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How common is aromanticism?


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After reading this question I realised that I know that 1% of the population is asexual, but that I didn't actually know which was the percentage for aromatics. After reading a bit, I found that the 25% of the asexual people identifies as aromantic, and that 4.3% of people who are allosexual are aromantic. According to this, a 4.5% of the world population is aromantic. This means that there are 351.000.000.000 aromantics in the world... I don't know how accurate is this, but this is what I found.

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37 minutes ago, Arsenic said:

After reading this question I realised that I know that 1% of the population is asexual, but that I didn't actually know which was the percentage for aromatics. After reading a bit, I found that the 25% of the asexual people identifies as aromantic, and that 4.3% of people who are allosexual are aromantic. According to this, a 4.5% of the world population is aromantic. This means that there are 351.000.000.000 aromantics in the world... I don't know how accurate is this, but this is what I found.

A new one from 2020 said 1% so idk 

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19 minutes ago, nonmerci said:

That's interesting,  though I'm not sure if the number can really be trusted because aromanticism is still not well known.


Yeah, I know, maybe it is more, maybe it is less... That's what I've found

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I feel like there's probably a lot of aromantics who doesn't id as such. I know at least two people who could describe themselves as aromantic but they don't use the term because they want to be in monogamous committed relationships.

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Most estimates appear to be in the 1-3% range. Though I do recall one, specific to a BDSM community, which came up with 6%.
Considering how obscure aromanticism is even 1% is a surprisingly large minority group.

There's the 2020 Pew survey of single people in the US showing that 14% of single people actually conformed the stereotype of single mindedly wanting to be coupled; 50% were entirely uninterested; 10% interested only in casual dating and the remaining 26% somewhere in the middle. (This would correspond to ~7%, ~25%, ~5% and ~7% of US adults.)
This could mean that aros are rather more common that about one in fifty; allos are rather less hyper-romantic than popular culture portrays or both.


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Yeah I think it makes sense to talk about aromanticism as a scale and in that case @Mark
numbers are interesting to reflect on where the middle of that scale is and how many are in the outer side. Although that makes me wonder, what is the opposite of aromantic on that scale? Would it be someone who's in a super committed relationship or someone who falls in love lots but with new people?

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Yeah, I think some people are aro but may not realize it or want to identify with it. I have a friend who was asking my friend group what crushes are like since she never had one, and so far as I know she doesn't really use any official terms to describe her experience.

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