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Hi, I'm Matt, in my late 30's, a divorcee (shocker that didnt work out in retrospect) and pretty sure I'm Aro after coming across it for the first time not too long ago. The term certainly seems to fit what I feel anyway, and I can relate to a lot of the experiences people have posted here, particularly those people around my age who also do feel sexual attraction.

I'm into computing in general, as well as strategy gaming, used to be into reading a lot, but my job has ruined that somewhat, still, the likes of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaimon are awesome.

This forum and reading people experiences has been a huge in helping me determine I'm Aro, and mostly I wanted to say thank you to the people who have posted. I'm still figuring out what subcategories I might identify with, and how this might have affected my previous relationships. probably a fair number of squishes, though i'm still unsure on that or what exactly would constitute a squish.

Anywho, hello, and thanks again!

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Welcome! Great to hear how this forum has helped you, take your time figuring yourself out, no rush :)

Also, nice to see a fellow Pratchett and Gaiman fan

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Welcome! Also welcome to the long-overdue-penny-drop moment that a lot of us alloaros seem to have when our relationships don't quite go to plan, hopefully this is the start of good things for you!

& absolutely yes, let's get some more fantasy nerds up in here - the great late Sir Terry was all about embracing your identity.

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