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Jot-Aro Kujo

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Posts posted by Jot-Aro Kujo

  1. 6 hours ago, Spacenik86 said:

    In the 2010s everything is politicized, most people are already tired of politics, please don't make aromanticism a political issue. Aromantics shouldn't forcibly re-educate people by pushing for law changes, if there has to be a cultural change away from pair-bonding let's it happen naturally.


    I... You do understand what the purpose of politics is, yes..? Politics decide the policies and systems that structure our lives. Everything that has to do with the way we live within our society is a political issue. I can understand being tired of "republicans vs. democrats" or "Brexit vs. EU" type politics, but politics also includes things like "How much of our taxes should go towards education?" or "Should our town sell the town green to real estate developers?"

    Everything is politicized because when our lives are inherently built within a net of laws and policies and decisions, changes to those things don't just magically spring up overnight via wishful thinking. Everything is a political issue. If we want rights for ourselves, that's a political issue.

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  2. "Asexual &/or Aromantic" sounds good to me tbh, or at least as good as you can really get in a situation like this- I'm sure people could nitpick for days, but finding something that gets the job done is the real point.

    Also, speaking as an allosexual aromantic, who heavily advocates for allo aro rights and for us to have spaces we're comfortable in... I, personally, do NOT like the idea of saying that there needs to be a specifically aro group, with a non-ace organizer. It just feels kind of... Exclusionary, but in reverse this time? Yes, it's important to have safe spaces for allo aros/aroaces who identify more with the aro side, where we're not just treated as an add-on to asexuality, but I really don't think we should go so far as to push out our ace siblings. And especially because there are so few allo aros with an offline presence, and because community organization takes work- It'd be nice in theory to have a group run by an allo aro, sure, but for practical purposes? Where are you going to conjure up an allo aro who's willing and able to run a group? I'd much rather have an aro group run by an aroace than no aro group at all. And ideally I think the best thing overall would be to have a group that's co-run by multiple aros, including both aroaces and allo aros.

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  3. 30 minutes ago, Spacenik86 said:

    If aro-aces have voidpunk, maybe aro-allos should have bonobo punk?


    I... I am aro-allo, and I literally invented voidpunk. Voidpunk is not just for aroaces, nor just for aros in general. Please don't perpetuate the problem of crediting all of aro culture to aroaces.

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  4. 1 hour ago, VoidpunkDreams said:

    Thanks so much for your post. I would like to think that I can respectfully add to the identity without you know misinterpreting...I'm still new here so you know um...trying to find my crowd -- ✌️ 


    That's totally fair, but the way you phrased it made it sound like you were defining what voidpunk, as a whole, is, which would be incorrect and could give the wrong impression to people who have never heard of voidpunk before. As I said, if these things are part of your voidpunk experience, great! But they're not universal, so I just prefer that they not be presented as such.

  5. 1 minute ago, Coyote said:


    On that note -- have you considered linking to one of those posts and/or a compilation of links in your sidebar? That's one of the places I checked first, actually. I know there's links within your About, but I mean as its own link/page right there among that and the Ask link.


    Relatedly, Tumblr is also known to have terrible SEO/doesn't come up with relevant posts easily for people googling things, so if you were to put up some info on voidpunk on a more SEO-friendly site, it might be easier for people to find the right information via search engines.


    Oh, that's a good idea, I never thought of that. I'll give that a shot, thanks for the suggestion!

    • Like 2
  6. Yeah, I did indeed create voidpunk as @Coyote said, and uh... I don't mean to be rude, but none of the things in your post are accurate.

    That's not to say that none of them could share overlap with voidpunk, of course. If you identify as voidpunk and those things help define you, that's great! I'm glad. But none of that is at all what voidpunk is about. Please don't spread misconceptions, as I've already seen a lot of people wildly misinterpreting what voidpunk is to such a degree that it begins to be harmful to those of us who first formed the voidpunk community. The posts Coyote mentioned ought to help give you a better understanding of what voidpunk actually is.

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  7. I feel like "more than friendship" isn't a good choice of words... "Different from friendship" or "More emotionally intense than friendship" would be fair, but I dislike the term "more than friendship" in general because it conveys the sense that friendship is inherently beneath other forms of relationships. That's not cool. I can't imagine anyone loving anything more than I love my friends!

    That being said, could what you're experiencing possibly be a squish? If so, you're definitely not the only person who experiences stuff like that

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  8. The idea that "pretty much all aros" have squishes is blatantly untrue, and extremely harmful. You do not have to experience squishes to be aro. You do not have to want a QPR, a similar partnership, or even just friends in general to be aro. Literally all aromanticism is is the absence of romantic attraction. You don't "need" anything else to be aro, and if anyone tries to tell you otherwise, tell them to fuck off.

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Apathetic Echidna said:


    lols, that brings back memories. I'm still trying to finish watching 蟲師 so I can't comment on romance-content, but it is gooooood!


    Oh 蟲師! I've never actually watched that one, but I've heard it's very pretty. I gotta give it points for interesting character design, but somehow I get it mixed up with 刀語 a lot? Lmao idk what's up with that tbh...

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  10. Yeah. The idea that English is the most accessible language and that "English" culture (what do you even mean by that? American? English? Australian? They're all VERY different) is the most universally understood is ethnocentric at best, borderline racist at worst. Do you have any idea how many people in the world speak English?

    Well? Care to guess?

    Yeah, it's about 20% of the world population at best. If you really want to reach a "wide audience", try Spanish or Mandarin. English is not some magical universal language and culture, and it's absolutely not fair to aros from other cultures to place English on a pedestal like that. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go watch some nice romance-free 遊戯王.

    (It's also perhaps worth mentioning that the Bechdel test is not about plain old feminism- It was designed, specifically, to see if media pass the bare minimum in being accessible to lesbians. Lesbians, specifically. I wish people would stop forgetting that.)

    • Like 3
  11. 6 minutes ago, DeltaV said:

    Also he was first in proposing that pure chemicals could be medicine.


    Still we’ve yet to find anything that makes him a great philosopher. You seem to like him more as a pioneer and reformer of medicine.


    I mean, I would like to think that "education should be accessible, and knowledge should be verified via firsthand experience" are pretty good philosophies to have. He was also often compared to Martin Luther in his day, though admittedly he didn't really care.

    I guess I can see where you're coming from, though, but I tend to think of alchemy and philosophy as being inherently connected, so that's why he came to mind

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  12. I like Paracelsus because he was an early supporter (in European history, anyway) of things such as "Lectures should be done in the language of the common people, not Latin, to make them accessible to the public," "You should learn via practical lessons and test things for yourself too, instead of just unquestioningly following books written hundreds of years ago and taking them as 100% true and letting that be your entire medical education," and "You should wash your hands and keep wounds clean and protected instead of literally rubbing cow shit in open wounds." (No, seriously, that last part is true. Horrifying, but that was genuinely a thing that was done at the time.) He was also a hell of a sarcasm master, and didn't stop fighting against bad practices in medicine and academia even when everyone else told him to shut up, which as a punk myself I find admirable tbh.

    I'm not saying he was a perfect guy ofc, but there are definitely things about him I think are at the very least pretty interesting.

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