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Status Updates posted by aihpen

  1. What are status updates even for? I've never used them here or on AVEN, because I have no idea what to write... xD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. aihpen


      I guess they are just for whatever you want, but I still have no clue what I should write there.

    3. DeMorgan


      You've done a great job so far...

    4. aihpen


      Thank you. It took a lot of hard work to get me to start a status update. ^_^

  2. I got an ace ring today ^_^ I guess it's a bit greyish, but it seems black enough to me. Might post a picture later.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. aihpen


      @Dodgypotato I would send you an amazon link, but I can't find it there. I could only find a thinner one and one with a stone in it, but not this one.

    3. Dodgypotato


      There's a couple I've seen in stores over here, but I'm a bit reluctant to get one as an only semi-out aro/ace.

    4. aihpen


      Well honestly I'm not out to anyone at all. I wont wear it around my family because they'd notice the ring and ask too many questions, but if anyone else asks about it, I can always keep a part of the truth to myself and tell them I simply like the ring, which is still true xD

  3. Humans are weird. I don't think I'll ever understand how they work :eyebrow:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. omitef


      Humans work?

    3. aussiekirkland


      As in having a child. Sounds infuriating. But yeah people are weeeeiiiird

    4. aihpen


      @Louis Hypo I don't know why. It's just what I think about every single day and yet I still don't understand humans.

      @omitef That's a good question. One that I can't answer.

  4. All my arm and shoulder muscles are sore now because my bag ripped and I had to carry all that heavy stuff under my arms -_-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dodgypotato


      I'll post it to you. What flavour? Rainbow? I think I've got a couple of stamps handy.

    3. aihpen


      Hazelnut? Hazelnut is my favourite :icecream::arolove:

    4. Dodgypotato


      Ok incoming!

  5. I finally got short hair and I'm so so so happy :D


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aihpen


      Thanks! I agree, it's so nice, definitely one of the best things I've ever done!

    3. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      I've had the same haircut since having hair... it's short and that's good.

    4. techno


      Yay, congrats! welcome to the club!

  6. I'm back from a busy time, but I'll have some exams tomorrow and the day after that and I hope that my life will manage to somewhat calm down next week :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aihpen


      Thanks. I just hope I'm good enough because the two exams today weren't that good :S And tomorrow I've got the hardest one -_- I'm taking those exams for the second time and I'm not giving up, if I'll fail again, I'll try again next year, but I'd really prefer to finally be done with it as soon as possible xD

    3. Dodgypotato


      Mine start next Monday with my hardest one.. Also taking it for the second time. Good luck to us both on that one, Aihpen!

    4. aihpen


      @Dodgypotato Good luck with that! I'm done today, the one that I thought would be so incredibly hard, was actually doable ^_^ But overall I'm not sure it was good enough :/ I hope yours go better!

  7. My uni regularily has ace and aro spec meetups??? Why am I only now finding out about this? :o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zae


      Wow, that's so awesome~

    3. aihpen


      I know it's great :)

      @aussiekirkland That sucks! They should make it easier to find things like that, I only found out because it was on a facebook site that was linked on a website linked on another website which was linked on my unis website... and that was the only place to find it, so I hope it's actually a true thing...

    4. aussiekirkland


      @aihpen ours was hidden much the same. In fact, I'm surprised I found it at all. I don't know how they expect to get good attendance when people can't even find the event page.

  8. Now even parrots started flirting with me...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aihpen


      I was walking past those bird cages in a park close to where I live and those parrots just started cofessing its love to me and was whistling after me and that kind of stuff. It was so weird. Usually all I get when I walk past them they only say hello or don't say anything at all...

    3. omitef


      tfw you get catcalled by a parrot

    4. DannyFenton123


      I was so confused when I read this, but that's so funny! xD

  9. "Sind sie Student......in?" xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zae


      Well, woo! 
      Ice cream for everyone! :icecream:

    3. Robin


      Ah, German. The language that requires you to write "Student/-innen"

    4. aihpen


      @RobinYou can also say "Studierende" which is gender neutral, but when you use the singular form you'll have to gender again. Such a weird language.

