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Everything posted by CanadianBird

  1. Us aros finally have a day all to ourselves! :D Edit: So it has been brought to my attention that an aromantic awareness week already exists (in February) so I would just like to specify that this is the day, not a week. Hope that clears everything up!
  2. A lot of allos (and aros too!) often feel that being aromantic is lonely and depressing. I disagree. I think being aromantic is awesome. I find it liberating and comfortable :-) To help clear up the misconception, why would you say being aromantic is awesome?
  3. I love switching between different styles, fashion wise. Sometimes it's a flashy belt, business pants and platforms, or a toned sweater with cargos and hoops. Essentially I have a bunch of 'set' outfits, but they don't necessarily fit within one particular style :) depends on the weather maybe?
  4. When I see other people walking around with pride flags I feel the sense of community, but when I tell other people that I'm "not straight" it's probably not the way they think seeing as they'll usually assume that I'm a lesbian. They know we EXIST, but just are often forgotten about :,)
  5. Yeah. Some of these movies were forgiven for period-typical attitudes they included because of the time that they were produced, but the idea that they're bringing them back in, a live action no less, is wild to me too.
  6. If Minecraft counts I've been obsessed lately.
  7. After being in my first two real romantic relationships I realized that I felt exhausted, trapped, and suffocated. Since, well, forever I've had a terrible habit of romanticizing almost every relationship I've been in. For example I'd think "Hey, this is nice. I wonder what it would be like if they liked me? and do I like them?" constantly asking myself if it was love and then realizing when it actually happened that it was not at all what I wanted. Also just learning that there was a difference between types of attraction. After reading about aesthetic attraction and going "That! That's exactly it!" It was very strange to see people together and feel a slight twinge of jealousy, but when I actually experienced it I did not like it at all.
  8. The first person I ever told (back in March maybe?) was a closeish friend of mine. Her exact words were "Aw, you just haven't found the right person yet. Don't worry!" I don't think she understood that it's not the person I dislike but the act of romance itself...
  9. CanadianBird


    I am currently teaching myself piano, but I also happen to play ukulele. I love to draw, craft, paint, write, read, CSS coding, music, anime, britcoms, and occasionally play Minecraft and other video games :D
  10. I can also relate to this. I would love to call my friends pet-names, but it can easily translate to something more than friendly :,) Maybe I'm being paranoid about how people may interpret certain acts, but I'd still rather avoid the situation instead of awkwardly going "... But no romo!"
  11. I'm curious to know how my fellow aromantics feel about the use of pet-names/affectionate nicknames in a platonic relationship (not necessarily a QPR, but you can interpret that in any way you wish). In my experience it's been a bit awkward for me to comfortably call my close friends 'babe' or say I love you with out being worried about implying feelings that I absolutely do not have. Although for me personally when I have been able to make it clear that the names come from a place of genuine admiration versus hinting, it feels natural and really nice. I know this is probably different for everyone, so what is it like for you?
  12. About a month ago I was hoping to join the one at my school too (called 'Rainbow Club') but since it's fairly close until the end of the year I just decided to wait until September :)
  13. Probably along the lines of a sustained urge to be in a romantic relationship with a singular (or multiple) persons. This may include (but is not limited to) hand holding, kissing, and cuddling all with a non-platonic undertone :)
  14. Yikes i'm really sorry that happened to you :/ I definitely know what it's like to be (widely, in my case) disliked at school and it, really, really sucks. I think that it would be cool if we could be friends? -- if you'd want that ofc :)
  15. Bread of all forms (toast, pastries, etc) ...can I also say pasta?
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