with sex and it doesn’t interfere with my life; I also have friends who are in romantic relationships, and they’re doing fine too. Interest in something doesn’t mean it’s all you care about. 
    Conversely, it’s entirely possible to have other distractions that aren’t related to sex or romance. 

    I think you should reflect on why you believe sex and romance to be “obsessions” that get in the way of the rest of life. It’s totally ok to not want to experience them, but I’m not sure you actually understand the reality of how attraction works, and the way you talk about it has roots in harmful stereotypes.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Ok? So you find some videos you don’t like, that you assume are made by a child. Why is your first reaction to go put them on blast before a bunch of strangers? Is that nice behavior? What do you expect to gain for doing this?

    • Like 3
  7. I think what you should start by doing is trying to come to terms with sexuality- Not necessarily your sexuality, just sexuality in general. The concept of sex and sexual desire. 

    It sounds like you have a lot of resistance to the idea of sexuality because it's been weaponized against you. This is totally understandable! But you have to understand that the problem is the people wielding the weapon. It's like how when people accuse others of being gay in a derogatory manner, the common response is to go "I'm not gay!", reinforcing the idea that gayness is a bad thing, rather than addressing why these people are using it as an insult in the first place. When someone calls you a degenerate (a word that has a long history of association with homophobia, transphobia, racism, and eugenics), they're not saying "I think you're someone who's not asexual, and that's fine." They're saying "I think you guys are into sex (other than purely reproductive married hetero sex), and I think that's wrong and gross. I don't like you guys, therefore you must be into wrong and gross sex." By immediately asserting that you could never be into sex, while I understand why that would be your first reaction, it only serves to reinforce the idea that sex is a bad thing. In other words, you're sharpening their weapons for them.

    Ultimately, it doesn't matter if you're asexual, or allosexual, or something in between. But as long as you have this idea that sex and sexual desire are things to steer clear of, it's only going to do exactly what it's doing now- Cause you distress the second you might have any interest in the concept whatsoever. Obviously you don't have to be comfortable with people sexualizing you and speculating on your sexuality (which is a super fucked up thing for them to do), but you do need to come to terms with the fact that sex is a thing that some people desire and enjoy, and there's nothing wrong with it. There would be nothing wrong with it if it were something you wanted for yourself, and there would be nothing wrong with it even if you didn't.

    Work on getting to a place where you can view sex and sexual desire as a neutral thing, and then figure yourself out.

    • Like 5
  8. 38 minutes ago, Poopyguy47 said:

    I feel like aromantic style is simply a lack thereof. We aren't trying to impress anyone.

    Speak for yourself, I think everyone should look at my outfits and think "Wow, that lady is so cool and stylish and powerful, I want to be her friend and also give her $100 just for being so cool". (I mean, I usually just get "I love your dress!" or "Cool hat!" but that's good enough for me)

    • Like 5
    • Haha 2
  9. Here's the thing. OP you're like, what, 14? 15? For some reason, a lot of adults think that kids that age or younger are some sort of helpless idiots who can't possibly have or understand any life experience, and instead need to be told how things are by adults. (And like, yeah sure, you obviously aren't going to know as much in general as someone who's older and maybe shouldn't make permanent decisions like getting a tattoo or something, but that doesn't mean kids aren't the authorities on their own personhood). Chances are no matter how confident you feel, no matter how long it's been, no matter what "evidence" you present, they're not going to listen to you purely on the basis that they think teenagers are morons. 

    That's why I'm saying you gotta ignore it. It's not worth the energy and stress to try to prove yourself to them, because chances are it's not going to be possible to do so, and more importantly, you don't need to. Other people's opinion has no bearing on your identity. You just gotta keep telling yourself, as Zaza herself once said, I am what I am. If they care enough, they'll come around when they decide you're old enough to qualify as a person (even though they really ought to respect you at any age). If not? Fuck 'em. It's your life, not theirs.

    • Like 1
  10. This is ridiculous. Even outside the discussion of whether this is fair to aspecs or blah blah, like... Humans are a communal species. We've been living in groups for thousands of years. In my culture, it's very normal to have multiple generations of a family living in the same home, or to have many roommates, or to have friends and neighbors coming around on a near daily basis; Living solo or exclusively with a romantic partner, while not exactly unheard of, is fairly uncommon. And there are plenty of reasons for people to share living spaces: Splitting the bills, splitting housework, helping to support people with disability needs, or even just companionship. To ban this practice is ridiculous.

    In my opinion, restricting the number of people who can live in one space is just classism. No matter what excuses they use, as multiple people have pointed out, there's still plenty of problems (couples can be rowdy; single people can throw parties; small groups can skip out on rent, etc). All it does is make it that much harder for poor people to be able to afford a place to live.

    • Like 5
  11. 4 minutes ago, The Newest Fabled Creature said:

    For me there hasn't really been any lasting affects... though, granted the wormy episode.. probably did something for me to not like bugs, but I generally only dislike something because now I see there's nothing really scary about it, if it wasn't scary to begin with, and I wonder why it got to me so bad

    ??? I don’t think that’s trauma then, aside from the bugs I guess. I mean it’s understandable to be creeped out by certain things as a kid, but I don’t think it’s very nice to compare it to childhood trauma, since that’s a pretty serious topic. 

    • Like 1
  12. I was sure as soon as I figured it out, but to be fair... I mean, I've told this story a hundred times, but I didn't realize it was possible for me to be aro until I was a fair bit older because aromanticism had only ever been described to me as a type of asexuality. Once I realized it was possible to be aromantic and not asexual, I was finally able to understand and explain the way I'd felt for years. I was about 17 or 18 at the time.

    • Like 1
  13. Do I feel like being aro affects my sexual interests and lifestyle? Yes. Do I feel like it impacts my allosexuality? No.
    As others have pointed out, it’s entirely possible for asexual folks to have a libido/sex drive, or to enjoy sex. Being allosexual means experiencing sexual attraction- That is, the specific desire to engage in sexual activities with particular individuals. I certainly experience this, and not just towards fictional characters (although if Marisa Streetfighter were real, the things I’d do for her…)

    If I’m being honest, I don’t think you’re allosexual. Everything you’ve described sounds like sex-favorable asexuality to me. The allo aro community is certainly friendly to our sex-favorable ace siblings, but they’re fundamentally different experiences, and that’s ok!

    That being said, you know yourself best. It’s not my place to try to tell you definitively what you are or aren’t; I’m just giving my two cents. But I can tell you all the allo aros I know identify as such because they do experience general sexual attraction. 

  14. Sounds to me like that kid needs some help themself- Associating sex with normalcy and self-worth, especially at a young age, is pretty unhealthy. Fucked up thing to say to someone, but definitely pretty telling. I hope people start treating you better and I hope that kid can unlearn their toxic social values before it lands them in trouble. 

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