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Synthetic Adrenaline

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Everything posted by Synthetic Adrenaline

  1. I wish I had the power to feed him to vicious dogs.
  2. Don't worry too much about a label yet but also don't go along with a relationship if you don't want one. I won't go into too much detail because I don't really want to talk about sexuality with a minor...but I'll just offer a bit of advice: Don't do what I did when I was younger. I thought you had to be in a relationship because...let's not go there. And I forced myself to go along with a relationship even though it was increasingly not what I wanted and making me feel very put upon and claustrophobic. I ended up with someone moving across multiple time zones for me only for me to find that in reality I hated relationships and really wanted my singlehood privileges back. He ended up stranded far from home in a country where he didn't even speak the language. So basically...Don't be me at 20 lol. Don't worry about finding the exact label that suits you but also absolutely don't go along with relationships because you think it's a normal milestone you have to reach or because you don't see other options.
  3. Moth lady you say? Me too I love moths. I love to keep giant exotic moths as pets :D

    1. SwiftySpeedy
    2. Synthetic Adrenaline

      Synthetic Adrenaline

      Mothie! *kisses forehead and offers him orange juice droplets*

  4. I feel the same. The peace and freedom is priceless. I briefly tried talking to a few guys out of a sense of 'fear of missing out' in these recent years and I ended up rejecting both because it wasn't worth it. One changed and started "joking" about blowjobs and swallowing all the time and the other wanted a serious relationship which I really didn't. I quickly realized I wasn't missing out on anything at all. I had an amusing moment at my weekly ukulele club once. For some reason the topic of marriage came up and people were joking about their annoying spouses and I said 'I'm so glad I'm never getting married.' An older woman piped up 'It'll happen.' I blurted out without thinking 'No I won't. I think marriage is basically psychological adrenalectomy.' I have never before in all my 33 years of life seen an entire group of people shut up in perfect unison before. I genuinely wasn't trying to be edgy or win some sort of banter battle - I was just caught off guard and blurted out what I truly thought.
  5. You may be taking language a bit too literally. As a kid I thought I was incapable of loving people because I didn't get any sort of warm fuzzy feeling around anyone. I thought you were supposed to feel literal heat. I didn't know it was just a saying and thought I was a psychopath.
  6. I'm unsure if the term truly applies to me. I've had relationships before. It's less that I don't experience romance at all and more that I like my freedom and solitude and relationships always feel like an invasion of that. I am also NOT into being mushy and things like saying I love you are NOT my thing. I'm unsure if that counts. I joined largely because I wanted somewhere to meet people in a purely platonic way. I get that perhaps I'm appropriating something here...but the whole not-being-a-relationships-person phenomenon has led to heavy consequences for me and others before. As a naive 20 year old I actually had someone move across several time zones for me only for me to realize too late that I hated relationships and wanted my freedom back. He ended up stranded far from home in a country where he didn't speak the language. I almost had that happen again earlier this year - had a FWB lined up and he got far too serious and wanted to move to be with me. I said no and ended it. I feel bad but I'm also glad I did better this time and didn't let someone upend their life for me when I didn't really love them back.
  7. Next person gets a fart in a jar
  8. Just remembered this one: I forgot it was Valentine's Day and assumed the hearts were for heart attack awareness
  9. I really don't know what genre I'd call it. Here is a sample song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeyqrjuKVuk
  10. One of my biggest hobbies is the ukulele. I have a medically fragile family member who I can't afford to bring COVID home to and so I don't perform at a whole lot of real life events. Would anyone be interested in a virtual concert livestreamed on Youtube or perhaps Kick?
  11. Especially as he had male friends but still considered himself extremely lonely. I know these were close friends because I heard clips of them casually singing together and producing harmonies. If you know who is the baritone and who is the tenor and you can just casually open your mouths and form a working male choir...you know each other pretty damn well. But society had shoved it down his throat that relationships were everything and his male friends were just chopped liver.
  12. In his case I think he had this unrealistic idea in his head that a relationship would magically solve his depression. And then when I didn't want a serious relationship that was too painful to accept. Oh no! His antidepressant was getting away from him!
  13. I do also plan on a fake wedding ring for if I'm traveling alone. Should help ward off nutcases.
  14. We choose a song and everyone takes turns and if there's not a whole lot of people we can do more than one song. That podcast sounds cool - I shall have a look!
  15. For sure. I joined this site largely because it was a place to meet people where I can be sure I don't have to worry that I'll end up in that situation again. We met in a dark humor group and I was stone cold honest about not wanting anything serious and he still kept saying I love you and mentioning that he was going to move to my country. I think possibly he deluded himself that I'd change for him.
  16. Some more thoughts...I think to clarify what I'm after is this - somewhere to meet people where I don't have to worry that I'll accidentally lead a guy on and then have to tell him 'wait no no I didn't want a relationship'.
  17. Go for it. Why not? My snake ring was based on a novel I was writing...I never published it for certain reasons but that's beside the point. She was a shapeshifter character who became a venomous snake during battle scenes.
  18. Why not? Maybe pick something associated with a favorite Youtube animation? A color that appears a lot in one? Perhaps something you associate with a particular character?
  19. I usually just wear rings of things I do want in my life rather than love themed ones. I wear a little serpent with ruby eyes on my left hand usually.
  20. I rarely use nicknames although sometimes something just suits. I'm not into saying I love you at all. I could do it for a short while in an attempt to be normal and reach normal milestones and then I'd reach a point where I found it too grating.
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