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Everything posted by DreamSeeker

  1. For me, I used to think I was romantic, and I figured out I was ace first. So then I did some research and I found out that being aromantic was a thing, and that being asexual and aromantic sometimes came together. It took me a bit before I finally accepted that I was aromantic, mainly because I’m stubborn and I always thought I’d fall in love. Some people feel like something clicked inside of them when they first saw the word “aromantic” but it was kind of the opposite for me. I was really surprised when I finally figured out I was also aromantic. Anyway, what were you thinking when you found out?
  2. Nice The next person gets unlimited spam emails.
  3. You know, I'm gonna have to say french fries. They're so good lol, and theres so many options- waffle fries, curly fries, potato fries (they aren't the best kind tho), normal fries. I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think of right now. Really, I just prefer that they are seasoned- if they aren't then what's the point? Otherwise, I agree with the rest of you. I like pasta a lot too.
  4. Based on like sense of humor, what you normally wear, what music you like, etc., not your actual generation. Sorry this is phrased weird. For me, technically I’m GenZ, but I’m more millennial than I am GenZ. So I think it’s interesting. What generation do you think you belong in?
  5. Perfect he can protect me. Next time my siblings annoy me he can scare them away. The next person gets a carton of spoiled milk
  6. I guess it depends on how tedious the task was, but probably money because I’m lazy. Money or the ability to read people’s minds?
  7. I have had one, and that was before I realized I was aro. I was actually the one who asked them out, frankly because I assumed that if your feelings arent platonic, you like them in a romantic way. We broke it off after 8 months- well he did, but it was mutual- and we just decided on staying friends. I’m honestly surprised it lasted as long as it did lol.
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