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Posts posted by Holmbo

  1. 7 hours ago, LeGens said:

    I feel like the best way to know if you can feel romantic attraction is to meet a lot of people. Forcing yourself to try and date people might not be the best approach, but if you try to talk to different people you might find someone that can maybe interest you if it turns out that you can feel romantic attraction. Plus, if you do not end up liking the people you meet in a romantic way, you get new friends and acquaintance! But I'm not sure about this, it's only an idea.

    Good advice. The date itself does nothing to romantic attraction, you can feel that at any time.

  2. 9 hours ago, Keith said:

    @Holmbo what are your thoughts on the newest episode??

    Too much romance!

    Just kidding. But Nate's storyline is not going at all as I expected. That was true in season two as well though so I'm willing to wait to see how it all comes together.

    Overall I felt not a lot happened this episode which is concerning to me because there's only a third of the season left. What did you think?


    I don't know if you've seen but many fans are very disappointed by the season. I've also been a bit disappointed by some of the episodes but I've decided not to put to much attention on that but rather focus on the stuff I do enjoy. Tv is meant for enjoyment after all.

    • Like 1
  3. I wouldn't force anything if I were you. If you have someone you feel you might want to go on a date with then absolutely try it. Or if you want to try going on a date just for the experience then you can do that, but don't expect to get any romantic attraction from it.

    • Like 3
  4. Let's make a list of fiction we want to warn our fellow aros from. It's mostly for fun since everyone's taste is different and what one of us dislikes another might enjoy.

    The reason I thought of this is I just bought a book The Bookshop on the Corner but I accidentally got one from the wrong author so instead of getting a story about a woman who travels around in a bookmobile I got one about a woman who owns a book store and is addicted to romance novels. The book starts with her watching longingly at her friend as she's engaged in pda with her new boyfriend out on the streets. So boring!

    I don't know if the book I intended to buy is any good but definitely don't buy the one by Rebecca Raisin.

    What do you want to warn your fellow aros from? It could be books, movies, games, you name it.

    • Like 3
  5. On 4/21/2023 at 9:02 AM, Nix said:

    Oh yes, being single is definitely the best way to live for me. And you/we are not alone: Solo - The Single Person's Guide to a Remarkable Life by Dr. Peter McGraw is a podcast that has a whole following called the ‘Solo community.’


    I really like that podcast. I identify more as a solo than I do aromantic, since it's about the choice rather than the attraction. The podcast also has some very interesting content that is useful to life overall. For example the episode about emotional intelligence was very enlightening for me.

    • Like 3
  6. On 4/20/2023 at 2:19 PM, Eclipse said:

     Ok but for real, how did they bring Gamora back? She's supposed to be dead. Maybe they bring her back in the movie? That's just a theory.  I don't know, but I want a logical explanation to something that seems so illogical to me. (Possible spoiler alert ahead!) And I heard from my guardian that they brought Yondu back? What? I thought that dude died. Allegedly she said that he was the same guy, but a different color. Maybe she's seeing things? 


    In the movie Avengers end game a Gamora from a parallel universe came through together with Thanos to the marvel universe.

    I've enjoyed the previous guardians movies but I'm getting a bit tired of the marvel universe so I'll probably wait to hear the reviews until I decided whether to watch it.

  7. I loved it! My favorite was the Jamie and Roy interactions but I also really liked Ted's story, it felt really important to the overall plot. I think overall the different storylines complimented each other nicely so I liked all of them.

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  8. I'm trying to think if there's any aro mood things to mention:

    - Sassy not wanting to date Ted but instead keep the sex friend going

    Other than that I can't think of anything. Apart from anyone failing at romantic advances at the moment. That's kinda aro mood.


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