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hi the only people on earth who understand me


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hi im dorsa, you can call me dordor or dori, im 18 and aromantic and on ace spectrum . i dunno anything else about myself

i discovered im aro about 6 month ago, i have come out to most of my friends bc i was very surprisingly comfortable with this part of my identity but now i kinda regret that, half of them were very nice or at least passive about it as they didnt have any info about asepecs. but the other half well i dunno just. more than once i heard the infamous and hated phares: you will find the right person.

so i am here bc i really like aro community and i actually really felt welcome when i joined it on tumblr, i hope i can talk about my life and other aro people's life more openly here. 

i  am really bad at communication and making friends but im gonna try more here. 

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Welcome! I'm dewy, I'm also 18 and I like tumblr as well. It's a great place for community and I'm glad you feel welcome with the aros. It's always nice to have a community you're united with. I hope you like it here and can meet some cool people - there's plenty of us here 😎

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Hello and welcome on the forum!! I'm Keith and I also sometimes find myself scrolling through Tumblr... I must admit that even though I doubted it at first, it's actually a nice app!! Anyways, I'm sorry to hear that some of your friends aren't that accepting of your identity. I hope you'll be able to find support among other aros!!

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On 10/1/2023 at 12:44 AM, Isa1116 said:

Hiya! You can call me Isa and I hope you have fun here! :) I'm really sorry that some of your friend said that about you 😔

thanks, i know they say such things with good intentions and lack of knowledge but it still hurts

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1 hour ago, dordor said:

thanks, i know they say such things with good intentions and lack of knowledge but it still hurts

Maybe you could try talking to them about it? Tell them how it made you feel? And if they keep saying stuff like that then they probably aren't the greatest friend y'know?

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5 hours ago, Isa1116 said:

Maybe you could try talking to them about it? Tell them how it made you feel? And if they keep saying stuff like that then they probably aren't the greatest friend y'know?

well i actually tried, after a few month one of them really made me feel good about it, he sent me aro wallpapers, made healthy aro jokes etc. but the other just kept pretending i had never told them about it. well these past weeks i havent been in touch with them much, i really hope they have changed thier mind for better when uni starts.

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12 hours ago, dordor said:

well i actually tried, after a few month one of them really made me feel good about it, he sent me aro wallpapers, made healthy aro jokes etc. but the other just kept pretending i had never told them about it. well these past weeks i havent been in touch with them much, i really hope they have changed thier mind for better when uni starts.

It's nice to hear you have a friend who is being nice about it! :) And yea, I hope that other friend of yours can change their mind about it :)

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1 hour ago, dordor said:

hiii, thankss 

khhdfbba i love your pfp, it freaking cute

Hi! Thanks! (If your talking to me, if not sorry)

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