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Jot-Aro Kujo

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Posts posted by Jot-Aro Kujo

  1. 1 hour ago, Mark said:

    Certainly terms such as "sexual friendship" and "Friends With Benefits" which describe sexual non-romantic relationships appear absent from the original list. Though the latter understoon very differently by aros and allos. I wonder how aces, allo or aro interpret the term.



    Honestly, as an allo aro myself I fucking HATE the term "friends with benefits". My friends are a benefit in themselves! I don't need any "benefits" to my friendships, friendship is already top tier for me, and it's not some sort of business transaction. I can't stand language that puts down friendship like that. Nobody is a lesser friend just because they're not interested in having sex with their friends, and the only "benefit" in friendship is all the wonderful ways my friends make me happy, with or without sex.

    Personally I would love to have a term for "friend who you also have sex with in a purely non-romantic way" that doesn't make other friends seem lesser.

    • Like 3
  2. 2 hours ago, CheeseOverlord said:

    If you're into anime, I really enjoyed Lucky Star, because it's just about a group of friends hanging out, and having fun together. I think romance was only mentioned in one or two scenes, and even then it was brief.


    Lucky Star is... kinda grossly sexual though. I mean, it is definitely a funny and relatable show with fantastic music, but it's also designed to brainwash you into buying Haruhi DVDs pretty creepy re: teenage girls, in the way that most anime of its genre are. I think that's worth mentioning, at least.

  3. 27 minutes ago, nonmerci said:

    Hey everyone! As a lot of people seems to write here, I was wondering if someone was doing nanowrimo this year?

    (it seems that people who write novels are a minority here, but who knows)


    Unfortunately, yes, yes I am. For the 8th year in a row. Oof...

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  4. I'm eclectic pagan. I was more or less raised that way, although I was never forced into the religion and my mom wanted to make sure I was exposed to multiple religions in order to make my own choice, so I went to a UU church as a kid. But I wound up feeling most drawn to paganism anyway, lmao.

    • Like 7
  5. I know all the words to a certain version of the Parting Glass (old Scottish/Irish folk song) due to working at a renaissance faire, and for years I thought a certain line was "there is a faire, made in this land" and not "there is a fair maid(en) in this land", and thus didn't understand what it had to do with the girl sung about in the rest of that verse, lmao.

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    • No, you're not "more educated than most adults" just because you watch Time Warp Trio, Tutenstein, History's Mysteries, Ancient Almanac, Naked Archaeologist, Mythbusters, etc. You know a lot about history, and you like learning, and that's great! But you don't know how the world works. You don't know how the government works, or how to do algebra,  or anything about many foreign cultures. You'll learn more by not being an asshole than you will by watching the same 30-minute TV shows 20 times. (Oh, and do you know what the Holy Roman Empire is? The bakumatsu? The Cuban missile crisis? Yeah, I didn't think so. Please study something other than the ancient Middle East and Mediterranean sometimes.)
    • Refusing to use slang, emoticons, etc. also doesn't make you smart, and putting other people down especially doesn't make you smart. It just makes you a dick.
    • It's ok to like girly things. It's ok to wear clothes other than sweatpants and t-shirts. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. I know you think you have to assert your dominance over boys by knowing more about Star Wars than they do, but honestly, the idea that "other girls" are stupid, that girly interests make you stupid, etc. is more sexist than any doubts your average 10-year-old homeschooler is going to have about whether or not you know how Chewbacca dies.
    • On that note, I have good news and bad news! The good news is Star Wars 7/8/9 is not just an unattainable fantasy, and will happen much sooner than you think it will. The bad news is it's nothing like what you expect. Don't get too attached to the EU, especially not the Skywalker/Solo family, because they're going bye-bye. Oh, and Avatar and Teen Titans will also get sequels of some manner or another. Don't bother with those either. The future is full of disappointing franchise revivals, kid. But the good news is that the live action Fullmetal Alchemist is great! (Bad news is that Rie Kugimiya isn't in it and it doesn't feature any music by l'Arc~en~Ciel, but you know, it's equivalent exchange.)
    • Yugioh isn't just edgy rich boy Pokemon, it's actually pretty cool. It's about friendship and ancient Egyptian ghosts. Stop refusing to watch it. Wyd
    • Grades on assignment are not the same as your overall grade in a course. "Straight As" does not refer to assignment scores, nor do you need straight As to get into college. Getting a B on a math test does not mean you're doomed to be homeless.
    • Everyone who does something starts out as a beginner at some point. Nobody is born with amazing innate knowledge of anything, so don't hold yourself back from trying new things just because you feel like you need to already know how to do something in order to do it. You don't need to be an Author™ as a career in order to write, you don't need to have an in-depth knowledge of anatomy to draw, you don't need to be Marie Antoinette's tailor in order to sew. (By the way, sewing machines aren't that scary, you just need to not make it go 500 MPH and then you'll be able to actually sew straight lines.)
    • Yes, there is such a thing as Thursday in Japan. Please don't blindly accept everything you read in the comments section of YouTube.
    • Like 2

