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Why is everything about attraction?

Guest Anonymous


Sorry if fhe question sounds weird but I just had a fight in an aro place about it and it drove me insane.

To sum it up, in a post someone said "we still need base attraction, that is one fondation for respect", so I ask what base attraction was. And that's where the conversation get insane.

Me : "what's base attraction?"

Them : "Base attraction is what gens your attention and makes you want more. The specific attraction varies according to situation, for instance it can be sexual or professional, but without the base attraction there is no drive to talk to someone".

Me : "The concept is alien to me so I won't use it but I'm glad if it helps other understanding themselves".

Them " maybe you are more misanthropist than what you think cause that's more than just aromanticism. You could be asocial. Do you "insert a couple of questions about situation when people feel attraction".

Me : "No, I'm not asocial nor a misanthropist. It just that I don't relate to the concept of base attraction cause of this and that".

Them : "You should apologize to all of your teachers".

Litterally that's it, I don't even exagerate or forget any step in it. That catches me off guard  and when I ask about why the sudden rudeness, I learned that I am an asshole, should apologize to anyone who tried to teach me interpersonal skills cause they deserve a drink, and that I am the rude one for coming to their post and making it all about me.

I do admit that when I ask what base attraction was, I knew I won't relate and that I will be pissed that someone made a generalization about how we all need it. And maybe I should just have said "thanks you" when they explained what it was instead of saying the model doesn't work with everyone. So maybe that was assholy of me. Sorry.

But then. They are the one who asked questions about me, and then they get mad cause I talk about me??? If you don't to hear about my experiences, why are you asking??? And then blame me for answering??? What is the idea???


I can get thay they didn't like when I said I have no use of this concept : people take it badly when you have no use of something that is fundamental for them, I suppose. But do you know what I don't like? When people automatically assume things about you when you talk about not relating to attraction. I really don't like that aro and ace communities act as if categorizing every human relationship in terms of attraction work for everyone. Like I'm glad if this work for you, but it doesn't allow you to either trying to convince people they feel attraction when they say they don't cause "that's just a matter if vocabulary, if you do this then you feel attraction" (I did hear that), or try to convince you that you are asocial. I just wish I could enjoy my relationships without someone forcing attraction onto them. Maybe it showed in my response and it came up as hard or rude, I don't know, probably. But these insults were very unnecessary. If I didn't know the person was serious I would have thought it was a troll, cause they were just so gatruitous.

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tbh vocabs for attraction does help out loads of aspec folks but i can see how it may seem forceful as well. since im anattractional idrc abt the concept of attraction v much bc i dont exp any of them; but i understand how it can become frustrating for lots of folks. the convo is kind of weird tho? the other person isnt making much sense esp w the last msg; so i wont give it too much thought

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There just has to be attraction : if there wasn't gravity, we wouldn't be able to live correctly.


(Sorry for the bad joke)

From what I see, it's not really question of seeing things through attraction or not, but more of a being aware and okay with the fact that everyone has a different experience. We're already marginalized, it would be sad to fight eachother

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Thanks all. I feel better now.

I really don't get how all this happen, really. I suppose you can never know how someone will react... I guess you are right, I should not let it bother me. Still, I didn't think that it will be the first time someone call me an asshole.

7 hours ago, Atypique said:

if there wasn't gravity, we wouldn't be able to live correctly.

But I'm like Elphaba : I'm defying gravity.

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14 hours ago, Guest Anonymous said:

I really don't like that aro and ace communities act as if categorizing every human relationship in terms of attraction work for everyone.

I agree with you on this. It's interesting and helpful for many people to use the split attraction model to clearly define what they are feeling, but attraction and repulsion is not the full of human experience. You don't need to feel any form of attraction for an individual in order to respect them, or treat them with decency.

As for the conversation, that's internet discourse for you. Many such discussions turn into nonsense before they are over.

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Literally just came back from a youth camp and literally 95% of the songs were about love lmao. Not complaining tho because I like a lot of love songs, tho some of them were a bit to mushy for me.

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23 minutes ago, Kira- said:

Literally just came back from a youth camp and literally 95% of the songs were about love lmao. Not complaining tho because I like a lot of love songs, tho some of them were a bit to mushy for me.

Oh my gosh, I kid you not, I got home like 30 seconds ago. XD

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