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Blue Phoenix Ace

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Everything posted by Blue Phoenix Ace

  1. You should be able to pick this in your profile.
  2. Hi! Sorry I forgot about this for a while. It was overwhelming yes so I will add the subforum. Thanks for your input!
  3. Check out the new leaderboards tab at the top of the page. How many gold medals do you have? :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zema


      Omg. Why. You really didn't need to do this.

    3. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      Is that a rhetorical question?

      This is cool. Maybe you could also add a system that ranks people out of 5 stars and if you get above 4.5 you can have a nicer house. But seriously this is a cool new addition but could there be a way to quickly find how many medals I have by going to my profile?

    4. aihpen


      @Louis Hypo I don't know about medals in general, but you should be able to go on your profile to see how many gold medals you have under the "days won" thing?!?

  4. He bears (bore) a striking resemblance to Adam Sandler.
  5. This is a great question, and a hard one to answer. If we want to make a list of never married famous people, that would be much simpler. But, we can't assume that an unmarried person is aromantic, nor that a married person isn't aromantic. So, unfortunately, we can only speculate. It's highly possible that Nikolai Tesla was aromantic. He supposedly claimed that he was too interested in his research and didn't have time for sex or romance. That's still just a guess though. He may have felt those attractions but just never acted on them because he really did enjoy his work more.
  6. You seem to be chasing your own tail there Kitty. I think I understand what you're getting at. You want someone special in your life, just not necessarily a romantic partner. Someone you can depend on, and lend support for in return. Something like close roommates without all the romantic hooks. Back to the original question, the definition of date is "a social or romantic appointment or engagement". Notice the or. You can remove romantic from the definition entirely. So, sure, you can go out on a date with a friend.
  7. Fixed! You should see this with every theme now. Unfortunately, the CSS I edit doesn't make it into the editor. I don't have any control over how the editor shows stuff. (And the quote this thingy is working for me for the time being yay) without the periods. Like this?
  8. I understand what you mean here exactly. I think using the term "dating" might not be quite right here. It's more like "hanging out" or "having dinner with a friend" or something. (Maybe?)
  9. I play every instrument equally bad. My forte is composition. I am pretty good with music theory and music production software. It's surprising how much you can do without knowing a lick of playing anything. I have been interested in the piano for quite some time, but I haven't made the effort to learn it well. I would need to find a teacher, but more importantly the time. Here are my three published albums. You might call them chillout, or deep trance. It's just emotional music, good to relax to: http://www.ektoplazm.com/index.php?s=blue+phoenix
  10. Hi Louis! I actually have no control over that. I think you've got it figured out. Sorry I forgot to check this thread for a couple of weeks!
  11. I haven't read any literature that explicitly stated that a character was aro or ace. There are many that don't involve romance but they don't explore the possibility of a person not desiring it.
  12. This is one of the videos from my YouTube channel that explains some of the things an aromantic person might feel. I think it helps to bring up how you feel in relationships (if you've had one) or why you avoid relationships (if you haven't). For most people, it's natural to desire a long term romantic relationship, so they have a hard time understanding otherwise. I think in order to help them understand you, it can help to understand how they feel and then point out the differences. (Maybe my next video except I wouldn't be an expert on that!)
  13. It can definitely add to the confusion. Because of what everyone else is telling us, we believe that we can't possibly feel the way we do. Surely we just haven't met the right person yet, or there is something wrong with us We aren't allowed to be happy single...
  14. I got a response to my email saying he wanted to take a look around the site before agreeing to anything. I guess he's taking a really close look because that was several weeks ago and I haven't heard back yet. Maybe he is devising an experiment for us in his lab.
  15. Sorry but I don't have control over that. Just be careful where you click!
  16. I've had several reports of people who try to make an account here but get an error that they aren't able to use their email address. Or it may be another generic error that doesn't help much. This may be part of IPS Community's anti-spam filters. While it keeps a lot of spam bots away, it also has false positives that keep honest people out on occasion. If you try to make an account here and seem to get locked out, please try the following: Check your spam and/or junk folders to see if the registration mail went there If you have an account on AVEN, send a private message to Blue Phoenix Ace with your desired username and email If not, try joining the chat and grab a member's attention there. Tell them to PM me your desired username and email If you can make comments on YouTube, find my channel in my signature below and comment on one of my videos to get my attention Once I have your desired username and your email address, I can create an account for you manually. Thanks for your patience!
  17. Welcome @UncommonNonsense! I'm about to turn 38 myself. We didn't have Internet as teenagers. There was no great way to find people like us or any information about singlehood in general. We had to go by what people we knew told us. That was a unanimous GO GET MARRIED.
  18. Sure, something like that. I will try to get in contact with James and see if he's OK with us using the questionnaire on our site. I found his email address and reached out to him. We'll see if we get a response.
  19. I think this idea has a lot of merit. I would hate to use any verbiage that it is proof or scientific, but it's a very good starting point for someone. We could also turn the quiz into an interactive checkboxy thing that automatically tallies up your score. For every statement you agree with just click the box on. It takes a fair amount of time to take the whole test. Should we boil it down a bit? Could we have an even simpler version of the quiz with just ten questions and then say, well maybe you should take the full text now?
  20. OK, it's all setup. Who will be first?
  21. Whoa hang on a sec there. I think Romantic Allies... would go under the Aromanticism heading. Would you agree?
  22. I could put "Sexuality and Gender" and "Romantic Allies and Partners of Aros" under Misc as well.
  23. Does this make sense then? Is there a better name than "Other Topics" or would they go under Misc? Welcome Welcome and rules AdMod Forum (where the AdMod team secretly makes fun of you) Aromanticism Discussion Relationships Visibility Other Topics??? Sexuality and Gender Romantic Allies Misc Off Topic Site Sugg.
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