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The Angel of Eternity

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Status Updates posted by The Angel of Eternity

  1. Yesterday, I was walking around my neighborhood, and I saw a dead tree branch sticking out of someone's recycling bin. It made me think, "Who would put a dead tree branch into their recycling bin? Tree branches can't be recycled!"

  2. Does the thought of someone having a crush on you bother you? It kind of makes me annoyed.


    Note: I don't know of anyone crushing on me currently (and I do not recall many people crushing on me in the past, if anyone ever has). The thought just randomly entered my mind.

    1. boba


      yes, literally so much.


      As a kid, I couldn't figure out why they couldn't just abruptly stop. Now I get that you can't really control who you do/don't like. But it still doesn't stop me from feeling icky, annoyed, and thinking "ewh no."

    2. Flurkin


      Yeah. I had a kid in Elementry who a lot of people said liked me, and it just felt awkward and wrong, because he was really nice. I liked him as a person, but I did not like him romantically. We never actually spoke about it, went to different schools.

      I'm fine with people crushing on me, because I know, in my head, I can't stop them, but it makes me feel finicky, and I don't like it. 

  3. Here's the link to a global mass meditation you can do. More details are in the description of the video.




  4. Do you feel betrayed by someone in your life whom you trusted? I found the below video that might shine some light on things. The people in the video are mainly talking about getting over romantic relationships, but I think this advice applies to other types of relationships, as well.




  5. I was angry; then I learned to love.


    Anger and intimidation are based on self-preservation, which is based in fear. Love and compassion are based on fearlessness and confidence in oneself.

  6. Ascension has been difficult for me. I know I chose this before birthing here. Carry on I must.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. NotHeartless


      Ok, then see how it goes for you. I'm the most sceptical towards not drinking anything (for several days especially) since dehydration can come quicker than you think. When your family doesn't have understanding or will literally freak out, try to remember they love you and are afraid of losing you. Try to see from their point too, even if it's difficult.

    3. The Angel of Eternity

      The Angel of Eternity

      @NotHeartless Oh, for sure. I definitely see where they're coming from. I realize that many people don't truly understand Breatharianism or similar concepts. Whether or not they choose to understand is up to them. There will be a point where I just have to go for it, regardless of their reaction. It's my dream.

      Do you watch any YouTube channels on spirituality?

    4. NotHeartless


      I agree, especially with the "whether or not they choose to understand is up to them". There are things we can influence and things we can't and it's a good lesson when we learn which is which.
      Usually, I don't really watch videos on spirituality (I'm more into books) but I've found JasonJGallant's channel several months ago as I was struggling with my ego and difficult emotions. His words really helped me and eased my pain. Only a small channel, but great.

  7. So, a couple years ago, I had subscribed to a numerology site. I thought I had unsubscribed but something just entered my inbox today. Since it's my birthday tomorrow, I apparently received something from that site, telling me what my "main theme" for the year ahead would be. You'll never guess what it said. It said that my life would be "rich with romance"! How incredible! It just makes that site THAT MUCH less trustworthy for me. There's no spirituality in that for me at all! Not a bit! What an annoying piece of spam!

  8. I just watched the below video and wanted to know others' thoughts on it:



    1. NotHeartless


      Heavy topic and I am shoked there are adults who force a child to transition. If a child would say they don't feel like a boy/girl, I'd talk to them about in detail and if it's severe go to see a therapist. But in these cases it's just...plain wrong.
      I'm out of words.
      I happen to be an older transguy and I can confirm a transition is a huge thing. I have thought about it a lot (as writing this, I have not transitioned physically yet). Forcing children to transition like this is irresponsible and it takes away validity from people who are transgender and do feel way better after transitioning (or just identifying as another gender).
      The guy said he was a heavy drinker and took drugs to endure the physical pain and the condition of his psyche - that's me not too long ago. I woke up and forsworn alcohol to finally get my shit together, but I drank to endure heavy gender dysphoria which isn't any better.
      Responsibility lies with the parents, the therapists (the whole healthcare system), every adult involved. Abuse is a very serious issue too and it affects the psyche in ways I can only speculate about but I can imagine it can twist a young mind extremely. Also, children tend to believe what they are told because they are children, still in development, and do not know any better (yet). We must not make the mistake of thinking "you were absued, that's why you're trans / that's why you are homosexual", etc. There are people who act a certain way (to protect their mental health) because they were abused and there are people who just are homosexual or transgender because of nature (put a bit dull).
      Finally, a transition is not to be taken lightly under any circumstances. One must think about the consequences for their mental, social, physical health and many other things. All that being said it's important the video raises awareness for this problem because in all honesty, it's scary and it destroys lives. 
      My thoughts about it.

