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Star Girl

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Everything posted by Star Girl

  1. I hadn’t noticed (probably because I met them both before I knew I was aro), but I definitely agree.
  2. @Ice Queen I like Feyre and Rhysand’s relationship too. Have you read Sarah J. Maas’ Throne of Glass series? I really enjoyed Celaena and Rowan’s relationship in Heir of Fire. (Although I got annoyed a bit annoyed with it in the fifth book.)
  3. @Apathetic Echidna Ok, sure, I could see Surreal and Rainier. I had thought of Rainier as gay, but I could see him as aro.
  4. Karla from Anne Bishop's Black Jewels series ( @Apathetic Echidna )
  5. @Apathetic Echidna I read Anne Bishop too! (I haven't come across another person who does before... must have missed your previous comments.) I haven't read Shadows and Light though (it is the only one my library doesn't have ) I tend to like books where the romantic plot is slower... I don't like to be left thinking wondering when exactly the characters fell in love with each other. I suppose this is because with non romantic relationships, it generally takes time and actually knowing the other person to feel very close to them. (My impression is that romantic infatuation can cause people to skip a few steps (although what do I know?).)
  6. Ahhh! Someone else who actually reads Vorkosigan! I like the romance in that series in general... (Shards of Honor is one of my favorites.) I think I like them because the way the characters deal with romance is so much in line with who they are as a character (read Komarr and Civil Campaign). Sometimes in other series, it seems like once you add the romantic plot line, you can toss everything you know about that character out the window. I have also read Uprooted, but I didn’t find it terribly memorable, so I can’t comment.
  7. I’m pretty sure some of the games that I was involved with ended up in this state (although not intentionally from the beginning). I had a love/hate relationship with truth or dare in my middle school days (I had no friends to play it with in high school)... it is an excellent way to gain insight into how I am “supposed to feel” about crushes, etc, but of course I always dreaded being asked those sorts of questions myself.
  8. This again? (People have apparently made 30 pages of comments since I looked at it last)
  9. I got: 9 Words of Affirmation 8 Quality Time 6 Acts of Service 4 Physical Touch 2 Receiving Gifts I can see why I have the numbers I do. I think it would change if I was close to someone in particular, or had known my friends longer (which I think would lower my Words of Affirmation score, and increase Quality Time and Physical Touch).
  10. I have had multiple disagreements with multiple people about Rogue One and whether it has a romantic plot.... all the non aros read romance into it, arg! (My friend didn’t believe me at first when I claimed there wasn’t a kissing scene!)
  11. This is not usually the place I would expect to find discussions on physics... I am a sophomore physics and astronomy double major (I know... you would never guess from the profile pic), but I think I will wait until at least next semester (when I will be taking the course Light, Relativity and Quantum) to comment.
  12. As a native English speaker, I frequently use "they" as a singular pronoun when referring to someone whose gender/pronouns I don't know (like if I have encountered them by label, for example "the teacher" etc.) or who I don't know well/at all (using she or he always seems more familiar to me, although that's just me... I know many people will disagree) in addition to using it as someone's pronouns.
  13. 1. Straight (by default) 2. Bi...? (Middle school when I had pretend crushes on boys and a squish on my best friend (girl) ) 3. Just not interested in dating and not bothered to figure out anything beyond "maybe bi" (high school after I moved away from everyone I was or pretended to be attracted to) 4. Asexual demi-panromantic (discovered asexuality (yay!) but hadn't yet realized what squishes were and was slightly in denial) 5. Aro ace (discovered "You might be aromantic if..." and realized what a squish was and that I wasn't the only one who had made up crushes (that they then forgot
  14. What am I supposed to do with my hands all the time with no hair! (Also, I had hair that was half way down my back until recently, so down to my ankles can't be that bad, right....? It's only for one month.... :D) (I haven't read all of them, so sorry if I do a close repeat ) WYR never see another human for the rest of your life (you can have a pet, I suppose), or never be alone again?
  15. I would have told myself to not be ridiculous and wait three years to look up asexuality... (which eventually got me here... although how old is this place anyway? But now that I think about it, having this community earlier might have saved me a lot of very painful loneliness that significantly contributed to my depression, but anyway...) I'd be interested to know what other people have to say.
  16. I'm offended you did not justify why you were offended.
  17. Granted, but you can't control where you end up and it is not just limited to Earth, so you teleport to some empty space in the middle of nowhere 1,000,000 light years from the nearest galaxy... R.I.P. I wish every book in the world was automatically downloaded on my kindle for free.
  18. Have there really been 10 pages of this since I last bothered to look?
  19. Some people claim to know their orientation from a very young age, so I don't believe there is really a lower age limit (although there is an age when you are not aware of gender, so I wouldn't think it possible before then.) Looking back, I was very aro even when I was 12, although I didn't know the term. All of my "crushes" that my friends dragged out of me were guys who I though would be nice friends (they weren't even squishes, although I did have a squish on one girl but we were all very heteronormative). (And they ended up being in that friend group when it expanded in high school, so I was right, they did make good friends, although I moved so wasn't there to see it happen.)
  20. Life is tiny in the vastness of the universe.
  21. Banned because I couldn't think of a reason to ban you
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