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Coming Out

Coby Asola

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So I've been out to most people in my life as ace aro for a few months now. However, I have this one friend who I'm not super close with who I'm not out to, but I really want to come out to. The issue is that I'm pretty scared to do it and I don't know how to bring it up specifically without it being very awkward. We don't talk alone much, so that complicates things. Please help.

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If you wouldn't feel comfortable pulling this person aside to talk about your orientation, coming out to them might not be the best decision.  Is there any particular reason you'd want them to know about this, or do you simply like to have everything out there for the world to see?  This is a tricky issue around which one must lightly tread.

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It's not really that I don't feel comfortable pulling them aside, I just don't have a time that I could easily do it. I don't really know why I want to cone out to him, but it's really important to me that I do. I'm low key confused.

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That's fine; I don't think any of us would be here if we weren't each to some degree confused.  Is your friend never alone?  The easiest way to get someone by himself is to wait for everybody else to drift away.

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if you want to come out to them privately, you could choose a non-face to face medium, like text or email or private messages. But as you are out to your other friends you could just bring up your orientation to the group as a way to come out, like 'oh hey, X person doesn't know about this yet!'

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14 hours ago, Apathetic Echidna said:

@Zae did you mean to post that here? or were your tabs playing up and you missed the arcade one :P

Oh, fail -.- Wrong tab for sure -.-
Really Sorry ^^''

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