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Status Updates posted by omitef

  1. I'm happy to see so many papos everywhere

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. omitef


      Yes, I can see it now...the owlpapo...

    3. DannyFenton123


      Eleven papos so far! And I can totally make an owlpapo for twelve ;) 

    4. owl


      I would make one but it'd look terrible :P If you did make an owl papo... I'd be tempted to use it

  2. I worked up the courage to ask the person I was sensually attracted to if I could poke them in the face.


    They let me poke them.





    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aussiekirkland


      It took me ages to find this post but I wanted to one up your achievement!


      I got the person I'm sensually attracted to to give me a massage :arolove:

    3. omitef


      hell yeah :arolovepapo:that's awesome sauce

    4. aussiekirkland


      I got another one last weekend oops I'm hooked :arolove:

  3. I always get @DannyFenton123 and @peridotty confused when I'm looking through comment threads because they both have Periot in their profile pictures and I primarily identify people by profile picture 

    1. peridotty


      lol nice :P 

    2. DannyFenton123


      No longer shall you be confused! GOOP HUG ;)

    3. omitef
  4. Came out to neighbour-squish as aro. She was fine with it. I'm so relieved.

    1. DannyFenton123


      That's really awesome :D

    2. peridotty


      thats so great for you!!!!!!

    3. omitef


      Thanks :3

  5. TFW you meet another trans guy who's also poly who's also understanding of aromanticism who's also a total nerd GOD BLESS

    1. omitef


      I'm honestly dying because we frickin' met each other in one of the most allo places ever 

    2. Ace of Amethysts
    3. omitef


      SCRUFF LMAOOOOOOO it's a hookup app designed for queer men #allosexualAroAdventures

  6. I asked my roommate-squish to be queerplatonic friends aND THeY sAID YES :arolovepapo::D

  7. I looked up how to come out as lithro and found forums telling me that my romantic orientation didn't exist and that I had attachment issues lololol 

    1. Dodgypotato


      Looool. Some people are so stupid - they can't wrap their head around that some people actually experience different things! Revolutionary!

    2. peridotty


      bleh that sucks >:( (this is righteous anger. anger on ur behalf).

  8. I'm 90% sure that one of my squishes (the one with the trans sticker on their laptop) shares squish feels back and I'm so happy right now

    1. omitef



    2. omitef


      Update we're queerplatonic friends

  9. Oh look an alterous attraction *laughs nervously*

    *punches wall*



    1. Dodecahedron314
    2. aussiekirkland


      SAME! Ugh it's so confusing and annoying but also awesome yet very annoying

  10. What should I change my name to on Steam?

    1. Zema


      :stonedpapo: or :vapepapo:

    2. omitef
  11. I googled "how to kill squish" and the second result was, "Why are fleas so hard [to] squish" 


    My problematic squish is a flea


    This explains so much

  12. TFW you're trans and your squish has a trans rights sticker on their laptop #lowStandards

  13. I think it's really funny how I've spent only one month out as lithro, but it feels like I've already been lithro my entire life. 

    1. breaddd


      I feel the same way. It's kind of odd, but it's probably because you have been that way, you just found a word for it.

  14. i found an intellectual fuckbuddy


    we only get together to ruthlessly psychoanalyze, debate, and motivate each other, and that's it


    it's really surreal

    1. shotinthehand



      I know a guy with whom I disagree on a lot of issues but we have a lot of respect for each other as debaters but we don't hang out for other purposes really and one time he gave me a handshake bc I just quipped at his expense savagely. I enjoy our relationship

  15. Tfw you have to struggle to balance hangout time with squishes and normative friends. Is this QPnormativity? :rofl:

  16. That moment when you're platonically-repulsed from your crush


    *internal aro screaming intensifies*

  17. That moment when you think your squish isn't coming onto you and then she does something questionably romantic. 


    God, I haven't met anyone who's done such a great job of frustrating me since my first ex.

  18. Happy that I've confirmed my squish isn't coming onto me. It is a good day today.

  19. tfw you're recovering from trust issues thanks to your last qpr and you become inflicted with a new squish



  20. I hate stressing myself out over people I shouldn't be stressing myself out over

  21. My queerplatonic friend got a boyfriend. I am welcoming my new brother to the family. 

  22. Post-queerplatonic friendship recovery milestones: being able to feel compersion for your ex's new romantic relationship, even if it formed as a direct result of what caused your queerplatonic friendship to fall apart.

  23. tfw you want to tag your queerplatonic partner's boyfriend in a meme


  24. tfw your romantic orientation is suddenly in questioning mode




    I'm enraged

  25. Me, pretend I'm too cool for my squish because I know we're incompatible as friends? It's more likely than you think,,, ?

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