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Everything posted by DeltaAro

  1. Very relatable. It's normal to like attentive gifts. I dislike February 14th as a date, I always feel so excluded on this day. Though I got chocolate and even a rose (which I declined, but took the chocolate πŸ˜„) today. But this was just promotional gifts. Which is not the same. But if you find yourself really yearning for romance and pining at all happy romantic couples and being envious, we have an orientation for it: cupioromantic.
  2. Lots of roses🌹today. Even guys in hoodies running around with roses. Very weird. Much more PDA. I even had the opportunity to get a rose for free, but declined. In Central European Time it is now 22:39 and in 1 hour, 21 minutes February, 14th, is over.
  3. Yes, many ... was mentioned multiple times here. I never played it... is there also an Aro Attorney? πŸ˜‰
  4. Very cute drawings, I like the idea with the Triceratops. You can find some other aro art by users here.
  5. Yeah, that's a bit of a strong word, she's bi herself. But everybody must admit: the original song is chock-full of cliches (which were already old in 2008). So it hasn't aged well. I just find it super annoying and cringe, while the aroace version is very creative and funny in a good way.
  6. It's said about SSRIs that they blunt romantic feelings (see here), but they obviously aren't an ADHD medication. If I knew the exact meds OP is taking, I could search for their side effects. But not knowing them, I don't have the desire to sift through all this huge amount of misinformation and exaggeration on psych meds (still a hot button topic).
  7. Cats yes... πŸˆβ€β¬› meow! Though I used the word "cute" for humans, I actually don't think adult humans are ever really cute... (I guess I just adjusted myself to the romantic language to call grown ass men or women "cute" ... though my actual reaction to this is "what?"). Sexy or hot, maybe but not "cute". I can understand "cute" applied to babies and small children to some degree. I mean they're much smaller for starters (not a > 50 kg human clinging onto you).
  8. *hug* If a ya know situation happens with a lot of touching, once in a blue moon, I'm good for a year. But theoretically I can feel touch starved, I guess. I can't say that I dislike specific types of touching, but if it has a romantic vibe to it, it can feel uncomfortable. Which is most true for cuddling. Also, I don't like LOOOOONG touching. Cuddling is always kind of looong. And after 30 minutes at least, you need to get away from me. I need to breathe. Some people can cuddle for hours and I would find this extremely uncomfortable. Even the cutest, cleanest and nicest humans have some peculiar bad / annoying qualities that I just cannot stand for too long. With cats maybe? πŸ€’πŸ¦  Coronavirus says: "I approve this greeting. Thank you for helping me remain an issue!" ☣
  9. It's on Steam but you need a powerful graphics card (RTX 3070). Personally, I played it on a PlayStation 5. I'm a fan of the Isekai genre, so I pre-ordered the game undeterred by the reviews of the demo. πŸ€ͺ On the positive side the combat system with all the variety of magic is pretty good. Also it starts in New York City (which you visit later again ) ... as a playable area. So it has a certain weird factor to it. Including Frey's magical talking bracelet "Cuff" who is like a mix of condescending British gentleman and an annoying customer service chatbot. It probably would've been better as an Indie and if they just doubled down on this weirdness. I would wait for it until it's on sale. And hopefully they at least patch the lighting... Anyway, I'm now playing: God of War RagnarΓΆk. Just started. The graphics and art direction are are just amazing. 😡 Yessss, that's in my pipeline! Gonna play it as soon as I finish GoW.
  10. I'm done with Forspoken. It took me 14 hours. After Tanta Sila I got bored and just rushed the rest. I was very hyped for it, but feel disappointed. It was such a cool concept... πŸ˜” Graphics looks very last gen, world is extremely bland and generic, and the lighting is broken. 70 € is way overpriced. This is not an AAA game, not remotely.
  11. So I'm waiting for the Symphony of the Lonely Aro in Bb Minor ... (obscure and terrible)
  12. It never happened to me (or I gladly forgot about it), but many people told us here that they were literally (!) called heartless, robots, psychopaths, serial killers (seriously... wtf). So this explains the overcorrection that aros want to portray themselves as not this way, i. .e very social and interested in other people as friends. Of course, I don't mean they just pretend, no they (except for a few aplatonic aros who want to fit in) really feel like this. But otherwise they wouldn't feel the pressure to make a big deal out of it.
  13. awww so cute... makes me think of another reason for preferring cats: cats are the Internet animal I imagine the royal cat living in the Pharaoh's Palace as Ramses' pet. How much more could a cat achieve? But even she felt something was still missing. Something, something she vaguely intuited that in the far future would make her species reach their full potential! The destiny... to become a living meme machine.
  14. 😺 > 🐢 for me! Also, felines are more of an aro pride animal than canines.
  15. There's always a push to extirpate 🐺 in the EU, to overrule the 2019 CJEU decision that they're protected. That's a real political demand. Half a billion people seemingly can't deal with just 17k wolves. πŸ˜”
  16. I envy you. I'd give my Lamborghini, my cruising yacht, and my luxury mansion for such a friend. As they say, true friends is something money can't buy... *sigh*πŸ˜” I just accidentally came across this band and post it for the similarity to my username... sadly it's not a genre I like, but the artwork is really great. πŸ˜ƒ
  17. What a mysterious title. It can't be just the literal meaning, though it is true. What's with the Jesus allusion? Anime subtitles! I'm a real homme de lettres. I read so much.
