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Edit: this post is on people who think of themselves as aromantic and sexual, its not about aromantics in general. Also, I just use the term "arosexual" here for convenience and because it has a nice ring to it. I dont meant to suggest that anyone use that term to publicize knowledge about aromantic sexuality. Im not sure what the best terms would be. The concept itself is what I care about mostly.

Others have said so frequently, and I agree, that there is a major visibility problem for aromantic sexuals (for convenience, arosexuals). Looking at youtube everything on the subject of aromanticism seems to be fused with the concept of asexuality in some way or another. There are are dozens  or maybe hundreds of videos of aromantic / asexual people explaining the concept of aromanticism to the general public. Given this situation, it cant be a surprise that people dont even know that "arosexuals" exist, let alone dont understand it. I get the impression that a lot more people these days are at least willing to openly learn about asexuality, though Im just hazzarding that guess. I think for that reason that with more visibility on our own terms, arosexuality could easily become more acceptable and people would be open to learning about it when they meet us. Most people just dont understand things well that they dont experience themselves. I suspect that a lot of the time their prejudice and dismissal is less a matter of maliciousness, or contempt, and more due to an inability to relate and comprehend the idea of arosexuality. That produces a feeling of unease and confusion which leads to defensive reactions.


What do you all think of the idea of making youtube videos to introduce ourselves and this idea to the world? There are only a few now, if we produced hundreds of more videos it could have a genuine impact on society.

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I think youtube videos are a great way to spread information! I know I always enjoy learning about other people's experiences, especially when they differ from my own, and I think that having people all across the romantic and sexual spectrums talk about their identities in a public place could be really helpful. :) 

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I found the thought of aro sexuals not existing to be quite funny. I’ve heard a good amount of songs where the rappers talk about screwing a bunch of women but never been love before. Then there’s this whole hookup culture America has going on where a great percent of the population does not want to commit, they’ll just want to have sex often and never be bound to one person. There’s got to be a good amount of aromantic sexuals in there that just think they’re heteronormal because of their sexual desires

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You find this bias in many places. Rather than just Youtube.
Including "aspec" websites where there might be little or no mention of sexual and non-romantic relationships. Whilst lionising platonic relationships.
Sometimes with a "not all aros are ace" footnote.

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That's a great idea. I'm graysexual and not active sexually so I don't think I can add much. But I will be happy to share and promote clips by others. I'm very sex positive while being really uninterested in romance so I'm always for more arosexual visibility.

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