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Everything posted by Kadence

  1. Huruhi be the best gender-queer aro in all of anime yesss Canonically, Lapis and Peridot are in a QPR soooo
  2. My favorite headcannon is Remus from Sander Sides being alloaro He's my favorite character, he's definitely not ace and he's supposed to be the opposite of Roman, who's his brother, and Roman encompasses romantic feelings (now that I think about it, I kinda headcannon him as ace alloromantic cause wouldn't that be nifty?) Anyway, Remus and Elsa from Frozen cause honestly that would be so much better than her being a lesbian in my opinion (and Merida from Brave but I'm pretty sure that's pretty close to cannon so) Can we headcannon that Soos and Melody are in a QPR? AH I loved that game before but now I love it even more!! Thank you, adopting this headcannon
  3. 1. I would like to see an alloaro in the media that isn't made out to be 'shallow' or 'slutty'. Honestly, I just want to see aros represented at all 2. I have not seen anything about aros in mainstream media, I've seen Tumblr posts and website like this but that's about it. I've only recently even heard of the term
  4. So, generally, I;m comfortable with hugging pretty much anyone. Cuddling is one of those things that I think varies from person to person but I know kissing definitely has to do with gender for me. I'm allosexual and into girls and so all my female squishes I've absolutely have wanted to kiss. All my male squishes, however, I have not. I guess kissing is a sexual thing for me rather than a romantic thing. And I see hugging and cuddling as platonic lol
  5. Hi! I’m Kadence, I’m non-binary (they/them pronouns please) and alloaro. I like girls, cats, snakes and anime. My fandoms are constantly shifting but I’m currently in the Thomas Sanders/Sander Sides fandom (first time in a long time I’ve only been in one!). I’m still trying to figure myself out fully, I know I’m aro, I know I’m allosexual, but the specifics are a bit foggy. I’m also looking for a community I can be myself in, fully, and here seems like the most accepting place. Anyway, that’s pretty much all. Au revoir!
  6. Being curious and being sexually attracted to something are too completely different things. Straight people are often curious about what having sex with someone of the same gender is like and so they ‘experiment’ but, most of the time, they’re still straight. The same thing happens with gay people. Sometimes they discover stuff about themselves, sometimes it just reaffirms what they thought before. Being curious does not inherently mean that you’re allosexual
  7. I used to think I had commitment issues because I didn’t like the thought of being in a relationship for the rest of my life. Then, I found out I was aro and it made much more sense You say we’ve all seen an aro character I some kind of TV show/movie/book but I most certainly have not also, the misconception that we’ve been traumatized or we’re depressed and that why we’re aromantic is that one that really gets to me. As someone who is depressed, no. No, no, no. That’s not how that works at all and how dare you use my depression and my struggle to dismiss my identity. That one really makes me angry.
  8. Celebrity crushes. Every time someone talks about a celebrity crush. Not only have I never gotten a crush but I’ve never understood how someone could get a crush on someone they haven’t even met, only seen from a distance. It’s freaking weird, in my opinion
  9. So, I was reading a post on here about someone looking to find a non-romantic partner to raise a child with and I had an idea. Please tell me if something like this exists but I think it would be cool if there was an app or a website specifically for aromantic and/or asexual people to find non-romantic or non-sexual partners. I think especially as more people are discovering they're aromantic or asexual due to it's increase of awareness, a site for people who want to find QPRs, zuchinnis, or what ever non-romantic/non-sexual partnership someone desires. Tell me if something like this exists or if it's a terrible idea pls
  10. If anything has convinced me of my aromanticism, it's this post lol. It's wild though, some of these things I do with my squishes but only some, most I've never experienced. The whole 'butterflies in your stomach' thing is something I've experienced but not towards any person. I've felt it before presenting, I've felt it in the moments before the rollercoaster drops, but not towards a person. A part of me wonders if they're exaggerating because how could anyone feel feelings this intense towards someone? It's so odd, it's fascinating.
  11. I'm someone who enjoys the close companionship of romantic relationships. I can live without one but what I really want is something I call a 'life-partner,' someone who will be my closest friend, who I can cuddle with and maybe have a sexual relationship with (though that is entirely optional), but mostly someone I can raise a kid with. I don't want biological kids but I've known too many kids who grew up in the system or who were adopted into abusive homes and if I can provide a loving home for a kid without parents to care for them, I will, with or without a life-partner. Plus, I'm a super nurturing person and I've always wanted a kid.
  12. My advice would be to communicate with her. It sounds like she's hesitant to get into any kind of relationship other than friends but you an explain what you want, if you haven't already, and ask if she's cool with that. If she isn't then she isn't, if she is then that's great. If she says she doesn't know yet, respect her boundaries and give her time. That's the best thing I can think of for this situation, open communication.
  13. I've been in several relationships before I found out I was aro. It was a thing where I was confused about why I wasn't getting crushes and so I just... decided to have crushes on people, I guess just to reassure myself that I was normal. Eventually I decided that these frankly platonic feelings I had towards people constituted romance, it didn't, at most they were squishes and most of the time they straight up weren't. The longest relationship I was in was two and a half years and that was just cause I was sexually attracted to her, really. I wasn't with all the others. I still cared about all of them, especially the two and a half year one, but I wasn't in love with them and I think I knew, I just pushed away all the doubts and refused to acknowledge them. Then, I finally did after I was single for a bit and I discovered I was aromantic.
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