  18. I didn't know about 'Thud!', interesting ... it looks like a variant of Hnefatafl. It even has a similar aesthetic since it's usually played on a cloth board. Cluttercore!!! πŸ˜„
  19. That's ok, they aren't labeled "A Discworld Novel". πŸ˜‰ I was browsing the books and saw the Maurice novel and bought it without reading the blurb because.. cats. And then wondered why it was labeled "Story of Discworld". After some pages it dawned upon me that I wasn't in the target audience. πŸ˜… Read? 1 x The Colour of Magic 2 x The Light Fantastic 3 x Equal Rites 4 x Mort 5 x Sourcery 6 Wyrd Sisters 7 x Pyramids 8 x Guards! Guards! 9 Eric 10 x Moving Pictures 11 Reaper Man 12 Witches Abroad 13 x Small Gods 14 Lords and Ladies 15 x Men at Arms 16 Soul Music 17 x Interesting Times 18 Maskerade 19 x Feet of Clay 20 Hogfather 21 Jingo 22 The Last Continent 23 Carpe Jugulum 24 x The Fifth Elephant 25 The Truth 26 x Thief of Time 27 The Last Hero 28 x The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents 29 x Night Watch 30 The Wee Free Men 31 Monstrous Regiment 32 A Hat Full of Sky 33 Going Postal 34 Thud! 35 Wintersmith 36 Making Money 37 Unseen Academicals 38 I Shall Wear Midnight 39 Snuff 40 Raising Steam 41 The Shepherd's Crown I was more patient in the past... still I can't imagine reading them ALL... I sold everything, all books. πŸ˜ƒ E-Reader... minimalism... but nowadays cluttercore is a trend and 21 discworld books are a good start. I just kept the two maps from the Discworld and Ankh-Morpork.
  20. 🐘 🌍 🐒WOW, did you read all 41 of them? πŸ€ͺ
  21. I remember there was a topic... oh here it is... If that's the Well Street, I don't want to see the Unwell Street. Anyway... If I were moderating a documentary about romance, it would be like this. Take an adult missing years of lived experience about a thing and let them interview others about this very subject.
  22. Oh, I tried to learn it, but it was too complicated for me. πŸ˜” Yes, the frogs are the best!!!
  23. You can train people by getting always instantly mad and not speaking to them for some time. That's the only way they learn. But I reserve this treatment for annoying family members, not friends. Because if your friend doesn't really care for your feelings or respect you, what's the point?
  24. Maybe "attached"? "Assumed" would be wrong, because that's just the state of lacking information, which you could get by asking the individual. IMHO, it is your mind reacting here, not the body. Like grief and anger have physical signs, but they're mainly part of our mental life and not a simple bodily reflex. Otherwise, I agree that sexual attraction is largely involuntarily... Warning: mention of transphobic slurs, violence Now as it is, the conflict is inevitable. What has to yield: sexual and romantic orientation or gender identity? What deserves more respect? I don't think that's a purely academic question. While I knew that there is genderflux or genderfluid, I thought that maybe genderflux was itself a gender. So "genderflux" is instead used for the state of oscillating between different genders, and not necessarily between female and male. What I wrote was meant to be descriptive, not prescriptive. Just trying to find out, what gender means. Social construction, vagueness or family resemblance are often cited, but AFAIK those approaches do not mean "anything goes": E.g. money is socially constructed, but whatever money is (dollar bills, gold coins, arrow heads, seashells, ...) it must be fungible. It cannot be anything. Vagueness... the paradox of the heap... nobody can determine the number of how many grains a heap of sand must have. But ten grains are still not enough. Take Wittgenstein's example of games: yes there is no "essence of games", but that doesn't make the term "game" meaningless. We could at least make a list like this: can be joined freely, has fixed rules, consequences are negotiable, participants make an effort, outcome is undetermined, some outcomes are praised as wins. A game doesn't need to fulfill all of these criteria, but most. We can say that gender just means an inner sense or psychological state. Then gender becomes quite empty. Like a white canvas on which everyone can "paint" their own ideas of gender. I'm not convinced that emptying a concept so radically of meaning is always liberating. If we take Wittgenstein's example again, in the dystopian world of the Hunger Games, I'd actually like to say "The Hunger Games are not games but bloody murder" and be understood. Sure, games are just objects and not humans, so that may be the important difference. I couldn't care less if people identify as nerdgender. Personally, I don't understand why anyone would want or need a gender. I just thought that such genders wouldn't actually be used. The reasoning was: there are xenogenders, like catgender or robogender, because people cannot describe their experience in a human-gendered way. Nerdgender isn't on the male-female-neutral-triangle, but contrary to a xenogender you use a human category to describe it. Ok, that's clear then, "anything goes".
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