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The Angel of Eternity

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Everything posted by The Angel of Eternity

  1. I can see @Coyote's point of view here and yes, I do understand and realize that some aros don't want to have their sexual orientation with their romantic one. Maybe it, indeed, is best if we stick to this idea presented by @Coyote until and unless any allosexual aros want their sexual orientation represented along with their romantic orientation. Godspeed to All
  2. I do not recall any friends doing this with me. I would simply tell them you're fine with them doing that stuff and if you hadn't noticed it, I'd tell them that, too. I'm sure saying this to them will relieve them of a lot of stress as they probably only want you to feel comfortable around them.
  3. Well, I was simply thinking that, since aros can have various sexual identities, there could be media representing ace aros, homo aros, hetero aros, pan aros, bi aros, poly aros etc. Ah, yes, I see how that could be hard to understand. THE Andrew Hendricks!™ is a dear friend of mine from University and is, indeed, THE brightest Engineering mind in his field. I just have so much respect for this guy that I don't just call him Andrew Hendricks (boring!) but I give him his own "™" and call him THE Andrew Hendricks!™
  4. I just got done talking to THE Andrew Hendricks!™ about this and he suggested we have some allosexual aro media and some ace aro media? What does everyone think of THE Andrew Hendricks!™'s marvelous idea?
  5. My sister got married a couple days ago and a few days before the wedding my sister, my mom and the groom's mom were preparing. Here's a little conversation that occurred: My sister [to me]: Do you think you'll get married someday? Me: No, I don't want to. My sister: Are you being serious or are you just saying that? Me: I'm serious. My mom [to my sister]: He still has time to think about it. I think what my mom said implied that I would come around to marry one day. Edit: Speaking of weddings and other formal family events, here's another situation that kind of irks me. I was dressed up for the wedding and people repeatedly told me I looked handsome. I do not like to be called handsome or good-looking. Does anyone else feel this way?
  6. To take this further, I believe a cisgender, heterosexual, heteroromantic person can be LGBTQ if they're queer in terms of sensual (and maybe aesthetic) orientation. For example, an individual who is cisgender, heteroromantic, heterosexual and bisensual (and/or biaesthetic) could be considered queer. Thoughts?
  7. Wow. Just because you've never heard of something doesn't give you the right to deny its existence. Open up your minds, people!
  8. Is it just me or are they insinuating that aro people are evil?!!!!
  9. There are so many, where do I begin? I'll show you a couple songs shown to me by AVEN's very own HayaH.
  10. Does this stand for "non-binary loving girls"? Godspeed
  11. With this definition, I think I may have gotten a flash back to a moment on AVEN where this term was mentioned!
  12. @aroalien Hello! Welcome to Arocalypse! Have ! Name or religion? (I'm guessing that's your name but I ask just to be sure) I'm interested to hear your definition on this as I don't think I have ever heard this orientation before. I tried to search the web for this one but didn't really find anything useful.
  13. Very fascinating! I genuinely appreciate the insight you took the time to give me. It helps a lot.
  14. I thought I would make this thread, you know, just for the hell of it! Here's a song for when I'm happy: A song for when I'm sad: Lastly (but not least) a song for when I'm angry: What are your songs?
  15. I think this is spot on. It's annoying to me that romantic relationships are "first and foremost" in society. As it says at the end of the article, amatonormativity, begone!
  16. I wonder, what's the difference between neopronouns and trans ones?
  17. https://lgbtrc.usc.edu/trans/transgender/pronouns/ Hello everyone. I am currently writing the preface to a book with a profound message for trans folk. I am trying to use transgender pronouns for the main character. I do have a question, though, based on the above link. This link is for trans pronouns and I'm a little confused on "hir/zir" vs "hirs/zirs". To elaborate more, would an alternative to "her computer" (for an AFAB transgender person) be "zirs computer" or "zir computer"? I'm thinking it's "zirs computer" but I just want to be sure. Thank you in advance. Godspeed
  18. I only like hugs from family members or very dear friends who are male-bodied. If they're female-bodied I feel it's too "intimate" and the fact that I don't like to touch females like that. Kissing and cuddling? I don't like to do those things with people but I could do those things with furry animals!
  19. Oh, I forgot to mention that my high school Spanish teacher really isn't a bad guy and is by no means trying to make me uncomfortable. He had good intentions whilst saying this stuff to me, I'm sure. He's just misinformed.
  20. Well, I think the concept of romance is an exaggerated form of ludus. In my opinion, it became popularized and, as it became universally accepted, people started to view it as a requirement for life and for humanity.
  21. When I was in high school my sister actually introduced me to the term 'asexual'. As I realized that the term described me I got interested and wanted to learn more, which is how I got educated on a wide range of queer sexual and romantic orientations and eventually chose the term 'aromantic' for myself. My mom has found out about me identifying as ace because I gave my sister permission to tell her. My mom got mad at my sister and said that my sister was putting labels on me (which wasn't true). My mom is now more accepting about it but she and I don't discuss it much. I have not told my dad as I don't know how he'd react and I have no interest in him finding out. I'm also uninterested in telling either of my parents about aromanticism as I don't feel they need to know.
  22. Back in December I was visiting teachers at my old high school. When I went to visit my Spanish teacher he eventually asked about my sister's engagement. [He knew my sister and wanted to be more up-to-date on her life] This led him to ask if I was engaged. I said no. He asked if I'd had bad experiences with girls in the past. I said that no, I just didn't want to date people. Keep in mind, I'd been asking myself if he was the romantic type. Boy was I right. He knows I write poetry but my poetry is NOT about romance. It has to do with spiritual growth and adventuring. Anyway, he goes on to say I'm VERY romantic because I write poetry and says that if I kiss a girl, that would result in more poetry. Bless his heart, he seems so blinded by the romantic side of things to have to romanticize like that. With that said, what would you, the reader of this post, have done in this situation? How would you have countered any stereotypes made?
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