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CisHet but Lithro= lgbt+?


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Hello! I was just curious if someone who is cishet but is also lithromantic positive can be considered part of the lgbt+ community 

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Anyone who isn't cisgender, heteromantic, AND heterosexual has a place in the lgbtqa community, so yeah.

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9 hours ago, Jot-Aro Kujo said:



8 hours ago, Magni said:

Anyone who isn't cisgender, heteromantic, AND heterosexual has a place in the lgbtqa community, so yeah.


Cool! Thanks for you answers! Although what if the person is cisgender, heterosexual and heteromantic but lithromantic too; are they lgbt+? 

5 minutes ago, Cristal Gris said:

Yeah. Since aromantism is a part of it , i don't see why we should exclude any aro-spec .


Yes I agree on that, aro-specs belong in the community 

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1 hour ago, hUllO said:

Cool! Thanks for you answers! Although what if the person is cisgender, heterosexual and heteromantic but lithromantic too; are they lgbt+? 

Since  the '+' includes an 'a' or 'q', most definitely.

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10 hours ago, hUllO said:

Cool! Thanks for you answers! Although what if the person is cisgender, heterosexual and heteromantic but lithromantic too; are they lgbt+? 


Hmm, you mean like, a lithromantic person who gets het crushes, but the attraction then goes weird, fades, or there's no need to be in a relationship..?? On a principle I'd say that since lithro is an aromantic spectrum identity and aros are queer, then yeah. I guess it depends if you feel queer because of it though too

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11 hours ago, hUllO said:

Although what if the person is cisgender, heterosexual and heteromantic but lithromantic too; are they lgbt+? 

I think so, yes. If they feel like the label fit them. They could also be queer.

I know some aro-spec don't indentify as such, and that's okay, but i think any aro-spec belong.



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On 5/2/2019 at 9:18 PM, bydontost said:

Hmm, you mean like, a lithromantic person who gets het crushes, but the attraction then goes weird, fades, or there's no need to be in a relationship..??


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On 5/1/2019 at 6:00 PM, Magni said:

Anyone who isn't cisgender, heteromantic, AND heterosexual has a place in the lgbtqa community, so yeah.

To take this further, I believe a cisgender, heterosexual, heteroromantic person can be LGBTQ if they're queer in terms of sensual (and maybe aesthetic) orientation. For example, an individual who is cisgender, heteroromantic, heterosexual and bisensual (and/or biaesthetic) could be considered queer. Thoughts?

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2 hours ago, The Angel of Eternity said:

For example, an individual who is cisgender, heteroromantic, heterosexual and bisensual (and/or biaesthetic) could be considered queer. Thoughts?




Or more specifically: I don't think it makes sense to pull up a hypothetical scenario of a hypothetical person and decide, on the basis of the gender direction of a sensual orientation, that they "could be considered queer," because I don't like the idea of establishing "rules" like this about how people are supposed to identify or how people are supposed to parse their experiences. Especially when it comes to a word like "queer." That's a pretty complicated topic and (as with most labels, but this one especially) ties in with a lot more than just the barebones of their sensuality. This additionally ties in to part of some more general thoughts I have about unorthodox axes of orientation, too, but I'll try not to get sidetracked here. Suffice to say that I think "your sensual attraction is bisensual, so you're queer" is an oversimplification & doesn't acknowledge enough autonomy in the identification process.


With that said, I've asked something similar about sensual attraction before (specifically wrt ace issues), and... the way I wrote that post then isn't how I would have written it now, but it might be interesting to anyone who's interested in further responses on the subject.


General disclaimer that I'm putting this thought forward as someone who does itself experience sensual attraction to multiple genders but does not use orientation language for that, and personally, that barely registers as a part of my own relationship to (not using) that term.


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