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Everything posted by P4R4D0X

  1. First of all, advice will vary depending on whether you have come out to them or not. But, assuming you haven't, give them the vocab lesson. Going from there, you could explain QPRs and whatnot, and yall can have a nice little talk on how far you both are willing to take your friendship. In my opinion, people in QPRs should have a fair amount of dedication to the relationship, so if you do get to that point i would hope that they understand your limits by then (that was kinda the whole point of talking about how far you guys are going to go), and will not abandon you or ask for a polyamory. On being possessive, just try to let things slide a bit more. Let people live their lives, not just with you, but with whoever and whatever they want. And for insecurities, you can try and cover them up if possible, or once again, let things slide. If all else fails, try talking to a professional advice giver, not a random 12 year old person on the internet who happened to find this obscure topic on this obscure website and also wanted to try her hand at advice giving.
  2. 1. Try to fill up that time* or try and think about other stuff. * Go watch youtube, read a book, write a fanfic, climb a tree, whatever it is that you find interest in. Or you know, look for professional advice, not advice provided by a 12 year old that decided that she wanted to give advice. 2. Primates are social. Humans are social. Go socialize, if that makes you any less crazy and lonely. Or keep hanging out on Arocalypse, we can be a nice community when we need to. 3. That, dear human, is probably not my job to answer. But you probably could have been and still might be able to be saved by things like hobbies, friends, or therapy if that's what you need. 4. Welcome to Earth and the Unforgiving Human Society. Humans must always have their scapegoat to put the blame on. And about the past, humans also seem to have trouble letting go of it. Some think about it like this: You aren't changing just for yourself and/or a few others, but as if you could influence people around you to change as well. I have also seen acting as if every day is your last. Humans are bad, Humans are mean, Humans destroy planets, but (most) Humans have a moral compass. People care a lot about a lot of things. Also, therapists are paid to care. I know I have referred to the human race as if I was not human, but don't worry, I am undeniably human, that's just how I speak (and type).
  3. So, what we are doing here is kinda just choosing a really weird/strange/messed up theme, and then we pretty much make one of those alphabet books with that theme. Some nice examples: A is for Arson (Arson Edition) P it for Pterodactyl (Silent Letters Edition) Oh, by the way, the person who finishes the alphabet gets to choose the next topic, kay? Lets start with: Crime (Any crime) A is for Arson B is for Burglary C is for Child Abuse *so on and so forth*
  4. i'm offended that ya called it a single quotation mark it's an apostrophe
  5. Its a who. And to answer your question, he was the guy that started this thread.
  6. I have not met a single person who actually knows about being aromantic. For now, vocab lessons are just part of coming out.
  7. "kid, move out of the way I'm committing arson"
  8. YESS TPBM, how would you like to have a pillow fight, but its a stuffed animal fight.
  9. Life is wanting to take a temporary break from life.
  10. We are dedicated people. 3335
  11. Hey, wouldn't it be nice if Louis On Air came back?
  12. Some Aro ways to respond to "I love you" Bro, I have literally never seen you in my life. Why are you telling me this. Well, you've made a mistake there, my friend. Good for you. I guess. Cool. Okie dokie! Now get away from me. IDC. No. Why. Alright. See ya never. Hey, wanna see a magic trick? Poof! You've been rejected. + these -->
  13. Any clothes that make you feel ready to run away from marriage should be fine.
  14. banned for banning an australian
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