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Everything posted by Misanthropy

  1. Hi everyone, looking for some psychological horror film recommendations. Psychological horror only please
  2. Romance repulsed despite being able to experience romantic attraction that occurs infrequently and fades very rapidly. Not interested in romantic relationships but have a need for sensual and emotional connection not available in a "regular" platonic relationship. I generally keep people at a distance due to trust issues and not really caring about having many so called "friends". If I do decide that I care enough about someone to consider them a friend, I take that friendship extremely seriously. Friendship will always be more important than romance for me (romance isnt an option anyway due to romance repulsion). Personal space and being able to feel like I can be myself is important as well. So at the end of the day if I can be myself around someone and that person feels like they can be themselves as well then that's all that really matters. So those are my reasons for identifying as greyromantic.
  3. I love it! Think the grey can be lighter but otherwise this looks awesome!
  4. Ideal relationship: A friendship with sensual and emotional "benefits" that places more emphasis on connection than time spent together ( I need personal space). Not sure if that would count as a qpr? Haha Most of the time I want as little interaction with others as possible though . I love spending the majority of my time alone
  5. Hello^^ I enjoy listening to music as well.
  6. Bold Recusant Insults Thereby Attempting Insouciant Nonconformity REFULGENT
  7. Your scores: Care: 100% Loyalty: 42% Fairness: 67% Authority:33% Purity:56% Liberty:67% Strongest moral foundation: Care Your morality is closest to that of a Left-Liberal Interesting...
  8. YMBAI being in a romantic relationship/seeking a partner seems like too much effort. YMBAI romance seem like a nice enough idea if viewed from a distance but completely grosses you out when you really think about it in detail. YMBAI you think you might have romantic feelings towards someone only to have those feeling fade away completely in a matter of weeks,making you question whether you even felt those feelings in the first place.
  9. I'm an antinatalist so childless thankfully. I like kids though ( prefer them to most adults actually)
  10. Mostly Classical and Dark ambient music (Schumann,Debussy,Kammarheit,Atrium Carceri)
  11. Cringed at quite a number of the questions but results are somewhat accurate ( I'm transfeminine agender ( AMAB) physically I guess I would present myself in a somewhat androgynous way.People pick up on this ocassionally which is fine with me.Psychologically I lean towards feminine. ( femmeandro I guess)Behaviorally I'm pretty feminine.Only interested in a social transition. At peace with who I am but society being shitty can get to me sometimes. My actual results from this test: raw score 525 : overall feminine. Appearance: masculine brain processes:female person socializes in a feminine manner. Major conflict about identity. Male to Female possibly transsexual.Answers indicate that psychological state has prevailed since quite young.
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