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Everything posted by SwiftySpeedy

  1. *kisses forehead and offers him orange juice droplets*
  2. "Oof, I mean no one deserves to die"
  3. So I've done stuff like this before, what I'd recommend is to create a fake Quora account to make it seem you're supporting lgbt rights and not actually lgbt and delete the other one. Clean the search history and all your passwords, (Including for this site), Switch to brave and say it's for privacy concerns. Or use this feature that on most if not all web browsers. and if you have any files or images you might want to hide scan every single file on your device and if it's on a computer do this. It will hide the file and make it undetectable but it's still there or if it's on a phone and it's something your parents suspect, put it on a secret Dropbox account. hopefully that helps to hide it from your parents.
  4. I've just recently watched it and I've been obsessed, heres the trailer. Amazon.com: Christine : Keith Gordon, John Stockwell, Alexandra Paul, Stephen King, Bill Phillips, John Carpenter, Richard Kobritz: Prime Video Amazon.com: Christine : Keith Gordon, John Stockwell, Alexandra Paul, Stephen King, Bill Phillips, John Carpenter, Richard Kobritz: Prime Video
  5. Well your consciousness is just a bunch of neurons firing, Does that mean your thoughts aren't real? (JOKE) yeah I do agree that people shouldn't be shoving it in your face like its the number one thing in the world, although people shouldn't bow down to you like. "ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY GREAT ONE, WE WILL NOT DO THE FORBIDDEN ACTS IN FRONT OF THE GREAT ONE" lol
  6. welp guess im gone for 2 months or 1 month or 1 week or idk but enough that people will forget when i calelde dwesfnwefw fnwejf :f: A?W Jdf/A:OFLJawc Crignafrbwqafi awbfcringeafwnawfiawncringegwcreingewgwgggggg..........................................
  7. is the car treatment good enough for andrew tate, or does he need worse (joking)
  8. I wish if there was more immaturity here, like everyone is trying to be the most crisp and perfect thing and speak almost in corporate jargon, can't we have a little stupid talk.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jot-Aro Kujo

      Jot-Aro Kujo

      Idk how to tell you this but they would NOT let me say fuck in a corporate setting. lmao

    3. Synthetic Adrenaline

      Synthetic Adrenaline


      Immature enough?

      (In real life I'm loud and annoying and have a really childish sense of humor but I try and curb that lol)

  9. I think the movie is Jurassic Park, although I have no idea what the show is. This should be an easy one even if you haven't watched the movie. Movie: šŸ¶
  10. You could be a loveless aro. Look it up.
  11. Why was it that the first thing posted here was pure liquid cringe,
  12. This represents Grus distaste for the subject in question, His Un statured pose and bored look shows his lack of interest in what is going on in the moment thus resulting in him calling the subject or event or other thing in question, "yeat". New Image:
  13. half a joke and half not
  14. I'm just curious because me personally I would like to live in a tiny home on wheels.
  15. Why do people care for an annoying film about CHILDRENS DOLLS, like i don't get it who wants to watch saturated pink for hours on end like what is entertaining about it, Guardians of the galaxy 3 is better ( REAL )
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