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can an aromantic person fall in love?

Just a Bear

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Isn’t this again more a question about the meaning of words rather than a question of fact?

I’d say the word “aromantic” should have some sort of  meaning, even if it is vague and slippery. And “falling in love” is what we mean by “romantic,” so imho: No, aromantic persons cannot fall in love.

If you fall in love you may still be arospec, though (e. g. greyromantic).

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I feel like it depends on your definition of love, really. You could say that falling in love is only romantic, but you could argue that someone can fall in love platonically as well. Personally, I believe that aros can fall in love, just not the same way as alloromantics

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Well, it depends if you like to play on the meaning of the words or not, I guess.

If you take the actual definition of "falling in love", it is a romantic feeling. So no, an aromantic person can't fall in love (except if we talk about the aromantic spectrum, because some people in the grey area can, I guess).

If you change the definition of "falling in love" to include a platonic feeling as strong as romantic love, then yes, aros can fall in love. A lot of aros say they love their friends, and of course, there are QPRs. I suppose it is up to them if they want to describe it as "falling in love" or not.

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Guest Queerdo

I suppose it depends on whether you're more of a "romance is a psychological need for some people" or "romance is an oppressive system of political values" person. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I think so. Just might feel a bit different if you're aro. We can still feel very deep forms of love, just not traditional romance.

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