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Hello, I just found this! I am an aro/ace teen who loves.. a lot of nerdy things... (Star Wars, Harry Potter, LOTR..etc..) I have told my sister and friends about my orientation (Or lack of, I guess), but I'm still waiting on telling my parents. 😅 

I actually have been questioning whether I was ace for a while (before I knew aromantics were a thing) and I finally came to terms with the fact at the beginning of HS. I am interested to see what experiences my fellow aros and aro-specs have had, in a world where seemingly everything is romantic or sexual... sigh...

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1 hour ago, The Aro Mando Echo said:

Hello, I just found this! I am an aro/ace teen who loves.. a lot of nerdy things... (Star Wars, Harry Potter, LOTR..etc..) I have told my sister and friends about my orientation (Or lack of, I guess), but I'm still waiting on telling my parents. 😅 

I actually have been questioning whether I was ace for a while (before I knew aromantics were a thing) and I finally came to terms with the fact at the beginning of HS. I am interested to see what experiences my fellow aros and aro-specs have had, in a world where seemingly everything is romantic or sexual... sigh...

Hi! It's nice to meet you! I'm Moon. I'd be intrested in sharing and hearing experiences of fellow aro's and aro-spec people as well. I hope you enjoy your stay here. :)

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27 minutes ago, The Aro Mando Echo said:


Hmm, that's tough. I like all of them, but Revenge of the Sith has a special place in my heart! (Though it can be controversial 😅)

How about you?

I also like all of them! I'd say my favorite's probably Rogue One, I know it's not part of the main arcs but I really enjoyed it. I'm also pretty fond of the Clone Wars show. 

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Dang, that's a tough one... I love the ships and creatures a lot. I feel like a lot of them are really creative and interesting, like the zillo beast in clone wars, and the krayt dragons in The Mandalorian. I also love how many different species there are like wookies, twileks, togrutas, rodian, etc.. How about you? 

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17 hours ago, The Aro Mando Echo said:

Dang, that's a tough one... I love the ships and creatures a lot. I feel like a lot of them are really creative and interesting, like the zillo beast in clone wars, and the krayt dragons in The Mandalorian. I also love how many different species there are like wookies, twileks, togrutas, rodian, etc.. How about you? 

Oh yeah I love the zillo beast, the clone wars arc with it made me so sad as a kid :((

I think the aspect I find most interesting is the hidden 'dystopian' parts of the universe. Like the droids for example: lot are at least clearly a little sapient, and yet they are treated horribly. I love this video in particular on the battle droids: 


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Oh yeah I love the zillo beast, the clone wars arc with it made me so sad as a kid :((

I think the aspect I find most interesting is the hidden 'dystopian' parts of the universe. Like the droids for example: lot are at least clearly a little sapient, and yet they are treated horribly. I love this video in particular on the battle droids: 

Yes! The treatment of droids is such a neat moral question that I wonder about a lot! The video brought up lots of great points.


Hi! I like your avatar, it is 100 % like I imagine an aro Mandalorian to look.

And green as we know is a canon color for Mandalorian armor, symbolizing duty.

Thank you! I drew it myself, with the intent of using these colors. I also have a purple version, that is for ace. I am actually hoping to create my own costume with this design.

purple version final.png

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On 3/21/2023 at 2:26 PM, The Aro Mando Echo said:

Hello, I just found this! I am an aro/ace teen who loves.. a lot of nerdy things... (Star Wars, Harry Potter, LOTR..etc..) I have told my sister and friends about my orientation (Or lack of, I guess), but I'm still waiting on telling my parents. 😅 

I actually have been questioning whether I was ace for a while (before I knew aromantics were a thing) and I finally came to terms with the fact at the beginning of HS. I am interested to see what experiences my fellow aros and aro-specs have had, in a world where seemingly everything is romantic or sexual... sigh...


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