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Everything posted by Zariah

  1. Probably not. I don't experience romantic or sexual attraction, so getting married for that is off the table. I honestly can't see myself in a QPR, and even if I was, I think that getting married for that would just confuse all my friends and family who don't get the nuance of it. In addition, being married generally implies you're in some way attracted to them person you're married to, and having to correct everyone every time they assumed something incorrect would be really annoying. For a similar reason, I probably won't get married for all the legal benefits like healthcare and such.
  2. I'm somewhere in between. I'm out to my friends, but not my family members.
  3. Very much relatable! My dream companion is a specific breed of dog. And seeing specific types of dogs (small, white, fluffy ones) makes me so much more happy than seeing my friends. Even though I don't know the dogs I'm seeing - (Is it just me, or does this feel weird?)
  4. I am officially like a week and a half ahead of my geometry class. Yay!
  5. Yeah, I picked up on that bit as well. The only thing that confused me about Ken was a line in that song he was singing, near the end of the movie. I forgot the exact line, though - which probably isn't super helpful for this discussion. Maybe he's oriented ace, or something? Like graysexual, or maybe demi. Who knows. And yes, it was absolutely amazing to have an aroace character play such a prominent role in a movie. I never thought I'd feel so represented by a Barbie. There's a first time for everything, I guess!
  6. Alright, I'm going to chime in on this discussion. After seeing the Barbie movie this afternoon, I can one hundred percent day that Barbie is aroace. (Just as a side note, the movie was amazing.) I'm not sure about Ken, though. He's definitely romantic, but I'm torn on if he's ace or not. There were some times in the movie where he definitely acted ace, but other times where he acted allo.
  7. Brandon Sanderson is an excellent author, and his books meet practically all of your requirements! There's romance in many of his books, but it's never the main focus, and it's well-written. The focus of his books tends to be more about the actual plot and story. Also, all of his books have really really cool magic systems. He's written a lot of books, but I recommend starting with Mistborn Era 1. Warning, most of his books are fantasy and/or sci-fi, so if you don't like that, it's not for you. Hope this was helpful!
  8. Either way, still great! It's nice to see confirmed ace characters in media.
  9. Ooh, fun! Now I really want to go see the movie.
  10. Wait - Barbie's aroace? I haven't seen the movie yet, but... this is interesting. In a good way.
  11. Uh-huh! And then getting mad when there were plot twists that didn't make sense, but loving the show all the same because there were dragons and that was amazing xD
  12. Berk from How To Train Your Dragon. I seriously want to live there and get a dragon.
  13. Like what the person above said, you could be cupioromantic. Or, if you've experienced crushes before, you could be lithromantic, which is where you experience romantic attraction roads people, but once that attraction is reciprocated, your attraction to the person fades. Does this help?
  14. This was super helpful, thank you! Time to go convince my friend to be my beta reader- /hj But seriously, that's a great idea! I'll see if I can persuade one of my friends to help me out. Also, thank you for the tip on what to focus on. You're right, that definitely sort of "meets in the middle" and hopefully makes everyone happy. It also seems more manageable. I'll definitely give it a try! Again, thanks!
  15. Can someone please help me with this? I have zero idea how to write romance. I've tried to ask some of my friends for advice, but they're all allo and don't really understand what I'm struggling with. It's not that I have writer's block and I don't know what to write, I just don't know how. Whenever I try to add some amount of romance to something I'm writing, it feels awkward, obvious, out of place and weird. It doesn't even have to be a lot of romance! Just something simple like... holding hands or noticing attractiveness, and I'm completely stuck. At this point, my problem isn't that I don't know what romance feels like, because I can look at it objectively. I can research, and make lists of what people say romance feels like, how people interact with their crush, and other things. But I cannot turn this objective research into physical writing that doesn't feel odd and out of place. Does anyone have advice on what to do about this?
  16. I sort of have a love-hate relationship with shipping. In general, I'm incredibly "picky" when it comes to ships between characters. In order for me to like it, it needs to make logical sense, there has to be a solid background for their relationship, they have to fall in love not instantly, and many other things. And, of course, if the two characters have a good dynamic or not. I think this is partially because I'm aromantic, so I don't really "get" love on an emotional level. Instead, I evaluate ships based upon logical things, because that's sort of how I understand it. "Understand" probably isn't the best word choice, but that's the one I have. If a ship doesn't meet my logic-based requirements, I just can't ship it. It won't work for me. If it does, however, then I'll totally ship it. Most ships that I'm alright with are just sort of... there. I don't mind it, but I'm not obsessed with it, either. Still, I do have a select list of ships that I'll totally fangirl over because they're great. I also agree with what some other people on here have said about being sorta demiromantic when it comes to shipping. In most cases, I need to adjust to the characters & their dynamic before I'm okay with the ship.
  17. Alright, will do! Thanks for the help!
  18. Nah it's fine. I don't mind spoilers. I actually already got vah medoh! That's like the only one I managed to do, tho.
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