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Everything posted by TrueEvergreen

  1. Hey, I go by Quinn or Anaim (but good luck pronouncing that!), I go by he/they pronouns, and am aromantic, asexual, and agender
  2. So i was was not paying attention in biology today, and all of a sudden i hear the word asexual, i start internally freaking out until i realize that the teacher is talking about asexual reproduction in cells... so yeah that happened
  3. So me and some friends were playing jackbox, and the one friend who knows I'm aro suggests that we play monster seeking monster (a romance based game) and I was stuck in literal hell for half an hour because I was too awkward to say I didn't want to play for some reason, so that was fun...
  4. I'm a triple a battery! Aromantic, Asexual, and Agender :)
  5. Maybe your school just doesn't like tests? Idk i would be happy not concerned though, tests suck
  6. I just had a math test yesterday, spanish test today, and a bio and world history test next week... and i have finals coming up
  7. My name was completely made up for a game I was playing, and I decided I liked it so I started using it. So no real story behind it Edit: My new username is partially from my chosen online name, and partially because i like nature, which is were evergreen comes from, and i just randomly put true in front of it.
  8. I'm on this site so often because it is one of the few things that slips under my school's radar, and yet i don't post ever... figured i should try to start doing that... So here I am
  9. Not necessarily a good or bad experience, but it's my only one. I forgot that my phone lockscreen was aroace themed, and one of my friend saw it then put the pieces together. They didn't have much of a reaction and thankfully they knew about the orientation, so they just mentioned it once and hasn't since because there hasn't been a reason to.
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