  10. I wont be online much for the next month or so. Too busy with applications, working on my portfolio and going on holiday, but I'm sure I'll manage to drop by occasionally :arocapapo:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. owl


      Good luck! And have a nice holiday :) Eat lots of :icecream: for us!

    3. RedNeko


      Good luck with your applications and your portfolio and I hope you enjoy your holiday.

    4. aihpen


      Thanks everyone ^_^ It's going really well so far. I got accepted to uni and found a room that is affordable. And my portfolio is going well too so far :)

  11. I can't believe I handed my portfolio in. So many months of work went into it... :S

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aihpen


      It's for an application for an entry test to uni... If that portfolio is good enough, they'll let me have a few exams and if I pass all of those I can apply. It's a lot of work, but I hope it'll be worth it.

    3. Dodgypotato


      I always feel as though I've lost a part of myself when I hand huge assessments up. xD

    4. aihpen


      That's exactly how I feel. I think this must be what my mother felt like when I moved out.

  12. I finally got completely rid of the layers in my hair!:arolove:

    1. Dodgypotato


      You should give us a pic. (; :cakeslice:

    2. aihpen


      @Dodgypotato I have no idea how to make this picture smaller, it's gigantic, but here you go: VHay8pl.jpg

    3. Dodgypotato


      It looks great! :)

  13. Bye, if you'll never see me here again, that's probably because I drowned in my impossible amount of latin vocabulary, grammar and translations that I need to learn/do...

    1. Acciuga


      Good luck, and farewell.

    2. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, heaps of Latin you shall get.

    3. aihpen


      @Louis HypoThanks, fake latin at least doesn't have to be translated, so that's definitely appreciated ^_^

  14. Why did I thought it was a good idea to draw faces on all of my fingers? Now I can't get them off... 

    1. breaddd


      I think that was a great idea.

    2. owl


      I always draw on myself and realise it's a bad idea...

  15. I tried to log into discord, but it doesn't send me this location verification e-mail. So if it takes me a while to get back on discord that might be the reason :/

    1. Zae


      I hope it works soon!

    2. aihpen


      Yeah works again now :)

  16. Our tutor at uni brought us cookies "because today is such a terrible day". That made my day a tiny bit better :cookie:

    1. Zae


      Great tutor~

    2. aihpen


      I know, she's the best ^_^

  17. Life is great right now :D

    1. Acciuga


      I'm glad you feel this way! 

    2. Zae


      Yay, that's awesome! Let's make it even better with ice cream :icecream:~

  18. The German AVEN makes me extremely uncomfortable. Not very aro friendly :( 

    1. Zae


      Yeah, I didn't like it either~

    2. Iyck


      I don't like it there either, glad there are alternatives

  19. I'm confused about an e-mail I just got. The most random mail from the most random teacher from my old school... I don't think I was supposed to get this e-mail xD

    1. Dodgypotato


      Haha, what did it say?

    2. aihpen


      It was something along the lines of "I found this amazing place: [link to a random article] I hope this helps"

  20. I'm terrified of my TOEFL test on friday... Well only the speaking section. The rest seems fun.

    1. DeMorgan
    2. aihpen


      Nah that wont keep me up at night. Pronunciation is not what I worry about. My problem is getting my thoughts together in the 15-20 seconds that I have to prepare a response. :/

  21. The front shield of my car is broken and now I can't meet any friends until it's fixed unless I pay for overly expensive bus tickets or ride an hour by bike -_-

    1. omitef


      Aw no that sucks D:

  22. Hi, I'm still alive in case anyone was wondering. I just currently have no internet and I am 90% sure that my internet cable must be broken (no, I don't have wifi -_-) and I'm just too lazy to get my butt to the store and buy a new one :rofl:

    1. aihpen


      Ok, I got a new cable now and it works again :D

  23. I won't be online until October. Neither here nor on discord. Because lots of fun stuff is happening  ^_^

    1. Zae


      Unfortunate you can't come online, but I'm happy you're gonna have a nice time! Have fun ;3

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