  9. It's 11:11! Divine synchronicity!

  10. Update: I survived the procedure where I had a 5 - 10% chance of death. 

    1. arotic


      Hell Yeah!!!

  11. I am pondering sharing my insights on the Mandela Effect with YouTube channel ApexTV.

  12. Speak your truth with the word SHIVAI -- I AM SHIVAI

  13. August 1 is the planned date of a surgery I'm supposed to undergo for a thinned artery. We think the chances of me surviving are about 90 - 95%. I fear death not so I'm fearing not. Goodbye for now.

    1. Ace of Amethysts

      Ace of Amethysts

      I hope you survive :/


    I have come cross this video and wanted to know people's thoughts about it.

    1. Emerald Cheetah

      Emerald Cheetah

      hmmmmm well this is honestly the first source I've seen on this topic so I'd have to do more research on it but my gut reaction is to avoid 5G if it's going to hurt the environment. We've done enough harm already! Let's not make it worse. Though he said it sounded like there's no solution for 5G at the moment and I'd have to disagree. I'd say to keep looking for solutions because if there's a will there's a way. After all this technology could do so much for us and it'd be a waste to just give up on it. We just need to make it not detrimental to the environment. At least that's what I got from the video. Though it's past 9 pm where I am so I may have missed things while watching ?

  15. So, I did a peer review for a girl's essay today and her topic was "Can you find love online?". The first sentence of her essay says

    "All of us want that special moment where we lock eyes with a beautiful stranger and fall madly in love." The last sentence in the essay says "Isn't finding love what everyone wants?" I have typed on the cover letter that not everyone experiences romantic love and I tried to present myself in an educational way. Based on this, would any of you find something like that invalidating? Tomorrow is the scheduled day for my class to share their feedback on the essays they were assigned to review and I plan to show her my thoughts. If anyone would like, I can update you on the results and her reaction.

    1. Naegleria fowleri

      Naegleria fowleri

      Yep, I'd like to hear how this turns out.

    2. The Angel of Eternity

      The Angel of Eternity


      So, I shared my feedback with the person writing about dating and she seemed very open-minded about my suggestions. She even apologized in case she offended me (she didn't). She only said she wasn't putting much thought into it and was only focusing on straight and gay relationships. She seemed to know about asexuality and aromanticism fairly well, too. All in all, it was a pleasant experience.

  16. Happy 11/11!

    Don't hate, meditate!

  17. How would I delete my account?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ace of Amethysts

      Ace of Amethysts

      Nothing to be sorry about. :)

    3. The Angel of Eternity

      The Angel of Eternity

      @Ace of Amethysts Some things didn't turn out the way I wanted so I thought I simply shouldn't have any fun, period. I also thought I didn't deserve any communities. I was on an "all-or-nothing" mode. That's why I apologized because I realized, by mentioning deleting my account, that I may have hurt those on Arocalypse.

    4. Ace of Amethysts

      Ace of Amethysts

      Oh. Glad you feel better

  18. I saw "The Babylon Line" last night for the second time! It was great! I also talked to a man who was the dad of an actor!

  19. A few hours ago, I worked a 7-hour shift at Smith's. While there, I ran into my old Special Ed teacher from elementary school. Also, a man with a pony tail, whom I think is a very intriguing individual, ranted to me about the produce workers not doing their job correctly. He told me his name and we shook hands. Those were two nice events that happened at work, just thought you all would like to know.....

  20. I am officially moved in to my new college dorm. It was tedious and time-consuming to get all my stuff moved in. Now I'm in, have met the others in my suite and am ready for classes.

    1. Eklinaar


      Hey, good luck with the new school year.

  21. Please what is his email I cannot find it please help Please what is his email I cannot find it please help Please what is his email I cannot find it please help Please what is his email I cannot find it please help Please what is his email I cannot find it please help Please what is his email I cannot find it please help Please what is his email I cannot find it please help Please what is his email I cannot find it please help Please what is his email I cannot find it please help Please what is his email I cannot find it please help Please what is his email I cannot find it please help Please what is his email I cannot find it please help Please what is his email I cannot find it please help

  22. I met two guys named Manny and Spearwater (did I spell that right?) who said they worked for ChildFund. They were full of life and made me happy!

  23. I finally figured out how to enable status updates.

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