    Been thinking a lot about the use of leitmotifs in the Jojo anime... This is a particularly pretty track and an interesting take on the Stardust Crusaders theme, and the very very subtle incorporation of SDC Dio's theme is interesting too! Especially with the title, I guess you could consider it representative of how, even after the events of 1987/1988, Dio's legacy still continues to affect Jotaro and cause trouble one way or another. God, if we ever get as far as Stone Ocean in the anime and they don't use SDC Dio's theme, I'm gonna sue lmao

    I just really, really wish Jonathan's leitmotif had been incorporated into later soundtracks... It was so good, and his legacy is so hugely important to the series, I wish we'd gotten to hear a callback to that at some point in the same way that we hear callbacks to Stardust Crusaders in Diamond is Unbreakable. It's too bad I don't really have any skill at composing/arranging music, because I'd really love to hear something that incorporates Jonathan's theme, SDC Dio's theme, and maybe the Stone Mask's theme... Something featuring all of the Joestar themes would be cool, too. (Although I don't think Joseph has one? Idk, the part 2 OST was really weird. I don't really like it that much tbh, aside from the Pillar Men theme, which as we all know is the best track in the entire anime.)

    Idk, I guess I'm just kinda rambling, but what I'm trying to say is: Leitmotifs GOOD. Jojo soundtrack GOOD. Ignoring Jonathan's legacy BAD. (Even if, I'm gonna guess, it's probably just because SDC and DiU's soundtracks were both by Yugo Kanno, while PB was Hayato Matsuo, so maybe it's some copyright thing? Or maybe Kanno just didn't want to use the other soundtracks, in which case guess I'll have to kick his ass because LET US HEAR THE OG BOY YOU FOOL)

  7. 1 hour ago, Somewhatgrey1989 said:

    I have heard that many (but not all) aromantic people feel this way! So being single is something you really like and wouldn’t give up? Would you consider an open relationship or a queerplatonic relationship or do you think you’ll be free forever?


    For me, I wouldn't want to be in a QPR, for that same reason; I like my freedom, I don't want to be tied to one person. Idk about an open relationship, I suppose it would depend on the circumstances..? But it would have to not be a romantic relationship, of course. I'm still romance repulsed regardless of the level of commitment.

    I like to think of myself as being like Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist: I love my friends, I watch out for them, and I like having a group of friends, but I'm my own boss. I do what I feel like doing and I don't need to take orders from anyone else. (I mean, like, within the bounds of... you know... surviving in capitalist society and making a living and all that, lmao.)

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Somewhatgrey1989 said:

    Your answer made me feel relieved, because the thing is, I don’t WANT to be a grey- romantic at all, I want to be a normal alloromantic person and be able to fall in love, etc. I’m hoping one day I meet someone to make me fall in love and feel all of those strong feelings, but for now, I guess grey-romantic is the best label :( have you changed or have you always been this way? 


    I understand how you feel, although I have to say I... don't really like your use of the term "normal", as much as we all feel that way sometimes.

    As for me, I've always been aro, and I should hope I always will be, as much as I may hate it. I'd rather die than be in a relationship tbh.

    • Like 1
  9. I was in a relationship once, when I was about 13 - 15. It was an online thing. We were both part of the same web forum, and we were really good friends who got along well and really clicked together. At some point, someone made a "platonic marriages" thread, and we were the first to get married. Somewhere along the line, people started shipping us, and one day one of us confessed, I don't remember who. From then on, we were "dating".

    We were really affectionate, and talked a lot about getting married IRL in the future and moving in together, and everyone thought we were just the cutest couple. We were everyone's OTP. It lasted a good long time! But gradually I realized that I didn't really like her that way. The whole thing started to feel like a drag, and I'd get so uncomfortable with things like saying "I love you" or calling each other "wife", but... I didn't say anything for a long time, because I didn't want to hurt her feelings, and I didn't want to ruin everyone's "OTP". I thought all my friends would hate me. But eventually it got to the point that I didn't like even talking to her, and I'd avoid her on purpose, so eventually I admitted the truth.

    Luckily, she was fine with it, and I don't remember if we told anyone else, but nobody seemed bothered anyway. It took me a long time to get comfortable with her again, but I'm happy to say we're still close friends to this day. It feels so weird looking back, tbh, but... Yeah, it was pretty miserable.

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    When I saw Psyche Corp live last year, she explained that this song is about a little kid whose parents tried to scare them into good behavior by saying "If you don't behave, the monsters will get you," but it backfired because then the kid was like "Aight so where are these monsters you promised me? Bitch I'm waiting?? Mom did you lie to me? WHERE ARE THEY" and tbh that's beautiful and absolutely an accurate depiction of how children work.

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  11. 42 minutes ago, DeltaV said:

    Never searched for fanfiction and don't understand the appeal of it. I don't waste the considerable effort it takes to read fiction on anything that's not high art.


    Oookay, I know that's probably a joke, but don't ever fucking insult my years of hard work, research, and effort like that again. Please. Thanks.

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