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Desensitized to What Romantics Tell me?

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I guess because I've been aromantic my whole life, even when I was in high school I was decidedly against dating and all that nonsense. 

Basically, when meeting new people in person, I'm not about to use the terms "aromantic" or "asexual" because there's a high chance they aren't familiar with them. So I basically say I'm not interested in dating etc..and even when I get the whole "You'll find someone one day" etc nonsense- I don't feel affected by it because I've heard it for so long.

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I have this feeling too. Explaining can be so long and difficult depending who you are dealing with, and the other person might not even listen to you... Whenever someone talks romance to me I simply answer with "HAHAhAhaha.......No."¬¬

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I plan on just saying I'm "not interested" in relationships if it ever comes up with doctors or employers/coworkers I'm not close to. As for the things they say, I think they don't affect me now that I have accepted that I'm aro ace myself. The fact that other people think I'll find The OneTM some day and don't accept it doesn't mean I can't accept it myself. 

I did come out to most of my friends and family. Facebook helped, because I was able to type an entire explanation and not repeat it a bunch of times. 

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3 minutes ago, Dodgypotato said:

I find it really amusing now. I don't know why, but it's entertaining to me. Especially when I read it online.

I'm like this, but about asexuality rather than aromanticism xD. Sometimes I'll go out of my way to find people on the internet saying nasty things about asexuality.


In regards to the OP, I don't think I ever cared what romantic people said. I mean have you heard some of the stupid stuff that comes out of their mouths sometimes?


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I came out to most of the people I know as ace or aro ace and I found it kind of tiring and pointless. At this point if anyone asks I'll just say I'm "not interested" and get a kick out of them getting flustered cause they don't know if I'm straight or gay.

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