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Everything posted by Mark

  1. I'd rather tell Theresa May that she's the best PM in history than get married.
  2. This might also be the case for allo couples. Even between two aro people... Given that many aros do like romantic coded behaviours it seems reasonable that there might be allos who don't like (certain) romantic coded things.
  3. Whilst being expected to justify NOT doing something, whilst no justification is required to do it, is completely anti-logical it dosn't only happen with child free. This does seem a sensible explanation. One which can also be applied to other cases where not doing what is normative encounters such attitudes. Even when, by any objective measure, it would be doing the thing which is "selfish",
  4. Makes prefect sense if you are selling jewelry. Especially if you can persuade every potential customer to buy.
  5. Other possibilities would be 400:Bad Request 403:Forbidden 405:Method Not Allowed 406:Not Acceptable 409:Conflict 410:Gone 417:Expectation Failed 418:I'm a teapot 421:Misdirected Request 501:Not Implemented 505:HTTP Version Not Supported
  6. This looks very much like Couple Privilege. Even though your relationship is, in this kind of case, non sexual and non romantic your "metamour" can veto it. (Whilst you have no such power over their relationship.)
  7. How many of them have you observed in non romantic sexual relationships? My experience is that when allo allos say "sex" they mean "romo-sex". (Which is often also the case with aro aces). IMHO were allo allos primarily interested in sex it would be a lot easier being aro allo.
  8. The vast majority of them are alloromantic. They desire a romantic relationship as much as those who are alloromantic and allosexual. A romantic relationship without sex is quite possible in many societies. Especially those with pre marital sex taboos. Whereas relationships without romance tend to be rejected out of hand by most alloromantic people. Many non sexual activities are as romantically coded as sex. Thus even aro aces can struggle with things. Even to the point of the word "relationship" often being considered as a synonym for "romantic relationship". I wonder if even for many alloromantic allosexuals romantic attraction is what matters most.
  9. Marriage never made any sense to me. Just didn't understand why anyone would want to do it. Wanted to do both of these. But had no clue how to go about it. Spent a lot of time wishing I'd be asked. Even prepared to put up with the "going steady"/"In a relationship" type weirdness. Even as a teenager I though more about friends than romance. Probably trying to interpret "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" as literal rather than misleading euphemisms. I'd find celebrities physically or sexually attractive. Might imagine kissing them, but kissing a picture made no sense.
  10. But often only if that is a romantic relationship, not if it's a friendship. There also appears to be that kind of "cheer leading" for people starting a romantic relationship, getting enguaged, getting married, etc. Regardless of if they are having sex or not. Don't get the former either. Indeed I have congratulated friends over having sex on a ONS basis.
  11. Sex will provide people with a boost. Regardless of if they are a virgin or not. Difficulty is that this is short term and you might even experience something akin to hangover after (sometimes known as "drop"). Hence a need for emotional connections. For allos romance appears to be good enough. Even for non romance repulsed aros it's often not. What's wrong with a "debauched aro sex orgy". Maybe even add some (cluefull) allos? Difficulty is finding enough friends who might be up for it.
  12. It's not so much "talking to people" as "talking to one specific person". Even in situations where there are obviously other people they could be talking to (or otherwise interacting with). What I really don't get is this rejection of social interaction.... I can feel envious of their "freedom" to do things like PDAs. Even without being attracted to either person or wanting to be in a couple myself.
  13. Thus "bae" effectively means "Dom(me)" in this context I suspect the average five year old has better judgment when it comes to not doing something so utterly stupid. The word "twitterpated" seems a good description here.
  14. I see romance being more about feeling and motivation, rather than actions. I don't think it's quite that simple, given that there are monogamous aros, but allos do often seem to struggle a lot with non-monogamous relationships. I don't see these as intrinsically romantic. Instead as things I enjoy where romantic coding is a serious problem. I also don't see this as intrinsically romantic, though it dosn't interest me in slightest. This appears to be good match with romantic attraction, but some aros appear to want the same. Sort of agree, though more find these things silly. I'd say it's more the desire to be in a couple (or triad, quad, etc). To want to be seen as that and to merge lives/identities/finances/etc.
  15. It can seem as though alloromantics see what you are calling "victim" as being somehow desirable. Which is quite baffling to me. Since I'd see it as attacking someone's autonomy, individuality and integrity. Something entirely at odds with friendship. Even in the context of a D/s relationship there are issues here. With most of the allos who do this claiming that their relationships are vanilla.
  16. It's also interesting how little fuss is made about the rigid gender roles involved here. It's one of the most successful invented traditions in history. Hugely profitable to De Beers.
  17. I can like people. Difficulty is finding anyone who can like and accept me as me. All most everyone else appears interested in is some weird crazy stuff (romance) or some very limited kind of friendship (platonic). It certainly dosn't make me happy that many cool things seem only possible if you can put up with the romance junk.
  18. My fears are very much about lack of company and missing out. Most obviously in terms of everything sensual and sexual. But also in terms of lots of "platonic" things. Because of the whole idea that it's expected to do lots of things "as a couple", especially when you are over 25-30. Much fewer people who prefer an "as a group" type of dynamic, combined with the problem of being seen as "too old" by most of them.
  19. It can sometimes look that way, from the aro POV.
  20. There's also the strange thing about dumping friends when they find "(not) the one". Yet somehow this dosn't appear to make it as difficult for them to meet new people as one might expect. (Indeed some seem to find it easy to go from one romantic relationship to another.)
  21. I'm very much in the "tribal" group. Which makes it difficult with certain kinds of event. Since I find myself very much intimidated by "couplefests". If anything this seems to get worst when one is over 25-30 Though being very much of a second class person though not being coupled (or interested in being coupled) is a definite issue.
  22. From this POV a great deal of "couple's culture" could make sense. Or they believe they are failing in their quest for "the one". Though it dosn't appear to be all down to romantic attraction. There are certainly a proportion of aros who very much want a singular "life partner". Whereas others seek more a group/tribe. (With these not being the only options either).
  23. That they don't get a WTF reaction to the term 'other half'...
  24. Most commonly in cases of outright prostitution, IME. Kind of like kissing can be more romantic coded than sex. Have observed allos in ONS and hookup type situations appearing to want to role play romance. Personally I'd take the risk of getting romantic **** thrown in my direction. (Not like I know any other aros in person.) The difficulty is being able to find it.
  25. There's a couple of problems with how people can perceive this. The first is that they may ignore the "but..." part. The second is that saying "NOT x" means that people will think about "x". (Even to the point that parts of their brains can ignore the "NOT" part.)
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